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Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Processes vs. Threads Traditional process characteristics: Resource ownership Has a virtual address space to hold the process image Is allocated resources, as needed: I/O devices, files, etc. Scheduling/execution Follows an execution path through one or more programs Has an execution state and a priority Is the entity that is scheduled and dispatched by the OS Modern OSs treat these characteristics independently Unit of resource of ownership is referred to as a process or task Unit of dispatching is referred to as a thread or lightweight process CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Multithreading The OS supports multiple threads of execution within a single process A process in a multithreaded environment has: A virtual address space that holds the process image Protected access to processors, other processes, files, and I/O resources Within a process, there may be one or more threads and each thread has: A thread execution state (Running, Ready, etc.) A saved thread context when not running An execution stack Per-thread static storage for local variables Access to the memory and resources of its process, shared with other threads Examples: W2K, Solaris, Linux, Mach, OS/2 MS-DOS supports a single thread UNIX supports multiple user processes but only supports one thread per process Windows 2000, Solaris, Linux, Mach, and OS/2 support multiple threads CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Multithreading (Cont.)
Benefits of threads: Takes less time to create a new thread in an existing process than a new process Takes less time to terminate a thread than a process Takes less time to switch between two threads within the same process Since threads within the same process share memory and files, they can communicate with each other without invoking the kernel Actions that affect all threads of a process Suspending a process involves suspending all threads of the process (a suspended process is swapped out of main memory) Termination of a process, terminates all threads within the process CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Examples of use of Threads in a Single-User Multiprocessing System
Foreground and background work Example: spreadsheet program One thread displays menus and reads user input Other thread executes user commands and updates spreadsheet Asynchronous processing Example: word processor that saves to disk once every minute A second thread does periodic backups Speed execution Example: One thread computes one batch of data Other thread reads next batch from a device Modular program structure Example: programs that use a variety of sources and destinations CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Thread States and Operations
Running, Ready, and Blocked Operations associated with a change in thread state Spawn Spawn a thread for a new process A thread in an existing process spawns another thread Block Thread blocks waiting on an event Unblock Event occurred, thread is unblocked Finish Thread completes, deallocate register context and stacks CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Remote Procedure Call Using Threads
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Remote Procedure Call Using Threads (Cont.)
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
User-Level Threads (ULT)
All thread management is done by the application, the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads An application is programmed by using a threads library, which contains code for: Creating and destroying threads Passing messages and data between the threads Scheduling thread execution Saving and restoring thread contexts Operation: Application starts as a single thread running within a process managed by kernel Application spawns a new thread using Spawn in threads library Threads library creates new thread and passes control to one of the threads in Ready state using some scheduling algorithm CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
User-Level Threads (Cont.)
Advantages of using User Level Threads instead of Kernel Level Threads Thread switching does not require kernel mode privileges Scheduling can be application specific User Level Threads can run on any OS Disadvantages of User Level Threads: Many system calls are blocking: when a ULT executes a system call, all threads within the process are blocked A multithreaded application cannot take advantage of multiprocessing: kernel assigns one processor to one process (I.e, all threads within that process) CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Kernel-Level Threads (KLT)
In a pure Kernel-Level Thread implementation all thread management is done by the kernel All the threads within an application are in a single process Kernel maintains context information for the process and the threads Scheduling is done on a thread basis Advantages: Kernel can simultaneously schedule multiple threads from the same process on multiple processors If one thread is blocked, the kernel can schedule another thread of the same process The kernel routines themselves can be multithreaded Disadvantages: Transfer of control between threads within same process requires switch to the kernel Examples: W2K, Linux, and OS/2 CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Combined Approaches Multiple ULTs from a single application are mapped onto some (smaller or equal) number of KLTs Thread creation done in the user space Most of scheduling and synchronization of threads within an application are done in the user space Advantages: Multiple threads within the same application can run in parallel on multiple processors A blocking system call does not block the entire process Example: Solaris CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Relationship Between Threads and Processes
Threads:Process Description Example Systems Each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources. 1:1 Traditional UNIX implementations A process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership. Multiple threads may be created and executed within that process. Windows NT, Solaris, OS/2, OS/390, MACH M:1 1:M A thread may migrate from one process environment to another. This allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems. Ra (Clouds), Emerald M:M Combines attributes of M:1 and 1:M cases TRIX CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP)
Categories of Computer Systems Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) Single processor executes a single instruction stream to operate on data stored in a single memory Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) Each instruction is executed on a different set of data by the different processors Multiple Instruction Single Data (MISD) A sequence of data is transmitted to a set of processors, each of which executes a different instruction sequence. Never implemented Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) A set of processors simultaneously execute different instruction sequences on different data sets CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Symmetric MultiProcessing (Cont.)
OS implementation Kernel can execute on any processor Typically each processor does self-scheduling from the pool of available processes or threads Kernel can be constructed as multiple processes or multiple threads that can execute in parallel OS must prevent Two processors choosing the same process A process getting lost from the queue CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Multiprocessor Operating System Design Issues
Simultaneous concurrent processes or threads Several processors can execute the same kernel code simultaneously: kernel routines must be reentrant Management of kernel tables must avoid deadlock Scheduling With scheduling done by each processor, kernel-level multithreading must avoid conflicts in scheduling multiple threads from the same process simultaneously Synchronization Mutual exclusion and event ordering must by provided for multiple active processes accessing shared memory and I/O Memory Management Paging on different processors must be coordinated when several processors share a page or segment and decide on page replacement Reliability and Fault Tolerance Graceful degradation in case of processor failure CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Microkernel is a small operating system core containing only essential operating systems functions All other OS services are implemented as server processes, execute in user mode, and communicate through messages (device drivers, file systems, virtual memory manager, windowing system, and security services) The microkernel architecture replaces the traditional vertical layered architecture and leads to a client/server architecture within a single computer Example: An application opens a file by sending a message to the file system server, creates a process or thread by sending a message to the process server Each of the servers can send messages to other servers (through the kernel) and can invoke the primitive operations in the kernel CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Benefits of a Microkernel Organization
Uniform interface on requests made by a process Both kernel-level and user-level services are provided by means of message passing Extensibility Allows the addition of new services and provision of multiple services in the same functional area Flexibility New features added, existing features can be subtracted Portability Most of the processor-specific code is in the microkernel Reliability A small microkernel can be rigorously tested Distributed system support, including clusters controlled by a distributed operating system The client/server architecture within a single computer maps easily into a distributed architecture CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Windows 2000 (W2K) Thread and SMP Management
Process design driven by the need to provide support for a variety of operating system environments Native process structures and services are relatively simple and general purpose, allowing each operating system subsystem to emulate a particular process structure and functionality Process characteristics Processes implemented as objects An executable process may contain one or more threads Both process and thread objects have built-in synchronization capabilities CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
W2K Process Object CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
W2K Thread Object CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
W2K Thread States Ready: May be scheduled for execution Standby: Has been selected to run on a particular processor and waits until processor is available Running Has been allocated a processor and is executing Waiting Blocked on an event or waits for synchronization purposes Transition Ready to run but resources not available Terminated Terminated by itself, by another thread, or when the parent process terminates CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
W2K SMP Support The threads of any process, including those of the executive, can run on any processor Microkernel assigns a ready thread to the next available processor, except for Soft affinity: dispatcher tries to assign a ready thread to the same processor it last ran on Hard affinity: application can restrict its thread execution to certain processors Benefits No processor is idle or is executing a lower-priority thread when a higher priority thread is ready Multiple threads from the same process can be executing simultaneously on multiple processors CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Solaris Thread Management
Four separate thread-related concepts: Process: Normal UNIX process, includes the user’s address space, stack, and process control block User-Level Threads (ULTs) Implemented through a threads library in the address space of a process Invisible to the OS Lightweight processes (LWPs) A mapping between ULTs and kernel threads Each LWP supports one or more ULTs and maps to one kernel thread Scheduled by the kernel independently May execute in parallel on multiprocessors Kernel threads Fundamental entities that can be scheduled and dispatched to run on one of the system processors CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
Linux Process and Thread Management
A process or task in Linux is represented by a task_struct data structure. It contains the following information about the process: State: executing, ready, suspended, stopped, and zombie Scheduling information: a process can be normal or real-time and has a priority Identifiers: unique process identifier, and user and group identifiers Interprocess communication: IPC mechanisms Links: a link to its parent process, links to its siblings, and links to all its children Times and timers: process creation time and the amount of processor time so far consumed by the process File system: pointers to any files open by this process Virtual memory: virtual memory assigned to this process Processor-specific context: registers and stack information that represent the context of this process CS-550: Threads, SMP, and Microkernels
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