AIDA an AI tool for conceptual design Erik Jansen Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM Information Technology and Systems Delft University of Technology Summa.

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Presentation on theme: "AIDA an AI tool for conceptual design Erik Jansen Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM Information Technology and Systems Delft University of Technology Summa."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIDA an AI tool for conceptual design Erik Jansen Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM Information Technology and Systems Delft University of Technology Summa Minerva, IO, August 25, 2000

2 Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM geometric modeling - Wim Bronsvoort - multiple-view feature modeling - concurrent, collaborative data visualisation - Frits Post - feature extraction and visualisation, flow - virtual reality, GIS - medical visualisation rendering - Erik Jansen - parallel ray tracing - augmented reality (Ubicom)

3 New context ITS = ET + TI + TW. Seven departments. Mediamatics: multimedia, ICT modeling and visualisation, CG knowledge engineering, KBS mathematics, AM  Media and knowledge engineering

4 AIDA project Beek project by Date Rentema (LR) LR - Torenbeek TWI- KBS - Vingerhoeds TWI - CG - Jansen Application of AI-techniques to design of aircraft. Demonstration of principles with simple set-up.

5 Conceptual Design Concept is first integrated solution for design problem Why is it so difficult? integration of multiple functional and life-cycle aspects evaluation is difficult by lack of detail Most complex products are built out of components  configuration design

6 Design methodology Make design manageable by: systemize design process: decompose in functional aspects and phases use experience, style, examplars use simulation models, prototypes, rules of thumb  combination of qualitative and quantative reasoning  AI

7 AI and design Make design manageable by: concurrent, multiple view use existing knowledge on prototypes use functional and geometric modeling and solving  case-based reasoning, rule-based solving, geometric constraint solving, design representation

8 Design representation Function - Behavior - Structure (Gero 92) no forward reasoning - endless search propose-test-evaluate (S  B  F) F1 F2 structure behavior function/performance

9 Structure parametrized geometry, features geometric constraints for validity assembly of components

10 Behavior relations, equations, statistics nodes: coëfficients, funct. parameters network building, backward reasoning solving F1 F2 F3 F4.. S1 S2 S3 S4.. area (w,l) funct(x,y) vol ( )

11 Propose concept Case-Based Reasoning - CBR cases: known S-F combinations match, select and adapt solution spaceproblem space SF

12 Case selection calculate similarity select best cases combine cases expand to prototype solution spaceproblem space

13 Creating the prototype requirements case configuration assembly prototype behavior geometry topology matching

14 AIDA set-up case-based reasoning central user interface geometric module functional module design specification feasible concept

15 Modules Case-based reasoning: EADOCS (Netten, 1997, 1998) Functional (behavioral) module: QUAESTOR (van Hees, 1998) Geometric Module: Pro-Engineer Central interface: custom made

16 Design of Aircraft Approach tested to design of aircraft See thesis of Date Rentema

17 Conclusions Feasible concept for configuration design Further research: case representation and adaptation integrated system with combined geometric and functional solving apply on other test cases

18 Behavior No automatic backward reasoning, thus interactive specification to “fit” geometry F1 F2 F3 F4.. S1 S2 S3 S4.. area (w,l) funct(x,y) vol ( ) structural behavioral functional

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