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ECIV 301 Programming & Graphics Numerical Methods for Engineers Lecture 24 Regression Analysis-Chapter 17.

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Presentation on theme: "ECIV 301 Programming & Graphics Numerical Methods for Engineers Lecture 24 Regression Analysis-Chapter 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECIV 301 Programming & Graphics Numerical Methods for Engineers Lecture 24 Regression Analysis-Chapter 17

2 LAST TIME Splines

3 Piecewise smooth polynomials


5 LAST TIME E.G Quadratic Splines Function Values at adjacent polynomials are equal at interior nodes

6 LAST TIME E.G Quadratic Splines First and Last Functions pass through end points

7 LAST TIME E.G Quadratic Splines First Derivatives at Interior nodes are equal

8 LAST TIME E.G Quadratic Splines Assume Second Derivative @ First Point=0

9 LAST TIME E.G Quadratic Splines Assume Second Derivative @ First Point=0 Solve 3nx3n system of Equations

10 LAST TIME Spline Interpolation Polynomial Interpolation Spline Interpolation Polynomial Interpolation

11 Curve Fitting Often we are faced with the problem… what value of y corresponds to x=0.935?

12 Curve Fitting Question 1 : Is it possible to find a simple and convenient formula that reproduces the points exactly? e.g. Straight Line ? …or smooth line ? …or some other representation? Interpolation

13 Curve Fitting Question 2 : Is it possible to find a simple and convenient formula that represents data approximately ? e.g. Best Fit ? Approximation

14 Experimental Measurements Strain Stress

15 Experimental Measurements Strain Stress

16 BEST FIT CRITERIA Strain y Stress Error at each Point Total Error

17 Best Fit => Minimize Error Not a Good Choice Not a Unique Best Fit

18 Best Fit => Minimize Error Try Absolute Not a Good Choice Not a Unique Best Fit

19 Best Fit => Minimize Error Best Strategy

20 Best Fit => Minimize Error Objective: What are the values of a o and a 1 that minimize ?

21 Least Square Approximation What x minimizes f(x)? Remember:

22 Least Square Approximation In our case Since x i and y i are known from given data

23 Least Square Approximation



26 2 Eqtns 2 Unknowns

27 Least Square Approximation

28 Example xyxyx2x2 10.5 1a1=0.839 22.554a0=0.0714 3269 4416 53.517.525 6636 75.538.549 2824119.5140

29 Example

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