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The Teleological Argument: Argument from Design/Purpose u The order and intricacy of things in the universe make sense only if an ordering and purposive.

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Presentation on theme: "The Teleological Argument: Argument from Design/Purpose u The order and intricacy of things in the universe make sense only if an ordering and purposive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Teleological Argument: Argument from Design/Purpose u The order and intricacy of things in the universe make sense only if an ordering and purposive mind is their cause Wm. Paley (1743-1805) u Analogy: watch.. universe watchmaker.. universe-maker (A posteriori vs. a priori argument)

2 Criticisms of the Teleological Argument: David Hume u Even the claim that the universe exhibits order is doubtful; it is a human imposition u We cannot use analogy in discussing the universe: we do not experience universes or know that intelligent beings produce them u Even if we argue analogously, we cannot conclude that its creator is one, wise, good or even still existing

3 Criticism of the Design Argument: Charles Darwin u Things in nature exhibit order, but that is not the result of design or purpose u Things appear orderly because random variations produce adaptive individuals  Objection (Fine Tuning Argument): divine design is a more likely explanation for the intricate conditions needed for life (1809-82)

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