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Population Codes in the Retina Michael Berry Department of Molecular Biology Princeton University.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Codes in the Retina Michael Berry Department of Molecular Biology Princeton University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Codes in the Retina Michael Berry Department of Molecular Biology Princeton University

2 Population Neural Codes Many ganglion cells look at each point in an image Experimental & Conceptual Challenges Key Concepts: Correlation Independence

3 Recording from all of the Ganglion Cells Ganglion cells labeled with rhodamine dextran Segev et al., Nat. Neurosci. 2004

4 Spike Trains from Many Cells Responding to Natural Movie Clips

5 Correlations among Cells

6 Role of Correlations? Discretize spike train:  t = 20 ms; r i = {0,1} Cross-correlation coefficient: 90% of values between [-0.02, 0.1]

7 Correlations are Strong in Larger Populations N=10 cells: Excess synchrony by factor of ~100,000!

8 Combinations of Spiking and Silence Building Binary Spike Words Testing for Independence Errors up to ~1,000,000-fold!

9 Including All Pairwise Correlations Between Cells general form: setting parameters: limits: Maximum entropy formalism: Schneidman et al. Phys. Rev.Lett. 2003

10 Role of Pairwise Correlations P (2) (R) is an excellent approximation! Schneidman et al., Nature 2006

11 Rigorous Test Multi-information: Compare: Groups of N=10 cells

12 Implications for Larger Networks Connection to the Ising model Model of phase transitions At large N, correlations can dominate network states Analog of “freezing”?

13 Extrapolating to Large N Critical population size ~ 200 neurons Redundancy range ~250 µm Correlated patch ~275 neurons

14 Error Correction in Large Networks Information that population conveys about 1 cell

15 CONCLUSIONS Weak pairwise correlations lead to strong network correlations Can describe effect of all pairs on network with the maximum entropy formalism Robust, error-correcting codes

16 Final Thoughts Everyday vision: very low error rates “Seeing is believing” Problems: many cells, many objects, detection can occur anytime, anywhere – assume 1 error / ganglion cell / year – 10 6 ganglion cells => error every 2 seconds! Single neurons: noisy, ambiguous Perception: deterministic, certain Connection to large population, redundancy

17 Including Correlations in Decoder Use maximum entropy formalism: Simple circuit for log-likelihood: Problem: difficult to find {h i, J ij } for large populations

18 Acknowledgments Recording All Cells Natural Movies & Redundancy Ronen Segev Jason Puchalla Pairwise Correlations Population Decoding Elad Schneidman Greg Schwartz Bill Bialek Julien Dubuis Large N Limit Rava da Silveira (ENS) Gasper Tkachik

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