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Which animal embodies you most?

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Presentation on theme: "Which animal embodies you most?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which animal embodies you most?

2 Conflict Management Kayla Shannon # 16

What does conflict mean? The term conflict refers to perceived incompatibilities resulting typically from some form of interference or opposition. What is conflict management? Conflict management, then, is the employment of strategies to correct these perceived differences in a positive manner.

Traditional View - Conflict is BAD! Conflict Avoidance is not good for long-term strategy Human Relations View – Conflict is inevitable and natural Interactionist View – Accept and encourage conflict

5 Really now…why should we care?
You always interact with people! You cannot avoid people Conflict happens! Know your best and worst (Okay, Kayla, get on with it!)

6 Conflict Management Style Grid
High Assertiveness Low Cooperativeness Win-Lose situation High Assertiveness High Cooperativeness Win-Win situation Medium on both Lose-Lose situation Low Assertiveness Low Cooperativeness Neutral situation Low Assertiveness High Cooperativeness Lose-Win situation

7 Conflict Management Style Grid
HIGH High on self Low on others High on self High on others Cares about Themselves Medium on self Medium on others Low on self Low on others Low on self High on others LOW Cares about Others LOW HIGH

8 Conflict Management Style Grid

9 Who still believes that they are the same animal?

10 Let’s Take a Quick Quiz! Turn to the 4th page of your packet NOW Answer these questions quickly. This is not a test to sit and think about, this is a “gut instinct-first decision” test. Also, answer the way you REALLY act, not the way you THINK YOU SHOULD act.

11 Taking the quiz…

12 Now, let’s grade it! Turn to page 5 of your quiz and follow the directions listed in order to find out your dominant style.

13 The Animal Characteristics
SHARK - COMPETING Sharks use a forcing or competing conflict management style Sharks are highly goal-oriented Relationships take on a lower priority Sharks do not hesitate to use aggressive behavior to resolve conflicts Sharks can be autocratic, authoritative, and uncooperative; threatening and intimidating CHARACTERISTIC SKILLS • Arguing or debating • Using rank or influence • Asserting your opinions and feelings • Standing your ground

14 The Animal Characteristics
TURTLE – AVOIDING Turtles adopt an avoiding or withdrawing conflict management style Turtles would rather hide and ignore conflict than resolve it This leads them uncooperative and unassertive CHARACTERISTIC SKILLS • Ability to withdraw • Ability to sidestep issues • Ability to leave things unresolved • Sense of timing

15 The Animal Characteristics
TEDDYBEAR – ACCOMODATING Teddy bears use a smoothing or accommodating conflict management style with emphasis on human relationships Teddy bears ignore their own goals and resolve conflict by giving into others Unassertive and cooperative creating a win-lose (bear is loser) situation CHARACTERISTIC SKILLS • Forgetting your desires • Selflessness • Ability to yield • Obeying orders

16 The Animal Characteristics
FOX – COMPROMISING Foxes use a compromising conflict management style Concern is for goals and relationships Foxes are willing to sacrifice some of their goals while persuading others to give up part of theirs CHARACTERISTIC SKILLS Negotiating • Finding a middle ground • Assessing value • Making concessions

17 The Animal Characteristics
OWL – COLLABORATING Owls use a collaborating or problem confronting conflict management style valuing their goals and relationships Owls view conflicts as problems to be solved finding solutions agreeable to all sides (win-win) CHARACTERISTIC SKILLS • Active listening • Non-threatening confrontation • Identifying concerns • Analyzing input

18 Conflict Management Style Grid

19 Any Surprises? Did anyone end up being the same animal?
Did anyone end up being a different animal?

20 The best style? Now that you have seen them all, do you believe there is a BEST style? The collaborating approach to conflict management represents the most beneficial mode for most types of conflict management. In the collaborating mode, conflict itself acts as a managerial tool. It is in this key respect that the collaborative mode of conflict management differs from the other four conflict-handling modes. However, any of the five conflict resolution styles may be appropriate and effective depending on the specific situation, the parties' personality styles, the desired outcomes, and the time available. The key to becoming more prepared is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

21 Tell me again, why is it important?
Listening, oral communication, interpersonal communication, and teamwork People average 5 conflicts per day! Research shows that unresolved conflict can lead to aggression. Most of us use conflict skills that we observed growing up, unless we have made a conscious effort to change our conflict management style. Everybody has room for improvement! It can’t hurt!

22 In conclusion… Knowing your conflict Management Styles and having the ability to switch from one to another depending on the situation and your goals is crucial to communication. Be sure to practice each and every style so that you are fluent in transitioning back and forth. Overall, remember that whenever you have conflict, other people have it too! By respecting them and sincerely caring about resolving the conflict, you will be using the best style


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