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Synopsis of sub- workshops Objectives :- n Adequately cover the prevailing issues on air quality management and control n Ensure thorough exchange of knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Synopsis of sub- workshops Objectives :- n Adequately cover the prevailing issues on air quality management and control n Ensure thorough exchange of knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synopsis of sub- workshops Objectives :- n Adequately cover the prevailing issues on air quality management and control n Ensure thorough exchange of knowledge and ideas n Generate practical recommendations for cleaning the air in the region

2 The Sub-workshops 1. Strategic air quality management in Asian Cities 2. Air Quality Monitoring 3. Stationary Sources 4. Mobile Sources 5. Institutional Arrangements for Air Quality Management 6. Climate Change

3 Climate Change Stationary Source Mobile Source Monitoring Institutional Arrangements Strategic Management Inter-linkages

4 Sub-workshop 1: Strategic air Quality Management n Wide coverage of air management issues, both outdoor and indoor pollution in Asia n Experience in Europe n Approaches in formulating management strategies

5 Sub-workshop 2: Air quality Monitoring n Overview of the role and issues on air quality monitoring n Air quality monitoring practices in selected nations and cities: PRC, Beijing, Guangzhou, Los Angeles, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Singapore, California

6 n Overview of the management issues in US, PRC, Thailand... n Addressing the toxics n Emission trading: will it work? Sub-workshop 3: Stationary sources

7 n Overall control strategy n Issues of E&M and retrofitting n Better fuel quality and cleaner fuels n Cost and Benefit? Sub-workshop 4: Mobile Sources

8 n Issues and challenges n Governance: institutional and regulations n Market based instruments n Capacity building, training and partnerships Sub-workshop 5: Institutional Arrangement

9 n Perspectives of changes n Heat island, acid rain n Causes: ozone, soot, CO2 n National and international collaboration to combat climate change issues Sub-workshop 6: Climate Change

10 Sub workshop composition n Participants were asked to indicate first and second choice of sub workshop. n Final composition of sub workshop based on priorities participants and capacity in sub workshop rooms

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