MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Server Administration (Exam #70-646) Chapter 15 Managing System Reliability and Availability.

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1 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Server Administration (Exam #70-646) Chapter 15 Managing System Reliability and Availability

2 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 2 Learning Objectives Understand general problem-solving strategies Resolve boot problems Understand Emergency Management Services Restore Server Roles, Active Directory, and GPOs Configure shadow copies

3 Learning Objectives (cont’d.) Understand failover clustering Use and configure Event Viewer Troubleshoot network connectivity Remotely administer a server using Remote Desktop Remotely administer multiple servers using Remote Server Administration Tools MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 3

4 General Problem-Solving Strategies Develop effective troubleshooting strategies General strategies –Understand how a server and the network interact –Train your users to help you solve problems –Solve problems step by step –Track problems and solutions MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 4

5 Understanding How Servers and the Network Interact Network diagram elements –Servers and any mainframes –Workstations and network printers –Wireless network devices –Cabled network devices –Telecommunications links –Wireless links –Remote links –Building locations MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 5

6 Understanding How Servers and the Network Interact (cont’d.) MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 6 Figure 15-1 Sample network diagram Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning

7 Training Users to Help Train users to be your partners in reporting problems: –Save work at the first sign of a problem –Record information about a problem as problem is occurring –Report any protocol information –Quickly report a problem by telephone, or by voice mail if you cannot be reached immediately –Avoid sending e-mail about urgent problems MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 7

8 Solving Problems Step by Step Get as much information as possible Record error message Determine if anyone else is experiencing problem Check Windows Server 2008 event logs Use Performance Monitor, Reliability Monitor, Data Collector Sets, Task Manager, Server Manager, and the Computer Management tool Check for power interruptions MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 8

9 Solving Problems Step by Step (cont’d.) Define the problem Determine possible solutions Consider best or most likely solutions –May be the simplest ones Determine how solution will affect users Implement solution Continue monitoring server –Ensure there are no further problems MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 9

10 Tracking Problems and Solutions Keep log of all network problems and their solutions Help desk system –Application software –Maintain information on computer systems, user questions, problem solutions, and other information –Members of organization can reference Accumulate information on solutions Keep a change log MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 10

11 Resolving Boot Problems Common causes of boot failures include: –Disk failure on drive or drives containing system and boot files –Corrupted partition table –Corrupted boot file –Corrupted master boot record –Disk read error First step –Power off the computer and try rebooting –Rebooting resets CPU registers MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 11

12 Troubleshooting by Using Safe Mode Safe Mode –Boots the server using the most generic default settings –Only services needed to boot a basic configuration –Further troubleshoot problem To access Advanced Boot Options menu: –Reboot the computer –Press F8 –Select the option you want to use (Safe Mode) –Press Enter MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 12

13 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 13 Table 15-1 Advanced Boot Options menu options

14 Troubleshooting by Using Safe Mode (cont’d.) Enable Boot Logging option –Create a log that you can later check for problems Safe Mode with Command Prompt option –Useful when you can solve a problem by executing a command Directory Services Restore Mode for Active Directory –Restore damaged files and folders Activity 15-1: Booting into Safe Mode –Objective: Learn how to boot into Safe Mode MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 14

15 Troubleshooting by Using the Installation DVD Windows Server 2008 installation DVD provides: –Windows Complete PC Restore –Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool –Command Prompt Windows Complete PC Restore –Create a VSS full backup using Windows Server Backup tool –System state data includes operating system: Plus extra components and information that reflect currently configured state of server MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 15

16 Troubleshooting by Using the Installation DVD (cont’d.) Windows Complete PC Restore (cont’d.) –All system state data is backed up as a group –Can use wbadmin to create a system state backup –To restore from system state backup: Use wbadmin start systemstaterecovery command –Perform full restore when you cannot get the server to boot Windows Backup tool is unavailable MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 16

17 Troubleshooting by Using the Installation DVD (cont’d.) Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool –Available from Repair your computer option on the Windows Server 2008 installation DVD –Test RAM in your computer Activity 15-2: Performing Memory Diagnostics –Objective: Learn how to test RAM MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 17

18 Troubleshooting by Using the Installation DVD (cont’d.) Using the Command Prompt –Repair disk problem or copy a critical file back to server –Start in \Sources folder on Windows Server 2008 installation DVD –Activity 15-3: Using the Command Prompt Objective: Learn how to access the command prompt from the Windows Server 2008 installation DVD MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 18

19 Troubleshooting by Using the Installation DVD (cont’d.) MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 19 Table 15-2 Sample command prompt commands

20 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 20 Table 15-3 Troubleshooting boot problems General Tips for Fixing Boot Problems

21 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 21 Table 15-3 Troubleshooting boot problems (cont’d.)

22 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 22 Table 15-4 Troubleshooting boot problems associated with Stop messages

23 General Tips for Fixing Boot Problems (cont’d.) MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 23 Table 15-4 Troubleshooting boot problems associated with Stop messages (cont’d.)

24 Emergency Management Services Emergency Management Services (EMS) –Connect a terminal to a serial port –“Out-of-band” connection Don’t need network or display drivers Must be enabled in the boot settings of computer: –Before problem occurs MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 24

25 Restoring Server Roles, Active Directory, and GPOs Sometimes necessary to restore: –Server roles –Active Directory –GPOs MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 25

26 Restoring Server Roles If server role corrupted: –Try booting server into Advanced Boot Options menu –Use Last Known Good Configuration (advanced) option on Advanced Boot Options menu Go back to previous configuration MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 26

27 Restoring Active Directory Active Directory can become corrupted Completely restore Active Directory –Advanced Boot Options menu Offers Directory Services Restore Mode option –Use wbadmin command Restore system state data Nonauthoritative restore –Restore system state data MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 27

28 Restoring Active Directory (cont’d.) Tombstones –Active Directory objects that have been intentionally deleted –Only flagged as deleted –Retained for a specific period Tombstone lifetime –Not restored by nonauthoritative restore Retained as Active Directory objects flagged as deleted –Must use authoratative restore to restore tombstones MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 28

29 Restoring a Group Policy Object GPO can be restored after it has been deleted Use Group Policy Management MMC snap-in General steps for restoring a GPO –Open Group Policy Management MMC snap-in –Right click Group Policy Objects container –Click Manage Backups –Browse to GPO storage location –Select GPO to restore and click Restore –Close Manage Backups window and Group Policy Management tool MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 29

30 Configuring Shadow Copies Shadow copy –Quick copy made of a shared folder at regular intervals Default intervals –7:00 AM and noon Monday through Friday –Can be reconfigured for different times Configure shadow copies with Computer Management tool –On Administrative Tools menu Use revert capability –Restore an entire volume to an earlier point in time MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 30

31 Redundancy through Clustering Failover clustering –Configuring multiple computers to appear to work as one computer –Other computers in cluster take over: When one or more computers in the cluster fails or cannot be reached Offered in: –Windows Server 2008 Enterprise and Datacenter Editions MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 31

32 Redundancy through Clustering (cont’d.) Involves using one of four quorum models –Node Majority –Node and Disk Majority –Node and File Share Majority –No Majority: Disk Only MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 32

33 Using and Configuring Event Viewer Event Viewer –Houses the event logs Record information about all types of server events Divided into three general categories: –Windows logs –Applications and services logs –Microsoft logs MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 33

34 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 34 Figure 15-10 Event Viewer Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning

35 Using and Configuring Event Viewer (cont’d.) Logs for reporting general operating system and software application events –System log –Security log –Application log –Setup log Admin logs –Give the system administrator information about a specific problem and its causes –May suggest how to solve problem MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 35

36 Using and Configuring Event Viewer (cont’d.) Operational log –Tracks occurrences of specific operations Analytic logs –Relate to how programs are operating –Typically used by application or system programmers Debug logs –Used by application developers to help trace program problems MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 36

37 Viewing Log Events Log events displayed in Event Viewer –Icon indicates the seriousness of event Each log displays descriptive information about individual events Open Event Viewer from: –Administrative Tools menu –MMC snap-in –Computer Management tool –Server Manager MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 37

38 Using the Event Viewer Filter Option Filter option –Locate a problem quickly Filter events on the basis of: –When the event was logged –Event level –Log –Source of the event –Task category of the event MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 38

39 Using the Event Viewer Filter Option (cont’d.) Filter events on the basis of (cont’d.): –Keywords –User –Computer –Date range –Time of day range MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 39

40 Maintaining Event Logs Establish how you want logs maintained Methods for limiting logs –Size each log to prevent it from filling too quickly –Overwrite oldest events when log is full –Archive log when it is full –Clear log manually Options to save and clear individual logs also available Activity 15-4: Using Event Viewer –Objective: Use Event Viewer to view system log events MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 40

41 Using Log Subscriptions Collect event log information from many computers onto one computer –New feature Collect and filter information from all servers –Display it in Event Viewer on one “collector computer” MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 41

42 Troubleshooting Connectivity Use of duplicate IP addresses –Common problem Use command-line tools and graphical tools for troubleshooting Windows Server 2008 connectivity MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 42

43 Command-Line Tools Some TCP/IP utilities have IP troubleshooting tools built in ipconfig command –Test IP address of a Windows computer ping utility –Poll for presence of another TCP/IP computer netstat utility –Provides information about TCP and UDP connectivity MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 43

44 Command-Line Tools (cont’d.) MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 44 Table 15-5 Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Vista, and XP diagnostic commands for TCP/IP connectivity

45 Command-Line Tools (cont’d.) netstat -e command –Quick indication of the number of transmission errors and discarded packets detected at computer’s NIC Activity 15-5: Using TCP/IP Connectivity Troubleshooting Tools –Objective: Learn how to use nbtstat and netstat MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 45

46 Graphical Tools Network and Sharing Center –Disable and then enable connection Disabling the connection (or rebooting) –Resets NIC and the TCP/IP connectivity View GUI representation of network –Show if network connectivity problems exist between your server and network or Internet Use Network and Sharing Center to diagnose a specific connection MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 46

47 Remotely Administering a Server Remote Desktop client –Remotely access and manage server through dial-up line and via a RAS or VPN server Configure Remote Desktop using System Properties dialog box from: –Server Manager –System applet in Control Panel Make sure you have configured a strong password MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 47

48 Remotely Administering a Server (cont’d.) Activity 15-6: Configuring to Enable Remote Access through Remote Desktop –Objective: Enable Access to Windows Server 2008 through Remote Desktop MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 48 Figure 15-20 System Properties dialog box Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning

49 Remote Server Administration Tools Manage multiple servers from one Windows Server 2008 server Offered through Server Manager Remote Administration Tools Tools subset automatically installed with the Web Service (IIS) role –Or install Remote Server Administration Tools through Server Manager Can remotely manage both Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 servers MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 49

50 Remote Server Administration Tools (cont’d.) Use Event Viewer –View logs on a remote server Use the Reliability and Performance Monitor –Monitor a remote server Activity 15-7: Using the Remote Server Administration Tools –Objective: Learn how to use the Remote Server Administration Tools capability MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 50

51 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 51 Summary Develop a problem-solving strategy –Understand and document server and network –Train users Use Advanced Boot Options menu to solve boot problems Use installation DVD to recover system Restore Active Directory with Directory Services Restore Mode or webadmin command Failover clustering provides high availability

52 Summary (cont’d.) View logs using Event Viewer Use command-line and graphical troubleshooting tools Use Remote Desktop to manage Windows Server 2008 server remotely Use Remote Server Administration Tools to manage multiple servers from single computer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646) 52

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