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Higgs & Precision Electroweak Group Summary Rick Van Kooten, Indiana University, LC Workship, Cornell, 16 July 2003 Berger et al., hep-ph/0205342 (published)

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Presentation on theme: "Higgs & Precision Electroweak Group Summary Rick Van Kooten, Indiana University, LC Workship, Cornell, 16 July 2003 Berger et al., hep-ph/0205342 (published)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Higgs & Precision Electroweak Group Summary Rick Van Kooten, Indiana University, LC Workship, Cornell, 16 July 2003 Berger et al., hep-ph/0205342 (published) Higgs  jets (no specific flavor), dominantly, e.g., into pair light bottom squarks. R-parity violating decays in to jets light CP-odd scalars LHC “flails around”, loses normal discovery modes, sees odd excesses, SUSY cascades through Higgs to jets LC still viable to sort out! LHC loses all > 3 

2 Baur, Plehn, Rainwater: for trilinear Higgs self-coupling, compare LHC to LC M h < 140–150 GeV, HH  bbbb (bb  )M h < 140–150 GeV, HH  WWWW LC  to ±20%, decent to ~150 GeV Higgs mass 150 – 200 GeV, LHC with 300 fb –1 can rule out   = 0 @ 95% C.L. In this heavier mass range, extrapolating other analyses, LHC can be better at constraining (but needs checking…) LC better lighter, LHC better heavier, complementary

3 Barklow: to better on Br precisions by going to higher energy and larger cross section for WW fusion? (c.f. Battaglia et al.) Kilian: see plenary talk, Sunday Little Higgs?   BIG PHYSICS!! Tailor-made for the LC!: light Higgs doublet(s), heavy Higgs multiplets, sort it out! absolute Br’s, total width, self-coupling new heavy vector bosons, W’, Z’ precision measurements, virtual effects heavy vector-like top quark tt pair measurements

4 Precision Electroweak Summary Graham Wilson

5 E-166 Experiment E-166 is a demonstration of undulator-based polarized positron production for linear colliders E-166 uses the 50 GeV SLAC beam in conjunction with 1 m-long, helical undulator to make polarized photons in the FFTB. These photons are converted in a ~0.5 rad. len. thick target into polarized positrons (and electrons). The polarization of the positrons and photons will be measured. Achim Weidemann 45 collaborators

6 Polarimeter Overview 1 x 10 10 e -  4 x 10 9  4 x 10 9   2 x 10 7 e + 2 x 10 7 e +  4 x 10 5 e + 4 x 10 5 e +  1 x 10 3  4 x 10 9   4 x 10 7 

7 (N_ “discrepancy” and NuTeV) Preprint to appear soon


9 Neutrino-electron scattering experiment is another possibility

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