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Christine Ramirez CSC 101 02-04-09. Blog A blog is an online journal where people can add comments onto the web. A blog can be educational or just for.

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Presentation on theme: "Christine Ramirez CSC 101 02-04-09. Blog A blog is an online journal where people can add comments onto the web. A blog can be educational or just for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christine Ramirez CSC 101 02-04-09

2 Blog A blog is an online journal where people can add comments onto the web. A blog can be educational or just for fun.

3 Videos The visible part of a television transmission. A person can find videos online, supermarkets, movie stores, etc.

4 White Papers A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that often addresses problems and how to solve them. White papers are used to educate readers and help people make decisions. They are used in politics and business. They can also be a government report outlining policy.

5 Downloads Uploading and Downloading are related terms used to describe the transfer of electronic data between two computers or similar systems.

6 Reviews A review is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book, or a piece of hardware like a car, appliance

7 Podcasts A podcast is a series of digital-media files which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media

8 Webcasts A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. As a broadcast may either be live or recorded, similarly

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