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Modern Hate Groups. PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 32 Hate Groups Found32 Hate Groups Found » Read a list of hate incidents in Pennsylvania» Read a list of.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Hate Groups. PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 32 Hate Groups Found32 Hate Groups Found » Read a list of hate incidents in Pennsylvania» Read a list of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Hate Groups

2 PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 32 Hate Groups Found32 Hate Groups Found » Read a list of hate incidents in Pennsylvania» Read a list of hate incidents in Pennsylvania HATE GROUPS Black Separatist Christian Identity Ku Klux Klan Neo-Confederate Neo-Nazi Other Racist Skinhead Hate Groups in Pennsylvania


4 Christian Identity

5 Enemies Jews Non-whites (mud people) Government Homosexuals Abortionists

6 Criminal Activity Murder Armed Robbery Assassination Counterfeiting Bombings

7 Membership Followers include: Neo-Nazis KKK Anti-government Militia movement

8 Outreach Churches Pamphlets Books Websites Shortwave radio

9 Examples of Groups Elohim City Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations Militia of Montana

10 Miscellaneous Information Lost Tribes Theory- states that the that white people of European descent are the descendants of the "Lost Tribes" of ancient Israel. Deerborn Independent- Anti-Semetic/ Christian Identity News paper published by Henry Ford

11 Miscellaneous Information Seedliner theory - “two-seed" (or "seedliner") theory-the seduction of Eve by the Serpent in Eden was sexual, Cain was the product of their liaison and Cain, in turn, was the father of the Jewish people; all Jews, therefore, are children of the devil, literally demonic. - One seed-"One-seed" Identity adherents do not believe that Jews are physically descended from Satan

12 Miscellaneous Information Millenialism- t he belief that the world is in its final days. Identity Christians view the apocalypse as a racial battle, which helps to create a hothouse atmosphere wherever Identity thrives. Eric Rudolph- Olympic Bomber

13 Miscellaneous Information Phineas Priesthood- self- anointed warriors who would use extreme measures to attack race- mixers, gays, or abortionists, among other targets.

14 Miscellaneous Information Protocols of the Elders of Zion- a literary forgery, which is supposed to be an account of a secret meeting of Jewish leaders & their plot to take over the world. Not True, a political hoax.

15 Number of Followers in USA 25, 000- 50,000

16 Ku Klux Klan

17 Enemies Jews African Americans Homosexuals Abortion providers Government

18 Criminal Activities Intimidation Threats Assaults Bomb plots

19 Membership The KKK has tried to recruit new members through Pamphleteering “Adopt a Highway” Initiatives Internet Public Rallies

20 Outreach Nordic Fest-annual summer festival of white supremacy bands Pamphlets Internet Books

21 Examples of Groups Imperial Klans, Powderly Kentucky American Knights of the KKK, Butler Indiana Knights of the White Kamelia- Jasper, Texas

22 Examples of Groups The Klan has fragmented into scores of competing factions Most factions are nominally independent, while a few remain affiliated with one of the umbrella

23 Miscellaneous Information Anti- immigration- Membership on the rise due to anti-immigration Tactics Nordic Fest/ Klan Jam- Annual Summer concert to promote white power bands

24 Miscellaneous Information Gettysburg Protest- Some 30 members of the group showed up at a rally in September 2006, held in pouring rain on the Gettysburg Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania. World Knights leader Gorgon Young used the event to denounce multiracial marriage and immigration.

25 Miscellaneous Information Nordic Fest/ Klan Jam- Annual Summer concert to promote white power bands

26 Miscellaneous Information “Birth of a Nation”-(premiered with the title The Clansman) is a 1915 silent film directed by D. W. Griffith. first Hollywood "blockbuster." It promoting white supremacy and its positive portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan

27 Miscellaneous Information Jeff Berry-leader of American Knights of KKK Most outspoken of all Klan leaders

28 Number of Groups in USA/PA No more than a few thousand organized into less than 100 units

29 Creativity Movement






35 Enemies Jews Non-whites Christians

36 Criminal Activity Bombings Assault Robbery Murder Illegal Weapons Distribution

37 Membership Pamphleteering Websites Newsletters Public access cable show – ”White Revolution” Prison Recruitment

38 Outreach Prison outreach programs- women Internet Pamphlets Books

39 Examples of Groups The Women’s Frontier Sisterhood of the WOTC Creativity for Children

40 Miscellaneous Information Matt Hale Facts that the Government… RaHoWa Creator of the Year

41 Matt Hale Convicted in 4/ 2004 for solicitation of murder & three counts of obstruction of justice

42 Militia Movement

43 Enemies Government

44 Criminal Activity Bombing plots Conspiracies Illegal Firearms Militia Confrontation

45 Membership Men & Women Right wing extremists Paramilitary Survivalists Tolerate white supremacist & anti- Semites but are not bigots- J.J. Johnson

46 Outreach Gun Shows Short-wave radio Newsletters Internet

47 Examples of Groups Southeastern Ohio Defense Force Michigan Militia Southern California High Desert Militia Ohio Unorganized Militia Assistance & Advisory Committee

48 Miscellaneous Information Ruby Ridge- militia standoff between Weaver family and FBI Waco-standoff between Branch Davidian Cult and Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco & Firearms

49 Timothy McVeigh Was responsible for detonating a truck bomb in front of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people. It was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to 9/11 He was executed in 2001

50 Miscellaneous Information William Potter Gale- Considered the founder of the modern Militia Movement (Christian Identity Minister) New World Order- believe that there is a shadowy organization behind US government intent on a Socialist takeover of US JohnTrochman- Montana Militia leader, most prominent Miltia leader today

51 Miscellaneous Information Hutaree militia- militia group that was preparing for what they believed would be an apocalyptic battle with the forces of the Antichrist, who they believed would be supported and defended by local, state and federal police departments. They were arrested by the government in March/April 2010

52 Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ Christian

53 Enemies Jews Non-Whites Government

54 Criminal Activity Bank Robberies Counterfeiting Bombings Armored car holdups murder

55 Membership Was once the most infamous neo-nazi group in the US but has fallen on hard times due to the declining health & death of founder Richard Butler ( 84 ) CONTINUED…

56 Membership and a successful lawsuit launched against it by the Southern Poverty Law Center on behalf victims of assault by the Aryan Nation

57 Outreach Internet Videos Posters E-mail Prison Outreach Online bulletin boards Conferences Books Chat Rooms

58 Examples of Groups Tabernacle of Phineas Priesthood-led by Charles Juba paramilitary wing of Aryan Nations The Order- violent paramilitary wing- involved in murders & robberies

59 Miscellaneous Information Aryan Declaration of Independence- 14 words August Kreis- current leader from PA Aryan Nations Academy- school for white supremcist’s children, active in 80’s, closed in 90’s

60 Sovereign Citizens Movement

61 Enemies Anti-government Some white supremacist ideas

62 Criminal Activity "Paper terrorism”- frivolous lawsuits, frivolous liens, fictitious financial instruments, fictitious automobile-related documents, and misuse of genuine documents such as IRS forms Redemption- using a complicated process known as "regaining one's straw man" they can establish special Treasury Department accounts and issue bogus instruments they call "sight drafts" to pay off debts or make purchases.

63 Membership Angry Farmers Most are anti-government but some are Virulent racists

64 Outreach Vigilante courts seminars Internet "schools of common law " - teach redemption & paper terrorism

65 Examples of Groups The Aware Group The Embassy of Heaven Rightway Law Republic of Texas Moorish Groups- African American Sovereign Citizens groups

66 Miscellaneous Information Terry Nichols- sovereign citizen tied to Oklahoma City Bombing TDC- Threat, Duress & coercion, put on letters because they think zip codes are a government conspiracy

67 Miscellaneous Information 14 th Amendment- sovereign citizens are against the 14 th amendment because they claim that before its ratification, virtually no one was a "citizen of the United States” and that the federal government by passing the 14 th amendment tricked people into becoming citizens The Americans Bulletin-Sovereign citizens newspaper


69 New Black Panther Party for Self Defense

70 Enemies Jews Catholics homosexuals other races

71 Criminal Activity Demonstrations Disruption of Government meetings Assualt

72 Outreach Speeches Million Youth March Marches Press meetings Internet

73 Membership While the NBPP still attracts some followers under the guise of championing the causes of black empowerment and civil rights,

74 Membership its record of racism and anti-Semitism has overshadowed any of its efforts to promote black pride and consciousness

75 Miscellaneous Information Condemnation by original Panthers 9/11 Connection with Nation of Islam

76 Hammerskin Nation

77 Enemies Homosexuals African Americans Jews

78 Criminal Activity Murder Beatings Vandalism

79 Outreach Hammerskin Press Hate rock concerts online bulletin boards e-mail mailing list

80 Membership Almost exclusively young white males inclined to violence Unlike most white supremacy groups who simply let members fill out an application and pay dues, Hammerskin members must “prove” themselves before becoming a member

81 Miscellaneous information The Wall- Pink Most respected and feared racist skinhead group Panzerfaust Records chapters in several other countries, including Canada, England, France, the Netherlands and Germany


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