New Student Orientation Registration System Stephen Nakamura EE496 Final Presentation Fall 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "New Student Orientation Registration System Stephen Nakamura EE496 Final Presentation Fall 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Student Orientation Registration System Stephen Nakamura EE496 Final Presentation Fall 2008

2 Overview The Project Block Diagram Manage Sessions Manage Placements Application Form Manage Applicants Log-in Manage Users More Tasks

3 The Project Online Registration System for New Student Programs Manage Sessions and Placements Submit Applications and Payment Manage Applicant Information

4 Block Diagram

5 Manage Sessions Initial Goals Allows admin and staff to: Manage sessions by semester Create and modify session type, date, and capacity Each application submitted decrements the number of available spots left

6 Manage Sessions Design User may enter Session Type, Date, and Capacity through an HTML form. Server checks if Session Type, and all Date fields were filled. Server checks if Date is valid (after date of submission, does not already exist in database) Server checks if there are any existing sessions of given type in order to create Session ID. No: Create first session, X1 (X = F, T, or P) Yes: Increment last Session ID Input Session ID, Date, Capacity, Applicants, into MySQL table, set number of applicants to 0. Display tables for each type, plus Availability per session and an “Edit” link to modify each session.

7 Manage Sessions Design “Edit” allows user to change Date and Capacity for given Session ID. Server checks to be sure date is valid. Update table with new information.

8 Manage Sessions Final Status Table created in a MySQL Database Allows user to input a session type, date, and capacity. Session Type and date must be filled in. Date may not be before or on the date of submission. “Year” field shows only the current and next year. If capacity is empty, capacity is default to 0. Creates a Session ID based on type and order the session was input per type. Display list of sessions Edit session date and capacity Availability decremented upon submission of an application form.

9 Block Diagram

10 Manage Placements Initial Goals Allows admin and staff to: Manage placement exams by semester Create and modify placement exams by type, date, time, and capacity Each application submitted decrements the number of available spots left

11 Manage Placements Design User may enter Placement Type, Date, and Capacity through an HTML form. Server checks if Placement Type, Date and Time fields were filled. Server checks if Date is valid (after date of submission, does not already exist in database) Server checks if there are any existing placements of given type in order to create Placement ID. No: Create first Placement, X1 (ie. Math, Japanese, etc.) Yes: Increment last Placement ID Input Placement ID, Date, Time, Capacity, Applicants, into MySQL table, set number of applicants to 0. Display tables for each type, plus Availability per placement and an “Edit” link to modify each placement.

12 Manage Placements Design “Edit” allows user to change Date, Time, and Capacity for given Placement ID. Server checks to be sure date is valid. Update table with new information.

13 Manage Placements Final Status Table created in a MySQL Database Allows user to input a placement type, date, time, and capacity. Placement Type, date, and time must be filled in. Date may not be before or on the date of submission. “Minutes” field only allows exams to be on the hour or half-hour “Year” field shows only the current and next year. If capacity is empty, capacity is default to 0. Creates a Placement ID based on type and order the placement exam was input per type. Display list of placement exams Edit placement date, time, and capacity Availability decremented upon submission of an application form.

14 Manage Placements Problems and Solutions Time in the “Edit” form. Use of the explode() function to separate the Month, Day, and Year in Date. How to separate the Hour, Minutes, and am/pm? Output stored as an array.

15 Manage Sessions and Placements Tasks List the Session or Placement ID as a link, when clicked will go to a list of applicants in that Session or Placement Exam. Allow admin to add or remove Placement Types.

16 Block Diagram

17 Application Form Initial Goals Improved form validation. Save data in MySQL database. Final Status Converted previous form to input to database. Tasks Form Validation Client-Side (Javascript) Server-Side (PHP)

18 Block Diagram

19 Manage Applicants Initial Goals View/Sort/Search Master List of Applicants Edit Applicant Information Personal Info Change Session Cancel Reservation Track Progress of Application Export to Excel

20 Manage Applicants Design Display entire applicant list. Options to display lists Choose desired Session Type(s) If just one type selected, choose specific Session ID.

21 Manage Applicants Final Status Table created in a MySQL Database Display Session ID, Name, ID Number, E-Mail, PIN, Major Full applicant information available by clicking their ID Number. View only Freshmen from specified Session ID.

22 Manage Applicants Tasks More complete options regarding which sessions and options to display. Search table for desired fields. Edit applicant information. Track progress of application. Export to Excel.

23 Block Diagram

24 Log-in Initial Goals Authentication Username Password Keep track of who makes what changes Admin may add or remove users.

25 Manage Users Initial Goals Administrator Privilege Only Allow access to staff members. Create username and temporary password.

26 More Tasks Back-up/Redundancy Allow applicants to log-in and change their own personal info or session choice.

27 Thank you! Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?

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