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UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Basic Chord Structures and Patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Basic Chord Structures and Patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Basic Chord Structures and Patterns

2 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Agenda Theory and Conventions Scale Structure and Notation Common Chord Structures Chord Groupings and Patterns Chord Shapes and Score Notation

3 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Theory and Conventions A scale consists of eight notes (octave) When two or more notes of a scale are played simultaneously then this represents playing a Chord based on the scale Each scale note is identified by its position in the scale The first note of a scale is called the root The root note played together with the third and fifth note of the scale provides the Major Chord for a given scale A chord which only uses three notes of the scale is called a Triad Other notes may be added to a chord in simple or complex ways which will have an affect on the overall sound

4 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The C Major Scale with Associated Notes 123456 The first note of the scale is called a numerical Degree of the scale e.g first note is the First Degree, next note is the Second Degree 78

5 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of C Major C, E, G

6 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The C Major Chord Triplet C F G C The major chord based on the first of the scale is then followed by the major chord based on the fourth note of the scale followed by the major chord based on the fifth note of the scale finishing on the first major chord 12345678

7 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord Sequence C Major, F Major, G Major, C Major This sequence of chords forms a natural grouping that ‘sounds right’ musically.

8 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of C Major C, E, G

9 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of F Major F, A, C

10 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of G Major G, B, D

11 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of C Major C, E, G

12 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord Sequence G Major, C Major, D Major, G Major The F in D Major is Sharpened as this follows the key signature for that scale

13 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of G Major G, B, D

14 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of C Major C, E, G

15 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of D Major D, F, A

16 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of G Major G, B, D

17 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production What is The F Major Chord Triplet ? 123456 The major chord based on the first note of the scale is then followed by the major chord based on the fourth note of the scale followed by the major chord based on the fifth note of the scale finishing on the first major chord 78

18 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of F Major F, A, C

19 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of B Major B, A, C

20 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of C Major C, E, G

21 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of F Major F, A, C

22 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production The Chord of C Major C, E, G with single bass note C

23 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Minor Chords A minor chord has a distinctive sound. Each major scale has an associated Relative Minor Scale which is based on the Sixth Degree (Note) of the Major Scale 12345678 6 The Relative Minor of C Major is A Minor Triad chord for A Minor

24 UFCEXR-20-1Multimedia Sound Production Essential Reading Read the following to support and extend your understanding: Charlton: pages 308 -337 Chord Structures and Examples

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