Web-Enhancing with Publisher Materials The transformation of ACCT 302.

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1 Web-Enhancing with Publisher Materials The transformation of ACCT 302

2 ACCT 302 This course was transformed from a traditional on-ground course to a web- enhanced course, utilizing both instructor-prepared resources and publisher materials.

3 ACCT 302 Sometimes students resist taking this course, stating, “I’d rather have a root canal.” Yet, it is a foundational course for business majors.

4 Why is it a “cornerstone” course? All business students must take this course. They must pass this course to go on in the business program. Students will use knowledge from this course in various careers, such as accounting, management, human resources.

5 In the beginning: The “Fledgling” 302 Was taught in the traditional way. The course had no web component. It featured in-class: Lectures Overhead transparencies Videos Scan-tron exams Solutions (available in Library)

6 Then came the first simple online additions: Syllabus Course Schedule Publisher’s link (PowerPoint) Chapter Quizzes Lecture notes in Discussions

7 It did not feature: Class Discussions In-class content (lecture notes) Why did it change? Students began to request copies of overheads, videos, hand-outs, and lecture summaries. I didn’t want to give my originals out! I needed a way to distribute copies to the whole class.

8 So the new, improved 302 emerged With a little help from the Center, the following features were added: Interactive Syllabus and Orientation Calendar Active Discussion Board PowerPoint Presentations Videos Lecture Notes Practices Quizzes Assignments Solutions to problems

9 How have students benefited? Online Access to Courses materials Increased Student Interaction through discussions Increased interest in field of Accounting Greater Accounting knowledge Improved “at risk” Student performance

10 How has their instructor benefited? Peace of mind: students have a ‘fall back’ after class to review materials. Diminishes follow-up calls and emails from students regarding class activity or lectures. Provides Exam and homework feedback online. Calendar entries have become a vital means of communication.

11 Adapting Publisher Courses to your online class

12 Review Publisher’s Version Carefully All publisher offerings are not equal. Some furnish a complete shell, ready to go. Some offer student links to online publisher’s materials. Some have instructor materials online that you can download and utilize.

13 If you use a course shell Select materials carefully.

14 Many complete course shells offer: Objectives Chapter Summaries PowerPoint Chapter presentations Case Studies, Questions or Problems, and Solutions Quizzes Instructor’s manual

15 But they may also offer: Glossaries Study helps: Flash Cards Annotated Internet Links Self-grading practice quizzes Interactive exercises (Business Around the World clickable map, giving business news for that area) Narrated Videos News Feeds on specific topics Group Project case studies So which do you choose?

16 Will you teach the entire book? Do the materials emphasize or support the concepts you want to stress? Will students rely on supplemental materials rather than read the text? Do publisher’s quizzes emphasize the points you want to test? Questions to ask yourself:

17 Additional considerations: Remember what publisher courses don’t offer: Assessment Choices Exams Projects, Papers Group work Easy student navigation Discussion questions

18 Be selective about material Indicate which items are optional and which are required. Add discussion questions and other content. Adapt content to the GSU standard template so that courses remain consistent across the curriculum. If you use publisher materials:

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