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Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Chapter 18: GRASP Patterns - examples
What will we learn? GRASP – Object Design Examples
Applying GRASP to our case studies
Overview We will practice assigning responsibilities, using the GRASP principles we have learned Before we apply the GRASP principles to Domain Objects, we first need to look at how to design the Domain Objects for an entire use case scenario Use Case Realization: How a use case is realized in the Design Model in terms of collaborating objects This connects the requirements (expressed in a use case) and the object design that satisfies the requirements
Getting Started … The use case suggests system operations that are shown in the SSDs The system operations become the starting messages entering the Controllers for the domain layer interaction diagrams Domain layer interaction diagrams illustrate how objects interact to fulfill the required tasks and meet the responsibility defined by the system operation – this is the use case realization
NextGen POS – Getting Started
Recall that for the basic Process Sale use case, the SSD gave us the following system operations: makeNewSale enterSale endSale makePayment These will be the starting messages into the Domain Layer controller object We can also consider the Operation Contracts we developed to further help explain how the system changes with these operations We will assign the responsibility of handling these system operations to various objects in the Domain Layer – this is RDD
Initialization? Shouldn’t we first design a “Start up” use case to initialize the objects, i.e. “turn the system on”? Not a bad idea, and when coding this is often the first thing done But in design, we usually do this last, once we know all the objects that will make up the design So we will first explore the Process Sale use case, and leave the details of a Start Up use case until later
Process Sale: makeNewSale
We start with the makeNewSale system operation – this occurs when the Cashier initiates a request to begin a new sale Recall we had an operations contract for this operation, which had the following post conditions: A Sale instance s was created s was associated with the Register Attributes of s were initialized We need to define a Domain Layer object to receive the makeNewSale message that occurs when this system operation is started
Process Sale: makeNewSale
We could look to the Domain Model, and consider Store or Register. We could also create a special handler class to deal with this use case Since this use case has few system operations, defining a new handler class is probably not needed – we can use an existing Domain Object without overloading it (losing cohesion) Defining a Register software object makes sense, since it can handle the few system operations, and is related to the Domain Model object that hosts the software So we have decided that there will be a Register object, and this object will handle the responsibility of processing the makeNewSale system operation - we have made our first design decision!
Process Sale: makeNewSale
Note the operation contract mentions that a new Sale object is created; applying the GRASP Creator principle, we look to find an object that can contain, aggregate, or record the Sale Again, looking in the Domain Model, it appears the Register object meets the need (a register literally means to “register” sales) Also recall that the Sale object was a composite of SalesLineItem objects in the Domain Model At this point, we can decide to initialize an (empty) collection of SalesLineItem objects, to be filled in later as the sale is processed Again, the Creator principle implies that the Sale object is the likely creator for this list …
Process Sale: enterItem
This system operation occurs when the Cashier enters an itemID and possibly a quantity for an item in the sale. The postconditions in the operations contract were: A SalesLineItem instance sli was created sli was associated with the current Sale sli.quantity became quantity sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match We will now walk through the design decisions required to handle this system operation
Process Sale: enterItem
Controller: Based upon what we decided earlier, the Register will handle this incoming message Note the original use case mentioned that the description and price for the item are displayed By Model-View separation, we generally do not allow Domain Objects to be involved in output tasks, so we will not worry about this requirement right now Operations Contract states that a new SalesLineItem is created Based upon the Domain Model, it appears that the Sale object would be the likely candidate to create the new SalesLineItem Postcondition implies that SalesLineItem needs a quantity when created, and this is derived from the original system operation (input by Cashier) Register must pass this parameter to Sale, which must pass it in the creation message to SalesLineItem
Process Sale: enterItem
Note that we also need to associate a ProductDescription with this item, based upon the itemID entered by the Cashier and included in the system operation handled by the Register Who should do the lookup – who gets this responsibility? I.e., who should have the responsibility for knowing a ProductDescription based on an itemID match? This is an application of the Expert GRASP principle Question: Who knows the most about the ProductDescription objects? Looking at the Domain Model, we see it is the ProductCatalog Next design decision: We should have an object called ProductCatalog that will contain the objects ProductionDescription. Then, ProductCatalog is a good candidate to take responsibility for looking up the ProductDescription based on the itemID. Let’s call the method generated to meet this responsibility getProductDescription
Process Sale: enterItem
Who sends the getProductDescription message to the ProductCatalog? Recall that in the Domain Model, Product Catalog was not really associated with any other object Could use Register or Sale? Note that Sale is temporary, gets created each time a new sale is started, so it would need to be associated with the ProductCatalog each time it is created Register is a better choice – can be associated with ProductCatalog upon instantiated; both objects probably instantiated once upon start up Note that for an object to send a message to another object, it must have “visibility” to it Final design for this system operation is given on the next slides
Process Sale: endSale The endSale system operation occurs when the Cashier presses a button indicating the end of entering line items into a sale. Who is responsible for handling this operation? The postcondition in the Operation Contract states: Sale.isComplete became true In other words, this system operation modified a attribute Again, based upon out earlier design decision, the Register is the controller that will initially receive the system operation message endSale Who sets the attribute? Using the Expert principle, the Sale should do this Have the Register send a becomeComplete message to the Sale (same as a “set” method for the attribute
Process Sale: Calculate Sale Total
The use case for Process Sale has these steps in the Main Success Scenario: 3. Customer arrives 4. Cashier tells System to create new sale 5. Cashier enters item identifier 6. System records sale line item … Steps 5-6 repeat until no items left 7. System presents total with taxes calculated Question – how does the system calculate the total? Who is responsible for this? Note that this is a behavior captured in a use case, not a system operation from an SSD
Process Sale: Calculate Sale Total
For this responsibility, we can go right to the Expert principle, since there is no initial system operation to handle for the controller The Sale object is the obvious expert object to handle this responsibility The information required to compute the total is the sum of the subtotals for each line item The SalesLineItem knows the subtotal of the line item, and the Sale contains the SalesLineItems Each subtotal is the line item quantity times the product price (part of product description) The SalesLineItem knows the quantity of the line item, and the ProductDescription knows the price of each item Each SalesLineItem is the expert that can compute the subtotal, if it is associated with a ProductDescription to get the price Each ProductDescription is the expert best suited to provide the price for each product
Process Sale: Calculate Sale Total
You can follow this communication diagram and see how the system would handle the responsibility of calculating the sale total. Note the low coupling! Note that this was not triggered by a known system operation The getTotal message will probably be sent from some object in the UI, probably after the Cashier hits the button that indicates the end of the sale It is also possible to include some text in the diagram to indicate how the getTotal method will do the calculation Note that we have left off the taxes for now
Process Sale: makePayment
The makePayment system operation occurs when the Cashier enters the amount of cash given for the Sale (recall we are only looking at the first iteration here) Here are the postconditions from the Operations Contract: A Payment instance p was created p.amountTendered became amount p was associated with the current Sale The current Sale was associated with the Store (logging) Question: Who is responsible for handling this system operation?
Process Sale: makePayment
Again, the Register will handle the initial makePayment message Who creates the Payment instance p? Best candidates are Register (in the Domain Model, the actual register would record the payment information) and Sale (has the Total Amount) Note Register will have the amountTendered parameter it received in the system operation Guideline: When the Expert principle does not give a clear winner, consider coupling and cohesion From this perspective, we are probably better off letting the Sale object create the Payment instance – makes Register simpler, reduces coupling Register can pass the amountTendered (called cashTendered in the next slide) to the Sale
Process Sale: Logging the Sale
The last postcondition notes that the Sale is logged with the Store This is not a creation or attribute modification – it is an association that is formed Note we can associate the Sale with a Store object, or we can use a SalesLedger object (not defined in the original Domain Model, but probably a good enhancement) Either object will contain a list of completed sales, and the object will add to that list
Process Sale: Calculating the Balance
Finally, we need to decide who handles the responsibility of calculating the balance This is the difference between the total for the sale and the amount tendered (cash given by the customer) Apply the Expert principle: Who has the best knowledge to handle this? Sale and Payment are the most likely candidates – each has one piece of the information needed What is the visibility of these two objects? Sale created Payment, so it knows about Payment; Payment does not know about Sale Best option: Let Sale do the calculation
Process Sale: Connecting UI and Domain Layer
The objects in the UI need to obtain visibility of the objects in the Domain Layer that they interact with Java main() that creates the objects in the UI and Domain layers and passes the domain objects to the UI objects The UI objects can obtain the Domain objects from a known source in the Domain layer that is responsible for creating the Domain objects Once the UI objects have been connected to the Domain Layer objects, they can forward system operations to be handled To get the running total for the Sale to display in the UI object, we could … Add a getTotal method to Register, and have the Register get this from Sale (lowers cohesion) Have the UI object access the getTotal method of the Sale directly (increased coupling)
Initialization How do we start up the system?
Somewhat dependent on language and operating system … There is usually an initial domain object (or set of objects) that are the first ones created Note that some objects will create others (Store creates Register in the above model), so these new objects can then be passed to other objects as they are created Guideline: Choose an initial domain object at or near the root of the containment or aggregation hierarchy of domain objects. Look for an object that can be considered to contain all or most of the other objects
Initialization Reviewing the DCD, we can conclude the following sequence of steps (these would be executed as part of main(), for example, in this order): Create a Store, Register, ProductCatalog, and ProductDescriptions Associate the ProductCatalog with ProductDescriptions Associate Store with ProductCatalog Associate Store with Register Associate Register with ProductCatalog The communication diagram (which would essentially drive the model for the main() function) is shown on the next slide
Takeaways from Chapter 18
Understand the Design Model the POS case study Understand how the GRASP principles were used to create this design
Next … Gang of Four Patterns – Chapter 26
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