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Welcome to CS201!!! Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CS201!!! Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CS201!!! Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic

2 Preliminaries Syllabus Windows 2000 & our lab in S104 (Sec. 1.2) Disks & folders/directories (Sec. 1.3) Introduction to Visual Basic (Sec. 1.4) Algorithm development & foundations of problem solving

3 Syllabus A gentle introduction to programming Problem solving & algorithm development are the emphasis Visual Basic is the tool we use: – – graphical user interface (gui) applications – – syntax & semantics Course layout – lectures, labs Course requirements

4 Disks, folders/directories Section 1.3 The floppy disk is accessed from drive a The hard drive of the computer on which you’re working is accessed from drive c All access can be made using either My Computer or Windows Explorer

5 Hierarchical file relationships

6 Problems, Procedures & Computers “…the computer is ultimately dependent on the human mind to supply it with the necessary instructions to solve any type of problem.” This set of instructions is a program.

7 Algorithms Underlying every computer program is an algorithm. Algorithms are MODELS of the situations we wish to address. – – Usually, the “situations” are problems and we “address” them by solving them. more...

8 Algorithms An algorithm is an approach that is – –effective, – –precise and – –results in the solution of a given problem. What makes an algorithm good? Let us create an algorithm

9 OutputInput Main Memory Secondary Memory CPU Where the action takes place

10 Introduction to Visual Basic Section 1.4 See pp. 23-24: How You Develop a Visual Basic Application Applications created are user-driven : – –Objects – –Events

11 Assignment   For your lab session today   Log on to your account (s)   Page 21 #15, 16   For next lecture   Read Chapter 1: Sec. 1.1 - 1.4   Read Chapter 2   Read Chapter 3: Sec. 3.1

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