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Project reports are due at the final Monday May 8 11:30 am Reports should contain a paragraph describing the contribution of each team member. Who did.

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Presentation on theme: "Project reports are due at the final Monday May 8 11:30 am Reports should contain a paragraph describing the contribution of each team member. Who did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project reports are due at the final Monday May 8 11:30 am Reports should contain a paragraph describing the contribution of each team member. Who did what? The final exam consists of each team making a 10 minute presentation. Everyone speaks. Teams 1-5 meet with the instructor for 5 minutes each Wed. Teams 6-9 meet with the instructor for 5 minutes each Fri. Fill out a Project Status report prior to the meeting. Project reports and presentations

2 Structured Programming Divide and subdivide the project. Write functions for the parts. Manage complexity Debugable Readable Testable Reusable functions Maintainable

3 Structured Programming Hierarchical Modules are divided into smaller and smaller submodules (functions work well as modules) functions contain functions Modular Simple independent modules with well defined inputs and outputs Locality Minimize inputs and outputs Generate values inside the module where possible

4 Polygon areas can be determined by adding up trapezoid areas

5 Trapezoid centroid, y (A1 + A2)y = A1 y1 + A2 y2 where y is the y coordinate of the centroid of the trapezoid

6 Fill in this part before the meeting Leave this part blank Project Status Report Form


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