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Images of Mary Veneration of BVM Our Lady of Fatima

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1 Images of Mary Veneration of BVM Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Lourdes Immaculate Conception Coronation of Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. Fra Angelico

2 Throughout the centuries, artistic images of Mary changed in accordance with the needs of society and the Church at the time. Early Image of Virgin and Child. Roman Catacombs Mary. Alonso Cana Icon. Fedorovskaya Icon Blagoveschenie Maria. Francesco de Valdambrino Immaculate Heart of Mary Stained glass window in church. Germany Icon. Vom Berg Philermos Virgin de Gracia Immaculate Conception. Murillo Senora de la Vera Cruz. Fernandez D9.3 Mary Line 2 Outcomes. All images have been taken from Wikimedia Commons

3 Early representations of Mary
showed her holding Jesus as a small adult: this was in response to controversies in the early Church about the nature of Jesus – whether he was truly human. Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Byzantine Icon D9.3 Mary Line 2 Outcomes. All images have been taken from Wikimedia Commons

4 Many depictions of Mary in modern Latin America
emphasise her peasant origins, with a life similar to the poor and oppressed of those countries. Black Madonna. Spain. Chipiona D9.3 Mary Line 2 Outcomes. All images have been taken from Wikimedia Commons

5 She is seen as a figure of liberation, supporting the Catholic option for the poor.
Senora de la Vera Cruz. Fernandez D9.3 Mary Line 2 Outcomes. All images have been taken from Wikimedia Commons

6 on the messages and symbols
Theotokos Icon. Panagia Thrinodousa We need to reflect on the messages and symbols in images of Mary Icon. Bogorodica Kazanskaya Miraculous Medal Virgin de Gracia Immaculate Heart of Mary D9.3 Mary Line 2 Outcomes. All images have been taken from Wikimedia Commons

7 eg body language: what qualities does it express and what does this say about the current image of ideal womanhood? D9.3 Mary Line 2 Outcomes. All images have been taken from Wikimedia Commons

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