JML TOOLS REVIEW & EVALUATION Chris Grosshans Mark Lewis-Prazen.

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Presentation on theme: "JML TOOLS REVIEW & EVALUATION Chris Grosshans Mark Lewis-Prazen."— Presentation transcript:

1 JML TOOLS REVIEW & EVALUATION Chris Grosshans Mark Lewis-Prazen

2 What is Java Modeling Language (JML)? public class Counter { public final static int MAX = 100; //@ invariant 0 <= count && count <= MAX; private int count; /*@ requires count < MAX; @ ensures count == \old(count) + 1; @ also @ requires count == MAX; @ ensures count == 0; @*/ public void inc() { count = count < MAX ? count + 1 : 0; }

3 Project Motivation Find JML tool(s) that we can use at work ◦ Easy to use ◦ Robust and fully developed Project plan ◦ Survey all tools ◦ In depth analysis of most promising tools ◦ Introduce best of breed to work

4 Types of JML Tools Run time checking – Tests for violations of the JML assertions as Java code is executed Static checking - checking annotations prior to execution ◦ Automatic – little developer interaction ◦ Manual – Programmer provides proof for more sound and complete evaluation

5 Overview of JML tools Legend jml4c JML2 JML3JML5 ESC/javaLOOPJACK FSPV JML4 FSPV JMLEclipse ESC4jml4c Inactive Active Runtime ToolsStatic Tools Future ESC/java2

6 JML4

7 JML4

8 Evaluation of the JML4

9 Tool Conclusions Tools not commercially viable; currently they are research tools ◦ Tools have difficulty keeping up with changing language features ◦ Usability issues - difficult to install and use Bottom line the tools are not actively marketed commercially – Academically driven w/o corporate sponsorship

10 Is JML useful? Assuming a production ready JML tool: Would you use JML? ◦ Hard to identify invariant pre/post conditions ◦ Adding specifications as complex as coding ◦ No published work showing results of testing on industrial scale code But, probably only cost- effective for “mission critical” development

11 Questions

12 Significant References CHALIN, P., JAMES, P. R., AND KARABOTSOS, G. JML4: Towards an industrial grade IVE for Java and next generation research platform for JML. In VSTTE ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Verified Systems: Theories, Tools, and Experiments (2008). COK, D. R., AND KINIRY, J. R. ESC/Java2: Uniting ESC/Java and JML. In Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Devices (2005), vol. 3362/2005 of LNCS, pp. 108-28. LEAVENS, G. T., POLL, E., CLIFTON, C., CHEON, Y., RUBY, C., COK, D., MÜLLER, P., KINIRY, J., AND CHALIN, P. JML reference manual, 2008. Available at LEINO, K. R. M., AND MONAHAN, R. Automatic verification of textbook programs that use comprehensions. In FTfJP ’07: Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (2007). PAULSON, L. C., AND SUSANTO, K. W. Source-level proof reconstruction for interactive theorem proving. In Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: TPHOLs 2007 (2007), K. Schneider and J. Brandt, Eds., LNCS 4732, Springer, pp. 232–245. TAYLOR, K.B.: A specification language design for the Java Modeling Language (JML) using Java 5 annotations. Masters thesis, Iowa State University (2008)

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