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Rob Reynolds | | Twitter: ferventcoder.

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Presentation on theme: "Rob Reynolds | | Twitter: ferventcoder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rob Reynolds | | Twitter: ferventcoder

2 What will we accomplish?  Learn More about Builds  Talk about an Insanely Easy to Use Build Tool  Demos – after all this is a technical presentation right?!

3 What is a build?  In the field of computer software, the term software build refers either to the process of converting source code files into standalone software artifact(s) that can be run on a computer, or the result of doing so. One of the most important steps of a software build is the compilation process where source code files are converted into executable code. (

4 SO…What is a build?  Converting source to a usable product

5 What is Build Automation?  Scripting activities  Compiling – What has F5 done for you lately?  Quality Indicators - Running verifications  NCover, NDepend, Symbian, etc  Automated Tests  Packaging - for Release  Versioning DLLs  DRYing activities – Hang it out to dry

6 What is related to Build Automation?  Continuous Integration  Cruise Control.NET  Team City  Automated Deployments  Automated Database Migrations

7 What is an Automated Build Tool?  Something scripted/built that performs the build activities

8 Why Automated Builds?  Improves quality  Redundant tasks  Reduces errors – repeatable  Frees you up  Easier maintenance  Eliminates dependencies  Saves time and money – Stop stealing from your employer! (thanks Jeremy Miller)

9 What to use?  MSBuild  NAnt  PSake  Rake

10 What to use?  MSBuild  Built in  But – does not shift frameworks well  NAnt – XML Yo!  Tried and tested – old hat  But - The angle bracket tax  PSake – Powershell  Powershell, need I say more?  But – new kid on the block  Rake – Ruby Make  Powerful  But - Another language to learn

11 What are they missing?  Conventions  Speed to a valid build  Repeatable | Standards  Upgrade path for YOUR builds



14 BUT


16 UppercuT

17 What is UppercuT?  Insanely easy to use build framework!  Opinionated  NAnt with Conventions  NAnt templated with a layer of indirection  “NAnt for the masses!” -.NET Kicks  “An elegant solution to Builds”

18 Why UppercuT?  Stop recreating the wheel  Use an optimized process  Introduce standards  We need conventions  Upgrade very quickly and easily

19 UppercuT Conventions  Local builds  Version assemblies using source control revisions  Test Automation  References preferred to be local  Quality indicators are a must  Building and packaging are separate  Build and deploy are separate concerns

20 How to use UppercuT?  Drop in required files  Answer three questions  Automated builds!

21 When should I try UppercuT?  Right now!  Already have builds? When it makes sense  No build server? Not required to start

22 Let the demos begin


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