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Computer Networks Set 6: MAC sublayer. MAC Sublayer ÑWhen several users contend to use same medium, the DLL is divided into a LLC and a MAC sublayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Networks Set 6: MAC sublayer. MAC Sublayer ÑWhen several users contend to use same medium, the DLL is divided into a LLC and a MAC sublayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Networks Set 6: MAC sublayer

2 MAC Sublayer ÑWhen several users contend to use same medium, the DLL is divided into a LLC and a MAC sublayer. ÑLLC handles previously described tasks. ÑMAC handles access to the medium -channel allocation. ÑTwo families of channel allocation stategies: ÑStatic channel allocation: FDM, TDM,... ÑDynamic channel allocation: Allocates channel on a need-to-use basis. Several strategies.

3 MAC sublayer - ALOHA ÑAssumptions: Independent stations, single channel, collision detection, slotted time or random access, carrier sense or not. ÑPure Aloha: Random access, Random wait time

4 MAC Sublayer - ALOHA ÑSlotted Aloha: Slotted time, Synchronization needed.

5 MAC sublayer - CSMA ÑCarrier sense multiple access protocols. ÑPersistent CSMA: Continuous Carrier sense, Random access ÑNonpersistent CSMA: Random Carrier sense, Random access Ñp-persistant CSMA: Random Carrier sense, Slotted access with probability p.

6 MAC Sublayer - CSMA comparison

7 MAC Layer - CSMA/CD ÑCSMA with Collision Detection ÑCSMA/CD can be in one of three states: contention, transmission, or idle.

8 MAC Layer -Collision Free ÑBit map protocol: Ñ Binary countdown protocol:

9 MAC Sublayer - Collision free protocols Ñ

10 Required Reading ÑWeb sites on Aloha, CSMA.

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