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Chromosomes: the cellular basis of the instructions Mitosis - Meiosis

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosomes: the cellular basis of the instructions Mitosis - Meiosis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosomes: the cellular basis of the instructions Mitosis - Meiosis

2 Diploid organism: two sets of chromosomes ( one from each parent)
Haploid organism: one set of chromosomes n

3 Germ cells: the cells that provide the continuity of life from generation to the next

4 Somatic cells: all the others

5 meiosis Haploid egg Haploid sperm mitosis Fertilization n n 2n

6 Mitosis

7 The cell cycle Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Interphase


9 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase 2N Mitosis 2C 4C 4C 2C 2C

10 Mitosis: Sister chromatids
separate at anaphase

11 Homologous chromatids
Diploid cells 2C 4C 4C Homologous chromatids 2C 2C Diploid cells

12 Meiosis

13 2N 2C Prophase I 2N 4C 2N 4C 2N 4C 1N 2C 1N 2C 1N 1C

14 Prophase I 1. Leptotene 2.Zygotene 3.Pachytene 4.Diplotene
5.Diakinesis Prophase I

15 Prophase I 5.Diakinesis 4.Diplotene

16 Crossing over Pairing of homologous chromosomes Chiasma formation
Breakage and joining Recombinant

17 Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Prophase II Prophase I

18 Meiosis anaphase I :Homologous chromosomes separate
Reduction from diploid to haploid

19 Meiosis 1st division: reduction from diploid to haploid number of chromosomes two haploid cells

20 Meiosis 2nd division: like mitosis with haploid set
Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

21 4 Haploid cells Gametes

22 Meiosis begins by replicating the chromosomes
This step is identical to mitosis

23 The homologous chromosomes then pairs
Centromeres Do not split At meiosis I

24 Centromeres Do not split At meiosis I Meiosis I is reductional 2n = 2C

25 Centromeres Do split At meiosis II

26 Meiosis 1st division: reduction from diploid to haploid number of chromosomes two haploid cells

27 Crossing over Homologous chromosomes Diploid to haploid Haploid cells Diploid cells Homologous chromatids

28 MITOSIS Somatic cells MEIOSIS Cells in sexual cycle
1 cell division: 2 daughter cells 2n 2n MEIOSIS Cells in sexual cycle 2 cell divisions: 4 product of meiosis n n 2n n n n=chromosome number

29 Mitosis Conservative process: Daughter cells genotypes identical to parental genotypes Meiosis Promotes variation among the product of meiosis (crossing over)

30 2 meiotic 30 mitotic 15 years divisions Puberty 4 mitotic spermatids
spermatozoa spermatids 15 years Puberty I II

31 oogonia X Bearing sperm egg ZYGOTE 2n 2n 2n Mitoses
Growth and differentiation of organs and tissues 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n Somatic cells 2n Female germ line 2n 2n Proliferation of gonial cells 2n 2n 2n 2n oogonia

32 Primary oocytes Meiosis I Secondary oocytes Polar body Meiosis II
fertilization n Egg + 3 polar bodies

33 Female meiosis Birth: diplotene of prophase I At puberty every month:
maturation = progress to metaphase II, release from the ovary Penetration of the sperm: continue to anaphase II

34 Final result Mitosis : two genetically identical diploid cells
from one diploid parent cell Meiosis : Four genetically different haploid cells from one diploid parent cell

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