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Things to remember You can give to ANY fund that has personal meaning to you You can give as little as $1 as a single gift or as a continuing gift via.

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Presentation on theme: "Things to remember You can give to ANY fund that has personal meaning to you You can give as little as $1 as a single gift or as a continuing gift via."— Presentation transcript:

1 Things to remember You can give to ANY fund that has personal meaning to you You can give as little as $1 as a single gift or as a continuing gift via payroll deduction Even if you signed up for payroll deduction last year, you need to renew your pledge either with a pledge card or online in order to be counted in this year’s participation.

2 Who’s That Baby? The Great Unveiling April 6, 2006

3 1 Library east of Neil Ave.; 5 years of service 2 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 30 years of service 3 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 33 years of service 4 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 14 years of service Karen Lawson Linda Talmadge Anne Fields Deb Cameron See this wrench? Don’t mess with my new Learning Commons…. At last! The key to all of Tech Services IT problems…. Can I take my bear with me to Ackerman? I thought my cowboy outfit needed a hat to make it complete, but perhaps a coolie hat wasn’t the best choice….

4 5 First Floor of Thompson Library; 33 years of service Nancy Helmick Someday I’m going to grow up and learn all about Boolean searching, and create lists, and reports, and more lists…. 6 First Floor of Thompson Library; 9 years of service Susan Collins I still laugh pretty hard if you tickle my tummy, but you’d better think twice before you try it! 7 Library west of Neil Ave; 35 years of service Susan Logan Someday I’ll find a way to make it better— I’ll take a Digital Initiative and Assess the situation…. 8 Admin wing of Thompson Library; 26 years of service Sally Rogers Here I am all dressed up to go outside -- so why am I inside having my picture taken?

5 9 Admin wing; 3 years of service Tom Cetwinski Even then he could foresee the joy that the Knowledge Bank would bring him 10 First Floor of Thompson Library; 26 years of service Tony Maniaci If the country music career bombs, I can always loan books for a living…. 11 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 41 years of service Beverly McDonald Last night I dreamt I was going to work at the same place for 41 years…. 12 Admin wing of Thompson Library; 31 years of service Betty Sawyers Here I am in sunny San Diego; what do you mean I’ll end up in Ohio—that’s a laugh....

6 13 Third floor of Thompson Library; 27 years of service Donna Distel I can’t read now, but maybe someday I’ll be able to Read Aloud…. 14 Admin wing of Thompson Library;’ 11 years of service Sonja Thompson My idol is Alexander Graham Bell— maybe I’ll work with telephones one day… 15 Ground Floor of Thompson Library; 23 years of service Kris Weber 16 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 31 years of service Nick Felt Hmmm…showbiz or bindery prep? Well, bindery prep, of course…. I’m going to grow up to be Head of the Collection Management Team!

7 17 Library east of Neil Ave; 12 years of service Pat Peterson I see a grand new Business complex in the future, with a library where I may be able to work one day…. 18 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 5 years of service Barbara Dunham And you say that I’ll grow up to be what? A cataloger???? Well, I do like cats…. 19 Admin wing of Thompson Library; 3 years of service Diane Sliemers Audit trail? Can’t we just leave a trail of bread crumbs? 20 Admin wing of Thompson Library; 6 years of service Joe Branin Oh, boy! A Stack Tower—just what I’ve always dreamed would be mine one day….

8 21 Ground floor of Thompson Library; less than 1 year Celeste Feather Now that I’ve got your attention, you may wonder why I’ve brought you all together today… 22 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 11 years of service Lisa Iacobellis Look out Charlotte! I’ll be doing my own web one day. 23 Library east of Neil Ave; 16 years of service Mary Scott If they think I’m staying here, they got rocks in …. Hey … rocks! They’d be fun! 24 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 27 years of service I’ll end up where? In Columbus, Ohio, working in a library? I don’t think so…. Marthal Burr

9 25 Ground floor of Thompson Library;11 years of service Ryan Langhurst If you won’t let me have the building blocks I have my heart set on, just wait till I grow up! 26 First floor of Thompson Library; 7 years of service Diane Ramey Oh, boy! Is that what our new library space is going to look like? 27 Admin wing of Thompson Library; 22 years of service Wes Boomgaarden As long as I have this great head of hair, nothing can stop me…. 28 Admin wing of Thompson Library; less than 1 year Pam McClung Oh, sure…. I’d love to do that sign over, AGAIN….

10 29 Second floor of Thompson Library; 6 years of service Amy McCrory Yes! Do that 600 dpi thing again! 30 Second floor of Thompson Library; less than 1 year Beth Black Oh, boy! You mean that someday I’ll be able to code web sites all day long! 31 Admin wing of Thompson Library;8 years of service Linda Gonzalez Her sense of style and grace began to develop at an early age…. 32 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 26 years of service Connie McClendon Yes, I think I’d like to have more of that first entree

11 33 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 5 years of service Christina Moore Oh, look! There’s a whole new world out here 34 Admin wing of Thompson Library; 28 years of service Rai Goerler In the archives world there’s more than one way to skin a – Oops…. 35 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 23 years of service Mary Lou Trejo I’ve tried and I’ve tried, but I just can’t seem to get that bindery knot right…. 36 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 36 years of service Noelle Van Pulis Ah, the wonders of authority control….

12 39 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 37 years of service 40 First floor of Thompson Library; 9 years of service 38 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 22 years of service 37 First floor of Thompson Library; 21 years of service LaTina Moss Linda Miller Marilyn Miller Lila Andersen Well, I guess I could write you up a purchase order…. This is my doll, Elvis. He’s coming to work with me in the Library! Ah, come on…. Don’t you think I look sweet enough to deserve a big fat raise? Oooh, that last ILL request really knocked me for a loop!

13 This nice man just told me that someday I’d work with you-uns and have a great big bunch of books to take care of. I may have to get new cold weather gear to retrieve our things from the Book Depository— they keep it mighty chilly in there. Once I grow some hair, maybe then I’ll have something to smile about…. 41 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 21 years of service 42 Third floor of Thompson Library; 23 years of service 43 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 29 years of service 44 Ground floor of Thompson Library; less than 1 year Oh, boy, oh, boy! I’ll get to play with all that money! Sally Muster Geoff Smith Kathie Miller Kathryn Beach

14 45 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 18 years of service 46 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 16 years of service 47 Library east of Neil Ave; 30 years of service 48 Library east of Neil Ave; 17 years of service Brenda Goodwin Andy Hang Cyndi Preston Leta Hendricks First I drool on the books – then I fix ‘em!! What? You got a problem with me not shaving? What do you mean they’re going to close the Undergraduate Library? They say to always put your best foot forward. There seem to be two here; which one should it be?

15 49 Library east of Neil Ave; 14 years of service 50 Ground floor of Thompson Library; 7 years of service Alan Green Tschera Connell Back then I could hit high C; those days are long gone…. Oooh! This is heavy! Get me a tscher so I can sit down!

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