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Therapeutic dentistry department

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1 Therapeutic dentistry department
Un-carious defects of teeth. Classification. Pathomorphology, clinic and diagnostics of defects that are developed before and after eruption of teeth. Treatment. Therapeutic dentistry department

2 Uncarious lesions of teeth
Developmental Alterations of Teeth Post-eruptive Alterations of Teeth

3 Developmental Alterations of Teeth
I. Lesions that occur in the stage of dental follicle development, before eruption: 1. hypoplasia; 2. hyperplasia of enamel (enamel pearls); 3. endemic fluorosis; 4. developmental disturbances and disorders of eruption; 5. genetic disturbances of tooth development.

4 Posteruptive Alterations of Teeth
II. Lesions that occur after teeth have been erupted: 1. tooth wear: attrition, abrasion, wedge-shaped defect; 2. erosion; 3. necrosis of hard tooth tissues; 4. hyperesthesia; 5. trauma of teeth; 6. fluorosis; 7. discolorations of teeth: intrinsic stains extrinsic stains

DEVELOPMENTAL DISTURBANCES AND DISORDERS OF ERUPTION LOCALIZED DISTURBANCES IN ERUPTION PRIMARY IMPACTION- Teeth cease to eruption before emergence ANKYLOSIS -Cease of eruption after emergence and anatomic fusion of tooth cementum or dentin with alveolar bone

6 Impaction 3rd molars, maxillary canines, mandibular premolars, mandibular canines, maxillary premolars, maxillary central incisors, maxillary lateral incisors, and mandibular second molars; usually angulated or diverted Factors associated with impaction: Crowding and deficient maxillofacial development Overlying cysts or tumors Trauma Reconstructive surgery Thickened overlying bone or soft tissue A host of systemic disorders, diseases or syndromes

7 Classification : Partially erupted or full bony impaction
according to angulation: Mesioangular, distoangular, vertical, horizontal or inverted

8 ANKYLOSIS Infraocclusion, secondary retention, submergence, reimpaction, reinclusion

9 ANKYLOSIS Clinical And Radiographic Features
Pathogenesis is unknown, may be secondary to many factors and result in PDL barrier deficiency. May occur at any age, any tooth Most affect 8~9yr-old children and D , E , D , E PDL absent Occlusal, periodontal problems, impaction of the underlying teeth Treatment and Prognosis Variable : extraction, orthodontics, segmental osteotomy

10 Premature eruption Neonatal teeth: within 30 days
Natal teeth: newborns Most are prematurely erupted deciduous teeth Removal only if mobile and at risk of aspiration

11 Disturbances in tooth form
may present as dilacerated teeth, double teeth, dens invaginatus and enamel pearls Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia showing conical teeth, giving an undesirable, Dracula-like appearance.

12 Gemination, Fusion, Concrescence

13 Gemination single tooth germ division tooth no.: normal
single root & root canal + 2 complete or incomplete separated crowns tooth no.: normal twinning

14 Fusion Union of 2 separate tooth germs
Contact of tooth germ before calcified Confluent of the dentin Complete- form a single tooth Incomplete- after calcified begins Tooth no. : less one

15 Concrescence Fusion after root formation Cementum united Traumatic injury or crowding Pre-extraction x-ray check

16 Talon cusp Eagle’s talon
Lingual projection from the cingulum area of ant. teeth Most contain a pulp horn Both in deciduous & permanent dentition

17 Dens invaginatus ( central tubercle, occlusal tuberculated premolar; Leong’s premolar; evaginated odontome; occlusal enamel pearl ) An accessory cusp or a globule of enamel on central groove or buccal cusp of premolars or molars; unilateral or bilateral. 15% in Asians, rare in whites

18 Dens invaginatus Kaohsiung Medical University, Oral Pathology and image Diagnosis Dept.

19 Shovel-shaped incisors

20 Dens in dente Tooth within a tooth, incidence 5%
(Dens invaginatus; Dilated composite odontome) Tooth within a tooth, incidence 5% Invagination of the enamel organ into dental papilla before calcification Coronal type: 3 types maxillary lateral incisors are common

21 Dens invaginatus, coronal type II

22 Dens invaginatus Radicular type Hertwig’s sheath invagination
Food deposition→ caries → pulp infection Restorated as soon as possible

23 Taurodontism “Bull-like “ teeth Bi- or trifurcation near the apex
Pulp chamber : greater apico-occlusal height and no constriction at the cervical of the tooth

24 Enamel pearl. There is a small mass of enamel at the root
Enamel pearls Enamel pearl. There is a small mass of enamel at the root bifurcation

25 Supernumerary roots Any tooth may develop accessory roots
No rtg required, but critical important in endodontic procedure

26 Dilaceration Angulation, sharp bend of root or crown
Trauma during tooth is forming Pre-extraction x-ray check

Missing teeth % , excluding 3rd molars, female predominance Hypodontia: missing one or more teeth Oligodontia: missing 6 or more teeth Anodontia: total missing % 4

28 Hypodontia

29 Congenital absence of lateral incisors with spacing of the anterior teeth.

30 Supernumerary teeth, hyperdontia
Mesiodens Paramolar Supplemental teeth

31 Mesiodens The most common in supernumerary.
Premaxillary area , usually between upper central incisors Cone-shaped crown & short root One or two in number

32 Kaohsiung Medical University, Oral Pathology and image Diagnosis Dept.

Microdontia True: 1.General -pituitary dwarfism 2. Single -peg lat., 3rd molar Relative microdontia

34 Macrodontia True macrodontia : 1. Generalized-pituitary gigantism
2. Localized- single, hemifacial hypertrophy Relative macrodontia: small jaw, child

35 Disturbances in the structure of teeth Disturbances of enamel
■ Genetic disturbances - Amelogenesis imperfecta. ■ Local disturbances: - Infection. - Trauma. - Idiopathic. ■ Generalised disturbances: - Infections. - Fluorosis. - Neonatal events, e.g. premature birth, rhesus incompatibility.

36 Amelogenesis imperfecta
(Hereditary enamel dysplasia; Hereditary brown enamel; Hereditary brown opalescent teeth) Defects in-- Formative stage→hypoplastic type → defective formation of matrix Calcification stage →hypocalified → defective mineralization of formed matrix Maturation stage → hypomaturation → enamel crystallites remain immature Genes mutation : AMELX, ENAM, MMP-20, KLK4, DLX3

37 1. Hypoplastic type Thin enamel with pitted, rough or smooth & glossy surface; yellowish to brown undersized, squared crown, lack of contact flat occlusal surface & low cusps, attrition

38 Hypoplastic type Kaohsiung Medical University, Oral Pathology and image Diagnosis Dept.

39 Hypoplastic type

40 2.Hypomaturation normal thickness of enamel, but mottled surface; cloudy white, yellow or brown, opaque in color softer than normal same density as dentin

41 Hypomaturation type Kaohsiung Medical University, Oral Pathology and image Diagnosis Dept.

42 3.Hypocalcified type normal thickness of enamel, density less than dentin normal size & shape when erupt, abrade or fracture away rapidly permeability increase, darkened & stained 4.Hypomaturation-hypocalcified with taurodontism

43 Hypocalcified type

44 Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome
Hypoplastic-Hypomaturation type

45 Factors associated with enamel defects
ACQUIRED DISTURBANCES OF ENAMEL FORMATION Factors associated with enamel defects Local- 1.Local acute mechanical trauma 2. Electric burn 3. Irradiation 4. Local infection: periapical inflammatory disease

46 Acquired disturbances of enamel formation
Environmental enamel defects: 1.Hypoplasia: pits, grooves or large area of missing enamel 2. Diffuse opacities: variation in translucency, normal thickness, white opacity without clear boundary 3. Demarcated opacities: increased opacity, a sharp boundary with adjacent normal enamel, normal thickness

47 Acquired disturbances of enamel formation
Most acquired enamel defects result in areas of HYPOPLASIA, which may be due to either a defect in matrix production or a defect in mineralisation. Localized - only a single tooth is affected Generalized - several teeth are affected

48 Turner’s hypoplasia, Turner’s tooth
Permanent teeth Periapical inflammatory disease of the overlying deciduous tooth, less frequently in anterior teeth Traumatic injury- not rare -45% children sustain injury to their deciduous teeth, 23% permanent teeth development disturbed Turner’s hypoplasia secondary to previous trauma

49 Turner’s teeth

50 Generalized defects are sometimes referred to as chronological hypoplasia
The overwhelming majority of chronological hypoplasia are the result of disturbances in the first 10 months of life and the teeth usually affected are: ■ The first permanent molars. ■ Upper central incisors. ■ Lower lateral incisors and canines.

51 Chronological hypoplasia due to metabolic upset
Chronological hypoplasia due to metabolic upset. Unlike the hereditary types of amelogenesis imperfecta, defects are linear and thought to correspond to a short period of amelogenesis disturbed by a concurrent severe illness

52 Syphilitic hypoplasia
Congenital syphilis Hutchinson’s incisors & mulberry molars

53 Congenital syphilis; Hutchinson's teeth
Congenital syphilis; Hutchinson's teeth. The characteristics are the notched incisal edge and the peg shape tapering from neck to tip.

54 Disturbances in the structure of teeth Disturbances of dentine
This genetic disorder is characterised by defective dentine matrix production and two types have been described. Dentinogenesis imperfecta type 1 occurs in association with osteogenesis imperfecta, in which there is defective bone formation. It is very uncommon. Dentinogenesis imperfecta type 2 is the commonest form. It has the following features: ■ Both the permanent and primary dentition are affected. ■ The teeth have a normal shape on eruption but appear amber–brown or purple–blue in colour. ■ The enamel shears away from the poorly formed dentine which quickly wears away. ■ The pulps become obliterated with abnormal dentine.

55 Clinical features type I : deciduous severe than permanent teeth;
type II: equally affected; type III: both dentitions affected. Gray to brownish violet or yellowish brown color, with translucent or opalescent hue. Enamel lost early through fracture, esp. on the incisal & occlusal surface, and dentin attrition rapidly. Caries rate is not increased.

56 Dentinogenesis imperfecta

57 Regional odontodysplasia
Developmental Structural Abnormalities Involving Both Enamel and Dentin Regional odontodysplasia (odontodysplasia; odontogenic dysplasia; odontogenesis imperfecta; ghost teeth) One or several teeth in a localized area Maxi. > Mand.; both dentitions most in ant. area Delayed or total failure eruption Irregular appearance Defective mineralization

58 Radiographic features 1. Radiodensity ↓, “ghost appearance”
2. Large pulp, thin enamel & dentin On one side of the midline the deciduous incisors have poor root formation with thin radicular dentine and enamel. A poorly organised spotty calcification is present at the site of the permanent successors.

59 Odontogenesis Imperfecta
Shell teeth Initial reported in the Brandywine population Normal thickness of enamel associated with extremely thin dentin and dramatically enlarged pulps (due to insufficient and defective dentin formation) Short roots.

60 Kaohsiung Medical University, Oral Pathology and image Diagnosis Dept.

Acceptable measures of fluorine in water according to hygienic standards is – 0,8-1,2 (1,5) mg/l. Fluorosis is the term given to changes in the enamel which are associated with excess ingestion of fluoride Fluorosis. Moderate effects from an area of endemic fluorosis. Irregular patchy discolouration.

62 Dental fluorosis Retention of the amelogenin protein in enamel structure → hypomineralized enamel → permanent hypomaturation → increased surface and subsurface porosity → alters light reflection and create white, chalky area

63 Dental fluorosis Critical period for clinical dental fluorosis is the 2nd and 3rd year of life, dose dependent Caries resistant

64 POSTERUPTIVE DEFECTS II. Lesions that occur after teeth have been erupted: 1. tooth wear: attrition, abrasion, wedge-shaped defect; 2. erosion; 3. necrosis of hard tooth tissues; 4. hyperesthesia; 5. trauma of teeth; 6. fluorosis;

65 Attrition Tooth to tooth contact during occlusion and mastication, some are physiologic Accelerated by: poor quality or absent enamel, premature contact, intraoral abrasives, erosion, grinding habits Incisal, occlusal and interproximal surfaces

66 Abrasion Pathologic loss of tooth structure or restoration secondary to the action of an external agent (ex. Toothbrush, hair grips, toothpicks, chewing tobacco, biting thread, dental flossing…) Toothbrush abrasion: horizontal buccal cervical notches of exposed radicular cementum and dentin with smooth surface. Greater on prominent teeth ( canines, premolars , and teeth adjacent to edentulous area) and side of the arch opposite to the dominant hand Demastication- when tooth wear is accelerated by chewing an abrasive substance between opposing teeth (both attrition and abrasion)

67 Abrasion

68 Abrasion Improper use of hair grips Long-term use of tobacco pipe

69 Abfraction Repeated tooth flexure caused by occlusal stresses (tensile stress) → concentrate at the cervical fulcrum → may produce disruption in the chemical bonds of enamel crystal →cracked enamel can be lost or removed by erosion or abrasion Wedge-shaped cervical defects, deep, narrow V-shaped, not allow toothbrush to contact base; if the defect, often affect a single tooth Almost exclusively on facial surface and more often in bruxism, higher in mandibular dentition

70 Abfraction

71 Erosion Chemical process, exposure to acidic foods or drinks, medications (chewable Vit. C, aspirin), involuntary regurgitation (ex. esophagitis, pregnancy), voluntary regurgitation (ex. psychologic problems, bulimia) Perimolysis- dental erosion from gastric secretion Facial surface of maxillary anteriors affected-dietary source Posterior teeth extensive loss of occlusal surface, and palatal surface concave dentin surrounded by an elevated enamel rim- regurgitation of gastric secretion 上顎前牙的腐蝕可能是食物因素而起, 而舌側及咬合面的腐蝕則可能是內生性的, 如胃液逆流而來。

72 concave dentin surrounded by an elevated enamel rim
Erosion concave dentin surrounded by an elevated enamel rim

73 Erosion A bulimia patient

74 Treatment and prognosis of tooth wear
Resolve pain and sensitivity Identify the cause of tooth structure loss Protection

Extrinsic- surface accumulation of exogenous pigment Intrinsic-secondary to endogenous factors that result in discoloration of underlying dentin

76 Extrinsic stains Bacterial- Chromogenic bacteria, green, black-brown, orange coloration Frequently in children, labial surface of maxillary ant. in gingival third Iron- formation of ferric sulfide Tobacco Food and beverage- chlorophyll Gingival hemorrhage- Hb. breakdown to biliverdin Restorative material – ex. Amalgam Medications- iron, iodine, silver nitrate, chlorhexidine, stannous fluoride

77 Intrinsic stains Amelogenesis imperfecta Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Dental fluorosis Erythropoietic porphyria – autosomatic recessive disorder of porphyrin metabolism, increased synthesis and excretion of porphyrins and their related precursors Porphyrin deposition in teeth, reddish-brown coloration, red fluorescence when exposed to a Wood’s UV light Present both in dentin and enamel in deciduous teeth, but only dentin affected in permanent teeth

78 Erythropoietic porphyria

79 Intrinsic stains Hyperbilirubinemia- bilirubin, breakdown product of RBC, jaundice (yellow-green discoloration), erythroblastosis fetalis, biliary atresia Biliverdin deposition, green discoloration of teeth (chlorodontia) Ochronosis-alkaptonuria, blue-black discoloration Trauma- coronal discoloration, pulp necrosis Localized RBC breakdown

80 Intrinsic stains Medications-
Tetracycline (bright yellow to dark brown), chlortetracycline (gray-brown), oxytetracycline (yellow) , minocycline hydrochloride Time of administration dose, duration Avoid from pregnancy up to 8 yrs of age

81 Minocycline hydrochloride
Tx for Acne Blue-gray from incisal 3/4, to dark green or black in roots, also affect developed teeth Skin, nail, sclera, conjunctiva, thyroid, bone discoloration in susceptible individuals Stained alveolar bone

82 Treatment and prognosis
Extrinsic stains- polishing Intrinsic stains- bleaching, bonded restoration, crowns

83 Uncomplicated crown fracture
TRAUMA Uncomplicated crown fracture

84 Complicated crown fracture

85 Crown-root fracture Root fracture

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