Guess what disability we will be talking about today?

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Presentation on theme: "Guess what disability we will be talking about today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guess what disability we will be talking about today?

2 Communication Disorders Speech & Language Ed. 225 Exceptional Child

3 Speech Languag e Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, information, and desires and includes speech and language. Handout

4 What is included in Speech Articulation S.O.D.A. Voice Fluency Language Form Phonology Morphology Syntax Content Semantics Use/Function Pragmatics

5 Meet Ed & Glenn – video clipvideo clip History of Ed ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

6 AAC Augmentative and Alternative Communication refers to ways (other than speech) that are used to send a message from one person to another.

7 LOW-TECH COMMUNICATIONS Letter Boards Hand Signals Eye Signals Lip Reading

8 HIGH-TECH COMMUNICATIONS On Screen Keyboards Text-to-Speech Voice Synthesizers Switches

9 Free Communication Tools NEW! Free Communication Tools E-triloquist - (formerly called SpeakEasy) is a free speaking utility which reads aloud phrases which are typed in to it. A Windows utility, E-triloquist provides an easy means to store and retrieve commonly used words or phrases. E- triloquist can play pre-recorded sound files as well as performing free-form speech synthesis. See the E-triloquist home page for details and download instructions. E-triloquist home page CHIPSpeaking™ (Conversational Help for Individuals with Problems Speaking) is a free (non-commercial), text-to-speech communication aid based on the Microsoft Agent voices. The web site includes the download of the program and various Microsoft Agent characters/voices. CHIPSpeaking™ Virtual On-Screen Keyboard by MiloSoft - a free on-screen keyboard which allows you to use your mouse to type in any text environment, including chat, email and word processing programs. It is available through the ALS March of Faces website. Virtual On-Screen Keyboard by MiloSoftALS March of Faces Windows ME operating system comes with an onscreen keyboard. Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Windows Setup >Accessibility > Details > select Accessibility Tools.

10 Ed’s first communication device Simulation & discussion

11 AAC Enkidu Palmtop Portable IMPACT Augmentative Communication Device

12 AAC This palm-pilot has the ability to speak words and phrases that are programmed into it through a "speech board"-like program.

13 AAC Enkidu handheld portable IMPACT $3,999.00

14 Dynavox

15 "The Dynavox has helped me so much. With it I am just a regular teenager but can't walk or talk. I can carry on a conversation, control my stereo and write my own music," Sarah said. She was born with cerebral palsy which left her without speech but her family was introduced to this language device by a speech and language pathologist..

16 Dynavox The DynaVox 3100 is approximately 7 pounds and comes in a case made of tough plastic. The case has a strong gripping surface, easy-to-find ports, and a moisture-resistant faceplate. Price: $7,295.00

17 Sarah speaks with a tap of her head on a pad, but it can also work with the blink of an eye, the wrinkle of an eyebrow or a puff of air. Ed’s high tech communication device


19 Thanks, Ed, for all you taught me!

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