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In many states you pay sales tax on items you buy. This sales tax is a percent of the purchase price. A tax percent is also called a tax rate. A desk.

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Presentation on theme: "In many states you pay sales tax on items you buy. This sales tax is a percent of the purchase price. A tax percent is also called a tax rate. A desk."— Presentation transcript:


2 In many states you pay sales tax on items you buy. This sales tax is a percent of the purchase price. A tax percent is also called a tax rate. A desk you plan to buy costs $159.99. In Idaho, the sales tax rate is 6%. What will you pay for the desk? Sales Tax RatePrice Sales Tax Rounded to the nearest cent. ×= PriceSales TaxTotal Price

3 The store has a larger desk that costs $182.99. You have only $200 to spend. Do you have enough money to buy the larger desk? Sales Tax RatePrice Sales Tax Rounded to the nearest cent. ×= PriceSales TaxTotal Price

4 Find the payment for a purchase of $37.50 with the sales tax rate of 4% Sales Tax RatePrice Sales Tax Rounded to the nearest cent. ×= PriceSales TaxTotal Price

5 A tip is a percent of the bill that you give to the person providing a service. Often 15% is considered to be a reasonable percent for good service. You can find 15% using estimation and mental math. Step 1: Round the bill to the nearest dollar. Step 2: Find 10% of the bill by moving the decimal point one place to the left. Step 3: Find 5% of the bill by taking one half of the result of step 2. Step 4: Add the amounts of Step 2 and Step 3 together to find 15%

6 Your family takes a taxi to the train. The taxi fare is $17.85. Find the amount of a 15% tip for the taxi driver. Round to the nearest dollar Find 10% of the bill by moving the decimal point Find 5% of the bill by finding half of the 10% amount Find 15% of the bill by adding the 10% and 5% amounts

7 Estimate a 15% tip for each amount. Round to the nearest dollar Find 10% of the bill by moving the decimal point Find 5% of the bill by finding half of the 10% amount Find 15% of the bill by adding the 10% and 5% amounts

8 Estimate a 15% tip for each amount. Round to the nearest dollar Find 10% of the bill by moving the decimal point Find 5% of the bill by finding half of the 10% amount Find 15% of the bill by adding the 10% and 5% amounts

9 Suppose you treat your friend to lunch. The total cost of the food is $9.68. A 7% sales tax will be added and you want to give a tip of 20% for excellent service. How much will you pay for lunch? Step 1: Find the sales Tax Step 2: Find the Tip Step 3: Add the tax and tip to the bill to find the total

10 Some sales jobs pay you a percent of the amount you sell. This percent is called a commission. A commission may be paid in addition to your salary also. Commission = Commission Rate × Sales Find the commission on a $500 sale, with a commission rate of 12.5% Change percent to a decimal Multiply commission rate times sales Change decimal to dollars

11 Find the commission on a $3,200 sale when the commission rate is 6% Commission = Commission Rate × Sales Change percent to a decimal Multiply commission rate times sales Change decimal to dollars

12 A salesperson has a weekly salary of $800 and a commission rate of 3.5% of sales. Find the salesperson’s earnings for a week when sales are $1,400 SalaryareTotal EarningsplusCommission T=800+0.035 · 1,400 Let = Total EarningsT T=800+49

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