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Information Systems and Knowledge Management Dr. Zafer Erdogan

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1 Information Systems and Knowledge Management Dr. Zafer Erdogan
Marketing Research Information Systems and Knowledge Management Dr. Zafer Erdogan

2 Data, Information and Knowledge
Data—the raw facts—record measures of certain phenomena which are necessary to provide Information—facts in a form suitable for managers to base decisions on. Knowledge – is a blend of information, experience, and insights that provide a framework that can be applied when assessing new information or evaluating relevant situations.

3 Characteristics of Valuable Information
Relevance Quality Timeliness Completeness

4 Knowledge Management Organizations make effort to capture, organize, and share what the organizations and its employees know. They create knowledge that is broader, deeper and richer than data or information. Knowledge Management is the process of creating an inclusive, comprehensive, easily accessible organizational memory often called the organization’s intellectual capital.

5 Decision Support System
A computer-based system that helps decision makers confront problems through direct interaction with databases and analytical software programs. Its purpose; to store data and transform them into organized information that is easily accessible to marketing managers.

6 A Decision Support System Has Two Components
Database A database is a collection of raw data arranged logically and organized in a form that can be stored and processed by a computer. e.g. mail list, population records… Software Various types of programs that tell computers, printers, and other hardware what to do Software consists of business intelligence systems, statistical software, spreadsheet software and analytical models.

7 Business Intelligence Software
A decision support system’s business intelligence software allows managers to combine and restructure databases, diagnose relationships, discover patterns, estimate variables, otherwise analyze the various databases. Much software helps user interaction.

8 Decision Support Systems-cont
Systematic accumulation of pertinent, timely, and accurate data is essential to the success of a decision support system. The managers of the decision support system, systems analysts, and computer programmers are responsible for the system as a whole. However, the task of providing input data is shared by many functions within the organization.

9 Four Major Sources Of Input For A Decision Support System
All numerical, text, voice, and image data entered into the decision system. Internal records Proprietary Marketing research Marketing intelligence Outside vendors and external distributors

10 Internal Records Internal records that may become useful information for marketing managers. Accounting reports of sales and inventory figures, provide considerable data. Data about costs, orders, shipments, inventory, sales, and other aspects of regular operations are routinely collected and entered into the computer. Customer profiles

11 Proprietary Marketing Research
Emphasizes the company’s gathering of new data. Not conducted regularly or continuously. Projects conducted to study specific company problems Survey findings Test market results

12 Marketing Intelligence
A network of sources and regular procedures by which marketing executives obtain everyday information about nonrecurring developments in the external marketing environment. For example; logs of comments and complaints, discovery of competition price changes, news of industry technology

13 Outside Vendors and External Distributors
Distributors of market information as their products. Many organizations specialize in the collection and publication of high-quality information. E.G. A. C. Nielsen company, provides television program ratings, audience counts.

14 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Bring together lots of pieces of information customer profiles sales marketing effectiveness/responsiveness market trends Provides the enterprise with a complete, dependable, and integrated view of its customer base.

15 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
The goal of the CRM system is to describe customer relationships in sufficient detail So that; Management, salespeople, customer service, and perhaps the customer can directly access information e.g. other products a customer has purchased match customer needs with satisfying product offerings remind customers of service requirements

16 Network & Electronic Data Interchange
Networking is the linking of two or more computers to share data and software programs. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the term used when one company’s computer systems is integrated directly with another company’s computer system. For example Wall-Mart exchanges data with its suppliers every evening via EDI

1. What advantages does a decision support system have for a small business like the Harvard Cooperative Society? 2. How would a small business like the Harvard Cooperative Society’s decision support system differ from that of a major corporation? 3. Briefly explain or outline your opinion of the components of the Harvard Cooperative Society’s decision support system.

18 Internet A worldwide network of computers that allows users access to information and documents from distant sources. A combination of a worldwide communication system and the world’s largest library.

19 URL & WWW Uniform resource locator Graphic interface Web site address
1000s of interconnected pages or documents

20 Search Engine A computerized directory to search the WWW

21 Pull & Push Technology Pull - data is delivered when requested
Push - data is delivered w/out request Smart agents Learns an individual user’s preferences Automatically searches out information Delivers information to the desktop Cookies Small computer files Provides saves onto the computer of someone who visits Tracks websites and files visited

22 Intranet & Internet2 Private data network
Uses internet standards and technology Firewalls for security A collaborative effort involving over 100 universities, industrial organizations, and government offices in the US Objective is to create research network much faster than the current Internet.

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