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Addressing FP Needs of Malawi through Social Franchising.

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing FP Needs of Malawi through Social Franchising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing FP Needs of Malawi through Social Franchising

2 Malawi: Health Services Over 15 million Population Over 80% services provided through the public sector CPR = 46% 25% unmet need for FP

3 Established in 2012 28 private clinics in the network Providing FP services in all clinics HTC, VMMC and STI service integration 150 Clinics target by end 2015 Tunza in Malawi

4 Provider BCC Training Quality assurance Business management Creating demand and referrals Tunza in Malawi

5 Creating demand Primarily targeting women of reproductive age …

6 … and men because culturally, men influence FP decision making by women. Creating demand


8 Thank you

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