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Tony Gauvin Assistant Professor of eCommerce Allagash Wilderness Waterway.

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1 Tony Gauvin Assistant Professor of eCommerce Allagash Wilderness Waterway

2 University of Maine at Machias University of Maine at Presque Isle University of Maine at Fort Kent CENTER FOR RURAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Maine Tri-Campus Consortium Plum Creek Timber Company LURC Concept Plan

3 A Natural Extension  UMFK Mission  an overarching focus on the needs of rural communities in America,  exploration and study of the Maine wilderness environment surrounding this campus, and  celebration and preservation of the Franco-American heritage of this region  UMPI Mission  to have a stimulating effect on the cultural and economic development of Aroostook County and the State of Maine  UMM Mission  “UMM is” closely linked to its location on the rugged Atlantic Ocean coast, among forests, glacial lakes, and abundant aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. This downeast location, with its rich human and natural resources, provides a unique living and learning environment for our students. …  applied research and public services contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and economic development in downeast Maine.

4 Vision and Mission  Vision  To provide a structure to implement the primary mission focus of the smaller regional institutions to serve the needs of the rural communities in the regions in which they are located. It will create a forum for exploring how this rural focus permeates the curriculum at these institutions and establishes a platform for generating research in and about the regions in order to support ongoing regional economic development efforts.  Mission  The CRSD will promote rural sustainable development that responds to the challenges and needs facing northern and downeast Maine by:  Developing rural oriented academic programs and outreach activities  Providing quality research, scholarship, and grant writing initiatives; and  Creating and strengthening community partnerships and networks through public and professional services.

5 Each University’s Role  University of Maine at Fort Kent  Rural Studies  Rural economics  Rural health  Environmental Science  Fresh Water Ecology  Forestry  Wildlife Management  Ecotourism  Acadian and Franco-American Heritage and Culture  University of Maine at Presque Isle  Agriculture  Geology  Recreation  Social Services Delivery  University of Maine at Machias  Coastal Studies

6 Développement durable (1987) France Model Environment Social Liveable Equitable Economy Viable Sustainable Development

7 CRSD Comprehensive Model Human DimensionEconomic Dimension Science & Technology Resources & Environment Political Dimension Education Health/Nursing Public Safety Cultural / Heritage Social / Demography Info. Technology Global Info. Systems Comp. Sci. / Apps. E-Commerce Ecosystem Health Water & Air Quality Land Usage Environmental Studies Policy Rural Impact Subsidies Rural Industry Forestry Agriculture Tourism Recreation Services Entrepreneurial Businesses Adapted from the European Rural Development Model Center for Rural Sustainable Development UMPI UMFK UMM Marine Biology Mariculture

8 THE CRSD & UMFK  Ties academic programs to the Mission and Vision of UMFK  Creates and strengthens interrelationships between the Academic Programs and Existing Centers at UMFK  Sustainable rural development is a Pluridisciplinary issue  Provides a framework for Research and Grants  Gives an over-arching direction for  Student internships  Service learning projects  Curriculum development  Academic Scholarship and Service (getting tenure!)

9 Regional  Access and Outreach  Breaks done the walls and towers of Academia and makes the expertise available within the Academy to a larger audience within the region  Town and Local governments  Economic Development agencies  Civic groups  Private Citizens  Distinguishes the three UMS campuses in Washington and Aroostook County  Separate but aligned towards common goals

10 National  The question of Rural Development is being addressed by Centers all over the US  National Center for Appropriate Technology   Southern Rural Development Center   Western Rural Development Center   Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development   The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development   Maine is not (yet) an active contributor to the debate  Granting Agencies  USDA   USDE  National Leadership Summits for a Sustainable America (2006-07)  Operation Fresh Start

11 International  United Nations - World Summit in 2002  “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”     France  Développement durable – 1987   Sweden  Ministry of Sustainable Development   US is playing “Catch up”


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