Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Photo by Brian Daniel Jo-Ann Leong Director Strategic Plan 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Photo by Brian Daniel Jo-Ann Leong Director Strategic Plan 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Photo by Brian Daniel Jo-Ann Leong Director Strategic Plan 2008

2 Who are we and what make us special? Faculty: –7 tenured, 5 tenure track –3 Professors, 4 Researchers. –3 Assoc. & 10 Asst. Res. –5 specialists Research Topics: –Climate change –Invasive species –Ocean acidification –Oceans & Human Health –Food Production –Acoustic Pollution Coral Reef Ecosystem Function

3 2005-2010 Strategic Plan Mission: HIMB is the flagship institution for UH, Hawai‘i, and the US for facilitation and support of multi-disciplinary research and education in all aspects of tropical marine biology. Its unique location on Mokuoloe with ready access to estuarine, coastal and offshore environments promotes the integration and excellent laboratory science and rigorous field work June 15, 2004 Bellows Field

4 2005-2010 Objectives of Strategic Plan 1.Become global leader in tropical marine biology research. 2.Foster interdisciplinary research & education in tropical marine biology. 3.Build HIMB docent program and develop our outreach activities to enhance stewardship of our marine environment. 4.Obtain funds for new laboratories and the remodel of current laboratories a.Sustainable design b.Adequately staffed c.Sufficient funding for maintenance

5 Benchmarks -Research Recruit & hire 4 new faculty : –Florence Thomas, Assoc. Researcher –Malia Rivera, Specialist, Marine Education Coordinator –Megan Donahue, Asst. Researcher –Judy Lemus, Specialist, Academic Programs Coordinator. Raise grant funding to $20 million by 2010: $5,592,000 in 2007 Raise publication rate in peer reviewed journals by 20%: 2005: 75 2006: 102 2007:

6 Benchmarks - Education Increase grant funding for graduate assistantships – EpScoR and NWHI internship program. Workshops at HIMB: Pauley summer course, ConGen Course, EPSCoR Evolutionary Genetics Course. Increase research & education partnerships with UH community. –Coral quarantine facility – WCC –Ocean & Human Health – Oceanography –Evolutionary Genetics – UH-Hilo

7 Benchmark - Outreach Funding base for docent program –Hired Jennifer Barrett as Outreach coordinator –Develop our housing and meeting room capacity (Lanai suites remodel) –Develop business plan for outreach programs –Increase funding for programs from federal and private agencies.

8 Benchmarks - Facilities Obtain funding for new building -$33 million. Renovate air conditioning infrastructure to reduce energy usage by 2007. Increase maintenance & fiscal personnel to reflect the increased requirements of the added Pauley bldg. –Departmental office assistant –Electrician –Boat and Dive Safety officer –IT specialist –Security/Groundskeeper/Support Plan for Sustainability conversions Capital improvement for seawalls, piers, building repairs.

9 Presentations Acoustics/Sensor Technology –Paul Nachtigall –Whitlow Au –Kim Holland –Marlin Atkinson (Jim Falter) Ecosystem Function –Flo Thomas –Bob Bidigare –Gordon Grau –Ruth Gates (Michael Stat) –Mike Rappe –Greta Aeby –Paul Jokiel Biogeography –Brian Bowen –Rob Toonen –Steve Karl Fisheries & Aquaculture –Clyde Tamaru –Teresa Lewis –Carl Meyer Education & Outreach –Malia Rivera GIS & Benthic Mapping –Erik Franklin

10 Relationship to SOEST Strategic Plan Establish PACIOOS (K. Holland, W. Au) Hawai‘i Space Flight Lab with capacity to monitor health of shallow coral reefs. (M. Atkinson, E. Hochberg, P. Jokiel) Alternative energy sources/sustainability (G. Grau) Living marine resources: “HIMB is an integral part of the science plan for the NWHI and the Hawaiian Archipelago.” – All HIMB faculty.

11 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Photo by Brian Daniel

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