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The Negev Health Forum Dov Chernichovsky Nadav Davidovitch Dov Tamir.

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Presentation on theme: "The Negev Health Forum Dov Chernichovsky Nadav Davidovitch Dov Tamir."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Negev Health Forum Dov Chernichovsky Nadav Davidovitch Dov Tamir

2 Mission Advance the health of the Negev population through promotion of inter- agency and inter-institutional cooperation

3 Organization Chair – Dean Chief executive Executive board – members of the community, including management of all sickness funds and the hospital Board – members of the community at large

4 Leading activity and projects Resource mobilization – The Oxford Health Alliance (OXHA) Beer – Sheva Healthy City “Lehavim-Rahat” General Hospital

5 A. OXHA Renewed activity following the Sydney Meetings last year Seeking funding through a special fund raising effort for Israeli and Argentinean projects not yet funded, out of 9 shortlisted of 60. (Draft background document attached)

6 B. “Beer Sheva Healthy City”

7 Healthy Cities Approach Seeks to put health high on the political and social agenda of cities, and to build a strong public health movement for at the local level The concept is underpinned by the principles of the Health for All strategy and Local Agenda 21. Strong emphasis on equity, participatory governance and solidarity. Inter-sectoral collaboration and action to address the determinants of health. Over 1200 cities in the WHO European Region are healthy cities

8 The Ceremony (Feb. 4, 2008)


10 The Charter Adopt a policy to reduce health disparities Asses the health impact of municipality decisions Develop programs to promote health, and prevent disease and accidents Develop, promote and preserve open spaces Promote collaboration Enhance access to medical services International collaboration

11 Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University Health Forum of the Negev + Beer Sheva Municipality Comprehensive policy and planning with an emphasis on health inequalities and urban poverty, needs of vulnerable groups, participatory governance and the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. Health Funds NGOs Ministry of Health Health Coordinator Other Governmental Institutions Business Sector Citizens

12 Operational Stages Establishing a Steering Committee Choosing a Health Coordinator Mapping stakeholders, existing health promotion programs (including establishing database) Creating health profile and a health needs survey Setting priorities and projects schedule

13 C. “Lehavim- Rahat” Hospital

14 The Need Acute Hospital Beds per 1000 Capita Region 2.092 National 2.476 Jerusalem 1.563 North 2.700 Haifa 2.240 Center 2.627 Tel Aviv 1.497 South

15 Why we? Plans for hospital exist, and area allocated No institution will assume the project – a typical Israeli “catch 22” We are the only institution that can promote the project institutionally and professionally

16 Activity to date In collaboration with the Authority for the of the Development of the Negev and the “Bnei Shimon” Regional Council, Prepared a report that includes: (Re-)establishment of need Bed composition of hospital Financial analysis Legal framework

17 The facility A 300 beds general hospital, to increase to 900 over 20 years A ‘public’ entity (for tax purposes. Does not require state ownership) Requires an initial investment of NIS 400 millions Estimated annual deficit, including capital costs NIS 20 millions

18 Next Steps Final agreement with Ministry of Health on bed composition Circulation of an updated report by the regional council, and start negotiations with pertinent ministries Prepare, at the request of the two authorities, a complete business plan for investors / donors Help establish a legal entity to assume responsibility for the project

19 Thanks for your attention and assistance

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