Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Not nearly enough, fast enough.

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1 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Not nearly enough, fast enough

2 Transportation 36 Billion gallons of biofuels by the year 2022  not a bad goal and possible to achieve. Current production of biofuels is around 7 million gallons per year  15.2 (grain ethanol cap) billion gallons by 2011 is intermediate goal But note, that by 2017 this will only replace 15% of our fuel usage Average Fuel Economy to be 35 mpg by 2020  this is way lame  this lowers US crude oil usage by 8% - BFD!

3 Buildings/Appliances Phase out incands by 2020  say what?  why not do that right now! 80,000 MW of electricity per year is wasted because of this, 80,000 !!!! Reduce overall carbon footprint of buildings/homes by 75% by increasing energy efficiency  some physics problems here Clothes washers will reduce water usage by 40% per cycle  individuals will just use more cycles!

4 Your Government Does not understand rates of change very well. Giving incentives for individuals to use less energy would be a far more effective way to conserve.

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