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Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Heterogeneous group of T and B-cell lymphomas variation in –clinical presentation –histology –immunophenotype –prognosis Incidence.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Heterogeneous group of T and B-cell lymphomas variation in –clinical presentation –histology –immunophenotype –prognosis Incidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Heterogeneous group of T and B-cell lymphomas variation in –clinical presentation –histology –immunophenotype –prognosis Incidence 0.5-1/100,000/year

2 Classified according to –updated Kiel Classification –Working Formulation –REAL Classification Treated as –Lymphoma of Lymph Nodes –? What about indolent cutaneous lymphomas

3 Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Definition: patients without concurrent extracutaneous disease at the time of diagnosis –characteristic clinical and histologic features –different behavior and prognosis –different translocation and oncogenes

4 Difficulties: Primary cutaneous lymphomas cannot be defined properly by histologic criteria alone. Example : –CD30-positive and CD-negative T-cell lymphomas –Lymphoid papulosis and Mycosis Fungoides Classification needs –Histology –Clinical presentation –Immunology

5 European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer “EORTC” –Clinically relevant classification –Primary cutaneous lymphoma is defined as non-Hodgkin Lymphomas presenting in the skin with no evicence of extracutaneous desease at the time of diagnosis and within the first 6 month. –Exclude secondary lymphomas, Lymphoma in immunocompromised patients, and HTLV-1 associated adult T-cell lymphoma



8 Mycosis Fungoides Epidermotropic CTCL characterized by a proliferation of small or medium-sized neoplastic T lymphocytes with cerebriform nuclei Indolent clinical course –slow progression over years –patches, plaques, tumors, lymph node, internal organs

9 Epidermotropic, band-like infiltrates involving the papillary dermis small, medium-sized, and occasionally large mononuclear cells hyperchromatic, indented (cerebriform) nuclei Pautrier’s microabscesses



12 CD3+, CD4+, CD45RO+,CD8-, CD30- 5-year survival 87% Therapy: –confined to skin: skin-targeted therapies, phototherapy, topical nitrogen mustard, radiotherapy Progression to CD30+ or CD30- Large T- cell lymphoma

13 MF specific Variants Classical Alibert-Bazin type –Bullous, hyper or hypopigmented MF MF with follicular mucinosis Pagetoid reticulosis Granulomatous slack skin


15 MF-Associated Folliular Mucinosis Definition: –Folliculotropic infiltrates with sparing of the epidermis –mucinous degeneration of the hair follicles –preferential involvement of the head and neck Clinically: –follicular papules, indurated plaques, and tumor –associated with hair loss, pruritus

16 Micro: –perivascular and periadnexal localization of the dermal infiltrates –infiltration of the follicular epithelium –medium-sized to large hyperchromatic cells with cerebriform nuclei –sparing of the epidermis –mucinous degeneration of the follicular epithelium Survival 70% Therapy: total skin electron beam




20 Pagetoid Reticulosis Localized “Woringer-Kolopp” ?Disseminated “Ketron-Goodman” Definition: localized patches or plaques with an intraepidermal proliferation of neoplastic T cells Slowly growing psoriasiform or hyperkeratotic patch.

21 Micro: –acanthosis –large atypical pagetoid cells –medium-sized to large with hyperchramatic cerebriform nuclei –CD3+, CD4+, CD8-, or CD3+, CD4-, CD8+ Therapy: radio or surgery prognosis : excellent




25 CD30+ Lymphoproliferative Disorders Include: –CD30+ large T-cell lymphoma –Lymphomatiod papulosis (LyP) –? Borderline Cases

26 CD30+ large T-cell lymphoma Large tumor cells, CD30+ no history or evidence of MF or LyP most 80% has features of Anaplastic Large cell lymphoma others immunoblastic, pleomorphic adult M:F 3:2 Solitary localized (ulcerating) nodule

27 Micro: –diffuse non-epidrmotropic –Anaplastic, or pleomorphic or, immunblastic immuno: –CD30+(>75%), CD4+, CD2-, CD3-, CD5-, CD15-,EMA- Survival: 90% Treatment : localized-radio, generalized- chemo


29 Lymphomatoid Papulosis Chronic, recurrent, self-healing papulonodular skin eruption with histologic features of CTCL 10-20% associated with others (MF, CD30+ large T-cell lymphoma, or Hodgkin’s)

30 Micro: –type A: wedge-shaped, initially non- epidermotropic, large atypical, CD30+ cells with extensive infiltrates of histiocytes, small lymphocytes and eosinophils –Type B: perivascular or bandlike, epidermotropic infiltrates with small to medium-sized cells with cerebriform nuclei –Type C: features suggestive of CD30+ large T- cell lymphoma.



33 Immuno –Type A and Type C: similar to CD30+ large T- cell, CD3+, CD4+/-, CD5+/-, CD8-, CD30+, CD15-, EMA- –Type B: CD3+,CD4+, CD8-, CD30- Survival : 100% no cure, relapse after treatment


35 Sezary’s Syndrome Definition: –erythroderma, generalized lymphadenopathy, and the presence of neoplastic T cells in skin, lymph nodes and peripheral blood Micro: –may be similar to MF –more often monotonous cells –CD3+, CD4+, CD45RO+, CD8-, CD30- Survival: 11%, Chemo is the treatment


37 CD30 - Large Cell Lymphoma CD30- large neoplastic cells without MF solitary, localized, or generalized plaques, nodules, or tumors. Micro: –medium-sized to large pleomorphic T cells with or without cerebriform nuclei and immunoblasts –CD4+ only, CD30- –Survival : 15% Chemo is recommended


39 Granulomatous Slack Skin Definition: –slow development of folds of lax skin and a granulomatous infiltrated with clonal T cells axillae groins, Male predominant ?association with Hodgkin’s, and MF Micro: –dense granulomatous dermal infiltrates –atypical T cells with cerebriform nuclei –CD3+, CD4+, CD8- –Survival : indolent course



42 Pleomorphic Small/Medium- Sized CTCL Definition: –neoplastic proliferation of pleomorphic small/medium-sized Tcells –clinical picture different form MF Micro: –dense, diffuse or nodular infiltrates of small/medium pleopmorphic neoplastic T cells –CD4+, CD8+(some), loss of pan Tcell markers Favorable prognosis


44 Subcutanious Panniculitis-Like T-Cell Lymphoma Definition –subcutaneous infiltrates of small, medium-sized or large pleomophic T cells and many macrophages Clinically –subcutaneous nodules mainly on legs –systemic symptoms fever, weight loss.. –Hemophagocytic syndrome

45 Micro: –panniculitis-like infiltrates with neoplastic T cells and macrophages –tumor cell necrosis, karyorrhexis, erythrophagocytosis –CD3+, CD4+, CD8- –or CD3+, CD4-, CD8+ Poor prognosis


47 Follicular Center Cell Lymphoma Definition: –follicle center cells, centrocytes (small and large cleaved) and cetroblasts (large with prominent nucleoli) Clinically: –non scaling, solitary or grouped papules, plaques or tumors –Head, neck and trunk –dissemination is uncommon

48 Micro: –nodular of diffuse infiltrates sparing the epidermis –Early lesions: centrocytes, few centrobasts, many T cells, neoplastic follicles are rare (follicular center lymphoma) –Late lesions: monotonous infiltrates of large centrobalsts and centrocytes (large B cell lympnoma) –CD19+, CD20+, CD22+, CD79a+ –CD5-, CD10- –rarely express bcl-2 Survival: 97%





53 Immunocytoma (Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma) Definition: –small lymphocytes, lymphoplasmacytoid cells and plasma cells –monotypic cIg Clinically: –solitary or multiple (sub)cutaneous tumors

54 Micro: –nodular or diffuse infiltrates of lymphocytes, lymphoplasmacytoid cells and plasma cells –monotypic cIg+, CD79a+, CD5-, plasma cells are CD20- Survival : 100% Therapy: radiotherapy is recommended


56 Large B-Cell lymphoma of Leg Definition: –Large B cell presenting on and confined to leg Clinically: –elderly >70y (80%) of cases –F:M 3-4:1 –tumor nodule on one or both legs

57 Micro: –diffuse nonepidermotropic infiltrates –large B cells –sIg+ and or cIg, CD19+, CD20+, CD22+ and CD79a+ –Strong bcl-2 Survival: 58% Therapy: radio or chemo


59 Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma Definition: –(Malignant angioendotheliomatosis) –large neoplastic B cells within blood vessels Clinically: –violaceous indurated patches and plaques –usually on the lower leg or the trunk

60 Micro: –dilated blood vessels –filled with large neoplastic lymphoid cells –20% extra vascular accumulation –CD19+, CD20+, CD22+, CD79a+, monotypic sIg+ Survival: 50% Therapy : chemo


62 Plasmacytoma Definition: –clonal proliferation of plasma cells that develops primarily in the skin –without multiple myeloma Clinically: –solitary or multiple red to violaceous nodules

63 Micro: –mature plasma cells, monotypic cIg+, CD38+, LCA-, CD20- no deaths reported Therapy: surgical or radio

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