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Provisional draft FP7 Workprogramme 2007-2008 ICT Future and Emerging Technologies P. Van Hove – DG INFSO, F1 NCP meeting: 19-10-2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Provisional draft FP7 Workprogramme 2007-2008 ICT Future and Emerging Technologies P. Van Hove – DG INFSO, F1 NCP meeting: 19-10-2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Provisional draft FP7 Workprogramme 2007-2008 ICT Future and Emerging Technologies P. Van Hove – DG INFSO, F1 NCP meeting: 19-10-2006

2 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 2 Provisional draft Future and Emerging Technologies  Long-term, high-risk, but purpose-driven  Addressing roadblocks in evolutionary roadmaps  Opening new directions for ICT of tomorrow  Interdisciplinary exploration of alternative approaches  FET-Open: new directions and opportunities  FET Proactive: Pathfinder; building excellence in identified areas.  Industrial/SME participation welcome, not mandatory.

3 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 3 Provisional draft Future and Emerging Technologies  Call 1 (FET Proactive) Pre-proposal check !! (to be confirmed) Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive Adaptation Bio-ICT Convergence  FET Open  Later calls

4 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 4 Provisional draft FET/ Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Research Driver I: beyond the limits of scaling

5 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 5 Provisional draft *European Technology Roadmap for Nanoelectronics Research driver II: “More than Moore” (More functionality through heterogeneous integration ) FET/ Nano-scale ICT devices and systems

6 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 6 Provisional draft  R&D: Demonstration of new concepts for switches or memory cells  R&D: Demonstration of new concepts, technologies and architectures for local and chip-level interconnects  R&D: Demonstration of radically new functionalities by the integration of blocks from nanometers down to the atomic scale into high added-value systems.  CA: Support the research community, roadmaps, mapping, benchmarking, building ERA. FET/ Nano-scale ICT devices and systems

7 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 7 Provisional draft  Expected Impact:  Switches and interconnects: Laboratory proof of concept & prepare industrial research  New functionalities: radically new directions CONTACT POINTS: IPs, ≥10 M€ STREPs ≥ 4 M€ CSAs, 1 M€ Total: ~20 M€ FET/ Nano-scale ICT devices and systems

8 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 8 Provisional draft Future and Emerging Technologies  Call 1 (FET Proactive) Pre-proposal check !! (to be confirmed) Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive Adaptation Bio-ICT Convergence  FET Open  Later calls

9 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 9 Provisional draft FET/ Pervasive Adaptation designing pervasive information and communication systems  Key features:  Self-adapting software, hardware, protocols, architectures, …  Massively scalable  Capable of adapting to highly dynamic contexts  Autonomous adaptation strategies (bio-inspired, stochastic,...)  Multidisciplinary, human-centric research  Evolve-able pervasive systems  From short term adaptation to long term evolution  Examples: Large scale communication systems, evolving software systems  Networked societies of artefacts  From local autonomy to collaborative systems  Examples: intelligent environments, ensembles of artefacts

10 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 10 Provisional draft Key technological and user/social aspects to be considered:  Adaptive Security and Dependability  Context dependent user expectations for privacy and security  Changing threats and risks in evolving pervasive environments  Dynamicity of Trust  Creating trust relationships  Act and interact within ad-hoc and changing configurations  Security for Tiny Networked Devices  Very low-power cryptographic algorithms, protocols, mechanisms  Contexts where some devices may be sacrificed but a critical mass prevails FET/ Pervasive Adaptation designing pervasive information and communication systems

11 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 11 Provisional draft FET/ Pervasive Adaptation  Expected Impact :  Scalable systems with fundamental capacity for self-controlled adaptation and organisation  Reduce management and maintenance costs  Ensure security, privacy and trust in pervasive applications CONTACT POINTS: IPs, ≥10 M€ STREPs ≥ 4 M€ CSAs, 1 M€ Total: ~20 M€

12 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 12 Provisional draft Future and Emerging Technologies  Call 1 (FET Proactive) Pre-proposal check !! (to be confirmed) Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive Adaptation Bio-ICT Convergence  FET Open  Later calls

13 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 13 Provisional draft FET/ Bio ICT Convergence AIMS OF THE INITIATIVE:  Consolidate emerging multidisciplinary Bio-ICT research community  Train next generation researchers in both biological and engineering disciplines  Provide opportunities for existing researchers to work in the EU  Find new solutions to ICT problems by leveraging knowledge in biology  Adapt solutions found in nature to solve engineering problems  Create more bio-compatible ICT devices (less training needed, rejection)  Encourage sustainable interdisciplinary research collaboration  Could include progress in biological disciplines through use of ICT techniques

14 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 14 Provisional draft FET/ Bio ICT Convergence Projects should involve one or a combination of:  Novel computing paradigms based on natural information processing in cells etc.  Biomimetic artefacts: H/W systems for information capture, processing or output that mimic techniques used in nature  Bidirectional interfaces: development of H/W that connects to individual neurons for information to be transferred in both directions in a natural way. NB: Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface covered in  Biohybrid artefacts: development of H/W with combinations of tightly coupled biological and engineered components (eg neuroprosthetics)

15 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 15 Provisional draft FET/ Bio ICT Convergence This Initiative has an “open” character, but successful proposals must have:  potential for significant impact on information processing  Provide solutions to currently unsolved ICT problems, or  Demonstrate substantial advantages over existing ICT techniques  a convincing approach  No “missing links” in the methodology  Integrate all required expertise and other resources in the consortium and must  meet ethical requirements, in particular regarding use of any  Animal experiments  Volunteers, especially children  ICT implants

16 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 16 Provisional draft Useful links: Beyond the Horizon (TG4 report): Ethics (FP6): CONTACT POINTS: FET/ Bio ICT Convergence IPs, ≥10 M€ STREPs ≥ 4 M€ CSAs, 1 M€ Total: ~20 M€

17 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 17 Provisional draft Future and Emerging Technologies  Call 1 (FET Proactive) Pre-proposal check !! (to be confirmed) Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive Adaptation Bio-ICT Convergence  FET Open  Later calls

18 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 18 Provisional draft M ISSION  Exploratory R&D, nurturing new ideas, helping areas mature  Widest possible spectrum, supporting topics not covered elsewhere  Purpose-driven, addressing problems of clear long-term industrial or societal relevance  Detect new research trends  Continuously open to unforeseeable ideas FP6 Principles and Operation mostly pursued What is FET-Open ?

19 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 19 Provisional draft SUPPORTING RESEARCH  Long term, visionary, collaborative and multidisciplinary,  ICT relevant research of a foundational nature  bright ideas of high-risk / high-payoff;  aiming at a breakthrough, a paradigm shift, or at the proof of a novel scientific principle O R  Refining visionary ideas past the proof-of-concept phase to the maturity level for take-up by mainstream ICT programme CONTINUOUS 2-STAGE SUBMISSION & EVALUATION FET Open Instrument: STREP Short proposal (5 pages), anonymous, evaluated immediately full proposal for a given cut-off date, evaluated in batches successful

20 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 20 Provisional draft C OMMUNITY B UILDING… In any area of relevance to FET  Emergence, shaping and consolidation of new and fragmented research communities  Establishing critical mass, multi-disciplinary diversity around a new scientific discipline or research topic,  Defining future research directions, preparing joint programs of work  Federating research communities around a common challenge May include:  Coordination of national research programmes or activities  Stimulation of international cooperation 1-STAGE SUBMISSION & EVALUATION FET Open Instrument: CA

21 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 21 Provisional draft FET Open: Call Fiche  Short proposals receivable:  6 March 2007 - 31 December 2008 (planned to be extended )  Full proposals invited (successful short) CONTACT POINT: Gustav Kalbe – FET-Open Coordinator STREPs 60 M€ CAs, 5 M€ Total: ~65 M€

22 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 22 Provisional draft FET: Later Calls  Call 3 (FET Proactive) Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT Embodied Intelligence ICT Forever Yours  Later calls (FET Proactive) Massive ICT Systems Human-Computer Confluence QIPC and other quantum technologies

23 NCP Information day Brussels 19.10.06ICT/FET Patrick VAN HOVESlide 23 Provisional draft Further Information  Information events IST 2006 Conference Helsinki, esp. Day 2. FET Information day in Brussels 24/01/07 (to be confirmed)  Others FET on the web:

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