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Evaluation of a European teacher exchange programme (partially funded by CNMR) Kate Law Nita Muir Karen Thompson.

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1 Evaluation of a European teacher exchange programme (partially funded by CNMR) Kate Law Nita Muir Karen Thompson

2 The aims of the research are To identify: The value and impact of teacher exchanges on the internationalisation of the curriculum. The effect of the exchange on professional development of participants Factors influencing the exchange experience Effect on teaching and the curriculum

3 The exchange programme Part of internationalisation project European funded – via Socrates 6-8 bilateral exchanges a year

4 Methodology Design of study – Utilised findings from focus group of teachers who had already participated in an exchange 3 key themes were identified in the focus groups

5 3 Key themes The familiar is rendered strange by alternative culture, language and pedagogic approaches. Roles are challenged Professional responsibilities are heightened

6 Methodology

7 Developing cross case conclusions Positive, valuable and valued experiences Challenging and stressful Experience mediated by context and personalities

8 Key Themes

9 Value Feeling positive regard, being seen as, and feeling useful. There is a fear of not being valued before exchange `I wasn`t sure how much value they would place on my visits …… I anticipated that there might be disinterest because my background is midwifery` P1

10 Value When not valued by home and host institution: ‘I was going to share my experiences of WBL (this was rejected by the hosts) I felt incredibly crestfallen at that stage’ P5 When valued: `Feels like a privilege by going….being an ambassador` P11 ‘Seen positively by organisation’ P8

11 Identity Reversion to ‘old roles’ (clinical) when culturally stressed ‘My profession happens to be midwifery’P2 ….’for me as a mental health nurse’ P8 Focus on personal development ‘I learnt more about myself…that I could actually do it’ P1 ‘It has probably proved to me that it is something I can do’ P4

12 Identity Professional development noted by 8 of 10 teachers ‘I was surprised at how much it made think about what we are doing here’ P4 ‘I really do think it’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done’ P1 International identity ‘It made me feel more European…we’re all family now’ P6 ‘I’ve joined a club of people that have done this’ P8

13 Stressors A group of factors identified from the data which often added stress and anxiety for the participants thus detracting from the overall experience. 4 Categories: Physicality ‘Home’ work issues Being alone Communication and language

14 Stressors ‘ The flat was absolutely cold ……that..detracted from the kind of enthusiasm’ P3 ‘(Home work) was imposed and also you’re powerless because there were dialogues and things going that you couldn’t do anything about’ P2 ‘You can’t possibly be rude…you know it’s a rule of exchange….that you are polite, you are pleasant’P5 ‘Very different to (previous exchange)…….left to arrange myself’ P11

15 Enablers Enabling factors appeared to fall into 3 categories: Preparation for the exchange Support from the home organisation Support from the host organisation Underpinning these was the notion of establishing relationships, recognising commonalities and overcoming differences

16 Enablers ‘I think it is an issue that you have got to be very well prepared to teach in a country which is not your own’ P3 ‘No worries about travelling, flights had been organised for me’ P1 ‘They have a website about the school….XXX was very helpful and informative, they were very friendly people’ P4 ‘Good planning – had plans in writing, felt reassured’ P10

17 Early Recommendations Formalised preparation and feedback following the model used in the student programme. Preparation of teaching resources

18 Where now? Theorising Social geography/space and time Role identity Role transition

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