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Today became GREAT when YOU arrived!

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Presentation on theme: "Today became GREAT when YOU arrived!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today became GREAT when YOU arrived!

2 Welcome! Today’s Agenda:
I can explain the elements of differentiated instruction. I can use differentiated strategies to meet the diverse interests, learning profiles and readiness levels of my students. Jacque Melin

3 Most-Effective Teachers
J.W. Lloyd, E.J. Kameanui, and D. Chard (Eds.) (1997) Issues in educating students with disabilities.

4 How do I meet the needs of all learners when student needs and talents vary so greatly?

5 The theoretical line of logic that supports differentiation (readiness)
Learners must work at an appropriate degree of challenge or degree of difficulty with what they seek to learn. When tasks are too difficult for students, they become frustrated and do not learn effectively or efficiently. When tasks are too easy for students, they become bored and do not learn – in spite of the fact that they might earn high grades. Motivation to learn is decreased when tasks are consistently too difficult or too easy for a learner. Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde, & Whalen, 1993; Howard, 1994, National Research Council, 2000; Vygotsky, 1962, 1978.

6 The theoretical line of logic that supports differentiation (interest)
When an individual’s interest is tapped, learning is more likely to be rewarding and the student more likely to become an autonomous learner (Bruner, 1961). By helping students discover and pursue interests, we can maximize their engagement with learning, their productivity, and their individual talents (Amabile, 1983, Collins & Amabile, 1999). The freedom to choose what to work on, questions to pursue, and topics for study lays the groundwork for creative achievement (Collins & Amabile, 1999).

7 The theoretical/research line of logic that supports differentiation (learning profile)
Intelligence manifests itself in a variety of spheres. Even though these manifestations are fluid rather than fixed, there is benefit to addressing a learner’s intelligence preference in instruction (Gardner, 1983, Sternberg, 1985). A meta-analysis of research on the effects of learning style accommodation in the classroom found significant attitude and achievement gains for students from a wide range of cultural groups (Sullivan, 1993). Students at the primary, elementary, middle, and high school levels have achieved significantly better than peers in control groups when classroom instruction was matched to their preferred learning patterns (i.e., analytical, creative, or practical). This was even the case when students were taught through their preferences and tested conventionally (Grigorenko & Sternberg, 1997; Sternberg, 1997; Sternberg, Torff, & Grigorenko, 1998).

8 Differentiation Central

9 SHHHHH/SHARE…. 1. Pick an activity 2. Write or think quietly 3
SHHHHH/SHARE….1. Pick an activity 2. Write or think quietly Be ready to share when time is called. Explain to a new student teacher what differentiation is in terms of what he/she would be doing in the classroom – and why. The definition should help the new student teacher develop an image of differentiation in action. Write a definition of differentiation you feel clarifies its key intent, elements and principles. Develop a metaphor, analogy, or visual symbol that you think represents and clarifies what’s important to understand about differentiation. From C. Tomlinson, Wildly Exciting Education 2010

10 I can explain the key elements of differentiated instruction.
TARGET I can explain the key elements of differentiated instruction.

11 Elements of Differentiation
Community Curriculum Teacher/Student Connections Safe Environment Shared Partnership Assessment Essential KUDs (Targets) Engagement Teaching up Instruction Pre-Assessments Formative (on-going) Assessments to inform instruction 3-P Grading Addressing Readiness, Interests, Learning Profiles Multiple strategies Flexible management From C. Tomlinson, Wildly Exciting Education 2010

12 Common Sense Differentiation
Create a learning environment that supports the hard work of learning. Be clear about the learning destination (TARGETS) Know where students are in relation to the destination (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS) Adjust teaching to make sure that students arrive at the destination (and move beyond it) (DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCITON) COMMUNITY CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTION From C. Tomlinson, Wildly Exciting Education 2010

13 Individualizing instruction Providing instruction
Differentiating Instruction… is NOT… IS… Individualizing instruction for each student Providing instruction to meet the range of student needs From Katie Ellis 13

14 Assigning all students
Differentiating Instruction… is NOT… IS… Assigning all students the same activities all of the time Using varied strategies that address students’ readiness, interests, and learning styles From Katie Ellis 14

15 Differentiating Instruction…
is NOT… IS… Using the same instructional materials for all students Using varied resources for varied learners From Katie Ellis 15

16 Assessing all students’ learning in the same way
Differentiating Instruction… is is NOT… Assessing all students’ learning in the same way IS… Using multiple means of assessment From Katie Ellis 16

17 Differentiation is NOT a set of strategies….
It’s a way of thinking about teaching and learning Strategies are TOOLS to accomplish the goals of DI. They are no more differentiation than a hammer and saw are the house they help to build. From C. Tomlinson, Wildly Exciting Education 2010

18 #1 QUALITY DI Paving the way to learning
Mindset Connections Community Quality DI Begins with a growth mindset, moves to student-teacher connections, & evolves to community. From C. Tomlinson, Wildly Exciting Education 2010

19 The Predictive power of mindset
Fixed Success comes from being smart Genetics, environment determine what we can do Some students are smart – some aren’t Teachers cannot override students’ learning profiles. Growth Success comes from effort With hard work, most students can do most things Teachers can override students’ learning profiles A key role of the teacher is to set high goals, provide high support, ensure student focus – to find the things that makes school work for a student. C. Tomlinson, August 2010 Wildly Exciting Education

20 Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Challenges Avoid challenges Obstacles Give up easily Effort See effort as fruitless or worse Criticism Ignore useful negative feedback Success of Others Feel threatened by the success of others As a result, they may plateau early and achieve less than their full potential. Challenges Embrace challenges Obstacles Persist in the face of setbacks Effort See effort as a path to mastery Criticism Learn from criticism Success of Others Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others As a result, they reach ever higher levels of achievement. Carol Dweck, Ph.D

21 A Visual Analogy for your consideration

22 Katie Couric interview with Captain Sully Sullenberger
What do you find to be the most compelling thing he has to say? Why does it strike you as the most important? What does any of this have to do with teaching? Captain Sully Sullenberger

23 What kind of pilot are you?

24 #2 QUALITY DI Paving the way to learning
Is Rooted in Meaningful Curriculum


26 Clear Learning Targets shift us away from what we, as teachers, are covering towards what our students are learning.

27 Learning Target Frayer Model Clear description
Definition Facts/Characteristics Measureable & attainable Focus on intended learning Focus on “chunks” of a standard Clear, specific language congruent to standard Clear description of what is to be learned; Provides a clear vision of the ‘destination’ for student learning Learning Target Examples Nonexamples Adding Fractions Do Exercise 3.7 on pg 148 Learning Activities Tasks Pre-Requisites Assessments I can add fractions with unlike denominators. I can identify the parts of a plant.

28 #3 QUALITY DI Paving the way to learning
Is guided by on-going assessment for planning and feedback (not grades)

29 #4 QUALITY DI Paving the way to learning
Addresses student readiness, interest and learning profile.

30 How We Teach Makes A Difference!
All these activities are useful in helping students develop, organize, strengthen, and expand their knowledge structures.

31 Steps to Create a Choice Lesson Differentiated
by Learning Preference, Interest or Readiness Identify the subject and topic of study (unit). Use curriculum documents to determine what you want the students to know, understand and be able to do (TARGETS). Decide on an activity structure that will allow students to choose a task that interests them (e.g., choice boards, RAFT, cubing or thinkdot activity, learning contract, WebQuest, etc.) Brainstorm a variety of tasks based on what you know about the learning preferences of your students. Eliminate tasks that will not lead the students to TARGETS. Choose the activities that will be the most engaging for your students and best match their learning preferences. Check to see that all students will reach the same TARGETS, no matter which task(s) they complete. Describe the learning activities in detail. Create student handouts, if appropriate. Determine how student work will be assessed. Decide how you will facilitate sharing and bring closure to the lesson.

32 Don’t Bother Differentiating FLUFF
If you are going to spend time planning to differentiate by interest, learning profile, or readiness, be sure to use key understanding!!!

33 Prufrock Press

34 SHHHHH/SHARE…. 1. Pick an activity 2. Write or think quietly 3
SHHHHH/SHARE….1. Pick an activity 2. Write or think quietly Be ready to share when time is called. Explain to a new student teacher what differentiation is in terms of what he/she would be doing in the classroom – and why. The definition should help the new student teacher develop an image of differentiation in action. Write a definition of differentiation you feel clarifies its key intent, elements and principles. Develop a metaphor, analogy, or visual symbol that you think represents and clarifies what’s important to understand about differentiation. From C. Tomlinson, Wildly Exciting Education 2010

35 Thinking About the Sternberg Intelligences
ANALYTICAL Linear – Schoolhouse Smart - Sequential Show the parts of _________ and how they work. Explain why _______ works the way it does. Diagram how __________ affects __________________. Identify the key parts of _____________________. Present a step-by-step approach to _________________. PRACTICAL Streetsmart – Contextual – Focus on Use Demonstrate how someone uses ________ in their life or work. Show how we could apply _____ to solve this real life problem ____. Based on your own experience, explain how _____ can be used. Here’s a problem at school, ________. Using your knowledge of ______________, develop a plan to address the problem. CREATIVE Innovator – Outside the Box – What If - Improver Find a new way to show _____________. Use unusual materials to explain ________________. Use humor to show ____________________. Explain (show) a new and better way to ____________. Make connections between _____ and _____ to help us understand ____________. Become a ____ and use your “new” perspectives to help us think about ____________.

36 Story Response: Choice Board (Triarchic Intelligences)
TARGET: I can describe the theme or message that a writer or author wants to communicate.

37 Analytical Practical Creative
Listen to or read a story and create a chart that tells events in the story and how they contribute to the theme of the story. Practical Think of a time you or someone you know was in a situation similar to the main character in the story. Draw and/or write about it and include the theme or message that was similar to the story. Creative Imagine that the story continues after the last page. Write or act out the next scene. This scene should relate to the theme or message of the story.

38 Story Response: Choice Board (Triarchic Intelligences)
TARGET: I can create graphs from data. I can read the data shown on graphs.

39 Analytical Practical Creative
Students will analyze two sets of tally tables and bar graphs showing what food items (cupcakes, ice cream cake, or cookies) the class would prefer for the Valentine party. They must first determine which set contains matching information, and they will use that set to answer questions. (Data on student preferences will have been collected earlier.) Practical Students will use data collected earlier to determine which activities (pin the wings on Cupid, Valentine bingo, or Valentine tic-tac-toe) students would prefer to do during their holiday party. Information will be tallied on a tally table and graphed on a vertical or horizontal bar graph. Students will complete a form letting the teacher know which activities were chosen by the fewest and greatest number of students. Creative Students will use the collected data on food items (as presented in a tally table) to create graphs. They may use the materials provided or may request to use something available in the room that the teacher has not considered.

40 Rules and Laws: Choice Board (Triarchic Intelligences)
TARGET: I can explain the reasons for rules and laws and the consequences for people who violate rules and laws.

41 Analytical Practical Creative
Use a graphic organizer to list rules or laws in your school or community and what the consequences might be if they were broken. Practical Create a scenario, radio show or TV show that demonstrates what your city or town would be like if there were no laws and then a second where there were laws and consequences. Creative Create a fable and write or act it out. In the fable, describe what would happen if there were no laws in a certain situation. Include a moral to the story.

42 Food Pyramid: Choice Board (Triarchic Intelligences)
TARGET: I can explain the changes in the food pyramid.

43 Analytical Practical Creative
Analyze the 2 pyramids to discover which change is the most significant as measured by the changes in caloric consumption at that level. Provide a breakdown of how you arrived at your decision and illustrate your finding with examples of representative food items that illustrate the shift in the balance. Practical Using the old version of the pyramid, devise the ideal diet for a 10 year old girl of a certain height; then, revise this diet to reflect the principles set forth by the new pyramid. Provide notes you would use as you explain to this “client” exactly how her “recommended” diet has changed and why. Creative Think of another way to proportionally illustrate the principles set forth by the food pyramid. Illustrate an “old” and “new” version of your metaphor, making sure to adhere to the proportions set forth by each version of the pyramid. For each metaphor version, include representative examples of food choices.

44 Immigration: Choice Board (Triarchic Intelligences)
TARGET: I can explain the meaning of “melting pot,” “mosaic,” and “salad bowl” as they relate to immigration in America.

45 Analytical Practical Creative
Analyze how and why the U.S. population has shifted from a melting pot to a salad bowl or mosaic as it has assimilated new immigrants. Practical Think of the population of Grand Rapids and Kent County. Is it better for Grand Rapids to assimilate new people to this area like a melting pot or a salad bowl? Defend your position. Creative Create a different pair of metaphors to characterize how immigrants assimilated in the past and how they assimilate today. Write an explanation for each or create a visual to depict them.

46 Dividing Fractions: Choice Board (Triarchic Intelligences)
TARGET: I can explain and apply fraction division.

47 Analytical Practical Creative
Your friend needs a really clear, step-by-step explanation of how to divide fractions. Please create one. Practical Demonstrate how someone at school, home, or in our town uses division of fractions to solve real needs in his or her life. Help us see HOW and WHY this person uses fraction division. Creative Find a new way to teach people what dividing fractions is all about and how it works.

48 Spelling: Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Multiple Intelligences)
TARGET: I can use spelling patterns to help me spell new words.

49 Logical/Mathematical
Spelling Patterns Tic-Tac-Toe Verbal/Linguistic Write a commercial advertising your spelling pattern. Convince others of its importance by giving many examples of how the pattern is used in words. Logical/Mathematical Create as many groups for your spelling words, based on patterns or relationships you can find in words. Visual/Spatial Create a web or mind map with the spelling pattern in the middle. Intrapersonal Create a log book and record the words you find that fit the pattern and where you found them. Free Choice Think of a way to demonstrate or remember words with the spelling pattern. Check your idea with your teacher first. Naturalist List as many words as your can find that relate to nature or the environment that fit the spelling pattern. Body/Kinesthetic Use a large piece of paper to write the letters in the spelling pattern in large letters. Use other pieces to make letters so new words can be formed by rearranging the letters. See how many words you can make in one minute. Challenge your friends. Musical Create a song or rap about the pattern and some of the words that can be created using the pattern. Interpersonal With a partner, create a game to remember and practice the spelling pattern. Write instructions so other classmates can play it.

50 Vocabulary: Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Multiple Intelligences)
Target: I can use strategies to help me decode unknown words.


52 Rhyme : Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Multiple Intelligences)
TARGETS: I can recognize if two words rhyme. I can supply a rhyme for a given word. I can isolate and name the ending sound of a pair of rhyming words. I can produce and verbalize a pair of rhyming words. I can identify the letters that make up the ending sound of a rhyme. I can identify word family words that rhyme.


54 Descriptions of Rhyme Time Choice Times
Feel a Rhyme-The student will look for, feel, and verbally name each item in the disc. As the student names the items he/she should be listening for the rhyme and trying to identify the common rhyming sound. (Kinesthetic/Visual-Spatial/Linguistic)  Act out a Nursery Rhyme-With one or two other people, the student will use items from our classroom dress up box to act out a Nursery Rhyme. (Kinesthetic/Linguistic/Interpersonal)  Write Your Own Nursery Rhyme-The student will use his/her knowledge of rhyme and familiarity with Mother Goose rhymes to make up his/her own rhyme, using words and/or pictures to tell the rhyme. (Linguistic/Intrapersonal) Mother Goose Listening Center-Alone or with up to 3 other students, the student will listen to a Mother Goose rhymes and follow along in the book. (Linguistic/Musical-Rhythmic/Interpersonal) Retell a Nursery Rhyme with the Flannel Board-Alone or with a friend, the student will retell a Nursery Rhyme using the correct sequence. (Linguistic/Visual-Spatial/Kinesthetic/Interpersonal) Rhyming Buckets-Alone or with a friend, the student will use the items in the buckets to recognize rhyming sounds, verbalize the sounds, and match the items to the correct buckets.

55 Rhyming Puzzles-Alone or with a friend, the student will find the rhyming word pair puzzle pieces that match, by either saying the names of the pictures, reading the words, or fitting the pieces together. After fitting the pieces together the student is to verbalize the rhyme. (Mathematical-Logical/Visual-Spatial/Kinesthetic/Linguistic) Writing Rhyming Word Families-The student will use the ending sound that is supplied on the mat, to create rhyming word family words, by supplying the beginning consonant sound. (Linguistic/Intrapersonal)  Computer Starfall or Gamequarium-On either or the student will work at his/her ability level on one or more computer activities focusing on rhyme and word families. (Linguistic/Visual-Spatial)

56 Story Elements: Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic)
Target: I can describe the elements of a story (characters, setting, plot).

57 Novel Think Tac-Toe Directions: Select and complete one activity from each horizontal row to help you and others think about your novel. Remember to make your work thoughtful, original, rich with detail, and accurate. Create a pair of collages that compares you and a character in the book. Compare and contrast physical and personality traits. Label your collages so viewers understand your thinking. Write a bio-poem about yourself and another about a main character in the book so your readers see how you and the character are alike and different. Be sure to include the most important traits in each poem. Write a recipe or set of directions for how you would solve a problem and another for how a main character in the book would solve a problem. Your list should help us know you and the character. Draw/paint and write a greeting card that invites us into the scenery and mood of an important part of the book. Be sure the verse helps us understand what is important in the scene and why. Make a model or a map of a key place in your life, and an important one in the novel. Find a way to help viewers understand both what the places are like and why they are important in your life and the characters’. Make 2 timelines. The first should illustrate and describe a least 6-8 shifts in settings in the book. The second should explain and illustrate how the mood changes with the change in setting. Using books of proverbs and/on quotations, find at least 6-8 that you feel reflect what’s important about the novel’s theme. Find at least 6-8 that do the same for your life. Display them and explain your choices. Interview a key character from the book to find out what lessons he/she thinks we should learn from events in the book. Use a Parade magazine for material. Be sure the interview is thorough. Find several songs you think reflect an important message from the book. Prepare an audio collage. Write an exhibit card that helps your listener understand how you think these songs express the book’s meaning. Novel Title: ____________________ Author:_______________________ Activities Selected: _______, _____, _____ Student: ______________________

58 Counting Principles & Probability: Tic-Tac-Toe Board
(Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic) Targets: I can write the steps of a math induction proof for a given series. I can apply Pascal’s Triangle to find the coefficients of a binomial expansion. I can apply the Binomial Theorem to expand a binomial. I can find probabilities of mutually exclusive & independent events.


60 Arrange activities on the board so that you control the students’ choices.

61 Key: A = advanced or complex activities written at the analysis, evaluation, or synthesis of Bloom’s Taxonomy. B = basic activities written at the application level.

62 Projects are arranged so that any way the student completes the TTT requires they do at least one advanced activity. Non-Fiction Books – I can recall facts from an expository book. Create a crossword puzzle of facts from the book. (B) Write a newspaper article using facts from the book. Create a board game using the facts from the book. (A) Create an informational brochure with facts from the book. Create a topic web for the facts from the book. Create a Powerpoint presentation of at least 4 slides using facts from the book. Construct a diagram, model, or chart of facts from the book. Script and role-play a news report with the facts from the book. Create a rap, poem, or song with facts from the book.

63 Establishes the rule that each student’s TTT route must cross through the middle. Fiction Books – I can state the main ideas about the events and characters in a fiction book. Create a new ending, an epilogue, or sequel to the story. (A) Compose a letter to a character, the author, or between two characters. Write and dramatize a commercial promoting the book. Illustrate a poster about the major events from the book. (B) Construct a story map or story board of events. (ALL) Create a journal or diary entry for one of the characters. Compare/contrast two characters in the book using a chart. Write a character sketch for one of the characters. Create a conversation between two characters in the book.

64 Multiple Versions – “Prescribe” particular boards to particular students based on their current learning needs.

65 Remember – ALL students deserve challenging, engaging activities.

66 Basic Version Solar System – I can describe the major heavenly bodies of the solar system.
Draw and label a diagram of the solar system. (VL, VS, B) Use words and pictures to create a topic web of facts about the sun, moon, and planets. Create a Venn diagram to compare two planets, or the sun and the moon. (LM, A) Create an illustrated timeline showing the phases of the moon. (LM, VS, B) Illustrate a new constellation and write an original myth that explains its origin. (VL, VS, A) Create a guide to the stars, including important constellations and their mythical stories. (VL, B) Create an illustrated flipbook that includes riddles about a particular planet or object in space, and a final page with the mystery planet or object revealed. (VS, VL, A) Create a picture dictionary for your solar system vocabulary words. (VS, VL, B) Plan a demonstration to show the characteristics of the seasons and day and night, explaining how and when they happen. (BK, N, B)

67 Advanced Version Solar System – I can describe the major heavenly bodies of the solar system.
Imagine that you are an astronaut in the International Space Station. Write three days of journal entries discussing what you see, do, think and feel about your experience, Include facts about space in your entries. (VL, A) Develop at least two new ways to categorize the planets. Label your categories and diagram your results. (LM, A) What planet or space object do you most resemble? What characteristics do you share? Write a portrait of yourself beginning, “Just like (name of planet or object), I …”Use accurate characteristics of the planet or object in your portrait. In what ways might we use the moon and its resources to benefit Earth? Write a letter to NASA, using facts about the moon to support your ideas. Illustrate a new constellation and write an original myth that explains its origin. (VL, VS, A) Create a Venn diagram to compare two planets, or the sun and the moon. Create an illustrated flipbook that includes riddles about a particular planet or object in space, and a final page with the mystery planet or object revealed. (VS, VL, A) Use our solar system vocabulary words to create a script for an ad promoting space exploration. Plan a demonstration that explains the effects on Earth if rotation and revolution ceased to exit. (BK, N, A)

68 Folk Tales: Learning Menu (Multiple Intelligences)
Target: I can write and describe folk tales.


70 Novel (Maniac Magee: Learning Menu (Multiple Intelligences)
Target: I can explain the vocabulary, main character, setting, and main theme of the novel.


72 Forearm Pass: Learning Menu (Multiple Intelligences)
Targets: I can identify the cue words of a forearm pass. I can accurately perform the forearm pass.


74 Probability: Learning Menu
Poetry: Learning Menu Probability: Learning Menu Music: Learning Menu Targets: Not determined




78 All students have the same TASK, but have a choice of SHOW AND TELL.
Show-And-Tell Boards All students have the same TASK, but have a choice of SHOW AND TELL. Top row – what they could show Bottom row – what they could tell Need 1 SHOW & 1 TELL

79 TARGET: I can write in a technical format
TARGET: I can write in a technical format. TASK: Write a set of directions for a household task or school activity. SHOW Illustrations Diagram or Flow Chart How-to Brochure TELL Use topic headings and paragraphs Use detailed numbered or bulleted steps Write detailed sentences

80 TARGET: I can describe events that occurred during the civil rights movement TASK: Describe a significant event that occurred during the civil rights movement. SHOW Charts and graphs Timeline of incidents related to the event Illustrations, photographs, graphics, or artifacts TELL Newspaper article Video news interview Speech

81 Vocabulary Words: Choice Board
TARGET: I can define vocabulary terms.

82 Language Arts: Choice Board
Frayer Model Vocabulary Cards Create a set of cards with terms and a separate set with definitions. Try to match the terms and definitions. Exchange cards with a friend. Word Charades Write terms on one side of a set of cards and the definition on the back. Work with a partner and guess the words being acted out. Three-Point Vocabulary Word/Definition in own words ____________________________________________________________________ Synonym________ Diagram… Relational Vocabulary Definition Web Sketch Definition in own words Word Example Nonexample Something I can use to help me remember the definition. Word Like the word Unlike the word Word A sketch of what the word reminds me of. What the word means in my own words. Diagram Example

83 I can demonstrate what a fraction looks like.
Fractions: Choice Board TARGET: I can demonstrate what a fraction looks like.

84 Fractions: Choice Board
The teachers gives students simple or more complex fractions to represent, depending on their level of readiness. Students should represent their fractions in as many ways as possible in the time frame given, choosing from the Pizza Choice Board. Use a geoboard to show the fraction Use Unifix cubes to show the fraction Draw a picture to show the fraction Fold paper to show the fraction Use paper strips to show the fraction Use a grid to show the fraction Use pattern blocks to show the fraction Use Cuisenaire rods to show the fraction

85 Graphing: Cubes (novelty) TARGET: I can use different types of graphs to find information about a survey question.

86 Graphing: Cubes (novelty)
Students create survey questions. The cube is rolled to determine how they will represent their data. Students collect data and display the data in graph form. Vertical Bar Graph Pie Graph Tally Pictograph Horizontal Bar Graph Line Graph

87 Rights and Responsibilities:
Cubes (novelty) TARGET: I can demonstrate an understanding of a citizen’s rights and responsibilities.

88 Rights and Responsibilities:
Cubes (novelty) Roll the Rights and Responsibilities Cube, Description Cube and Product Cube to determine how the topic will be represented. Right Responsibility Right Responsibility Right Responsibility

89 Rights and Responsibilities:
Cubes (novelty) Roll the Rights and Responsibilities Cube, Description Cube and Product Cube to determine how the topic will be represented. School Home Food Water Safety Doctors/ Medicine

90 Rights and Responsibilities: Cubes (novelty)
Roll the Rights and Responsibilities Cube, Description Cube and Product Cube to determine how the topic will be represented. Brochure Original Song or Rhyme Adapted from a Nursery Rhyme Talk Show Public Service Announcement Cartoon Advice Column

91 Reading Comprehension: Cubing
TARGET: I can describe the five Ws (+ How) from a reading passage.

92 Who What Where When Why How
This cube can be used for any subject or level where reading comprehension is required in both fiction and nonfiction texts. Students could roll the die individually and then respond to the question that lands face up. Sharing could take place in a small group or as a whole class. Seat students in a circle and give them a cube to roll after reading a story or other text. Students take turns rolling the die and providing an answer to the question that lands face up on the die. Who What Where When Why How

93 Book Report: Story Events Cube (Multiple Intelligences)
TARGET: I can describe the main events of a chosen book.


95 I can solve a problem in a variety of ways.
Graphing: Cubes (novelty) TARGET: I can solve a problem in a variety of ways.


97 Ancient Civilizations: Cubing (Multiple Intelligences)
Learning Goals: Students will – Know: The geographic, political, economic, religious, cultural, and social structures of an ancient civilization. Understand: Our understanding of why civilizations dominate or decline can be expanded by studying the people and events of ancient civilization. Do: I can create a product that demonstrates an understanding of aspects of ancient civilizations.

98 Ancient Civilizations Topic Cube Describe the economy
Describe some of the main cultural activities. Describe the type of government or leadership that was present. Describe the traditions and beliefs. Roll the topic cube to determine the topic that will be explored. Roll the product cube to determine how understanding of the topic will be represented. Identify the location of the civilization and describe the connections between the geography and development of the civilization. Describe the social system.

99 Ancient Civilizations Product Cube
Brochure Original song or rhyme adapted from a nursery rhyme Public Service Announcement Talk Show Roll the topic cube to determine the topic that will be explored. Roll the product cube to determine how understanding of the topic will be represented. Chart or graphic organizer Advice Column

100 Parts of Speech: RAFT TARGET: I can describe the parts of speech (e.g. nouns, verbs, adverbs, and so on).

101 Role Audience Format Topic Noun Jury Mock trial argument Verb
Reasons why I think I’m the most important part of speech of all. Verb Other parts of speech Invitation I’m where all the action is! Adjective Dear Abby Letter to an advice column (and response). I’m tired of always helping out my friend, the noun. Adverb Lament Why doesn’t anyone ever remember what I do? Pronoun Cartoon strip I feel like all I ever do is disguise myself as someone else. Conjunction Students Song or Rap I bring things together. Preposition Skit I make relationships between parts of speech happen!

102 Hold a “Parts of Speech Fair”
½ the students present their projects simultaneously in different parts of the room. The other ½ are fair-goers who visit each student, who explains or performs his or her project. Fair-goers use the following chart to summarize what they learn. Switch roles and repeat.

103 Part of Speech What is it? Why is it important? An example

104 recognize if two words rhyme.
Rhyme : RAFT TARGETS: I can…. recognize if two words rhyme. produce and verbalize a pair of rhyming words. retell a nursery rhyme. create my own original nursery rhyme.


106 Review the strategies for INTEREST
Tri-mind choices (Sternberg) Tic Tac Toe choice boards Learning Menus Show and Tell boards Cubes RAFTS With a partner: Describe your upcoming unit and a TARGET or 2 that you will be addressing Choose one of the above strategies and describe how you will use it in your classroom. How will you connect this learning activity to the TARGET(s)

107 Tier by: Readiness Degree of structure Need for support

108 Task Cards/Work Cards Write a letter to yourself stating at least five key points that you would like to remember about this presentation and how you will use these things in your classroom. Write a letter to your principal comparing what you learned today to what is happening in your school. Write a persuasive letter to your school board president convincing him/her that your school district must adopt the philosophy of differentiated instruction in your district.

109 Tiered assignments should be:
-Different work, not simply more or less work -Equally active -Equally interesting and engaging -Fair in terms of work expectations and time needed -Require the use of key concepts, skills, or ideas -Are used as practice or daily work, NOT as an assessment task to be graded. -Learn from each other – share work!

110 Character Map: Tiered Assignment
Graphic Organizer TARGET: I can discuss characters and character development.

111 Basic Tiered Activity Example: Completing a Character Map
Tier 1. (Low) Describe: -How the character looks -What the character says -How the character thinks or acts -The most important thing to know about the character Tier 2. (Middle) -What the character says or does -What the character really means to say or do -What goals does the character have -What the character would mostly like us to know about him or her -What changes the character went through Tier 3. (High) -Clues the author gives us about the character -Why the author gives these clues -The author’s bottom line about this character

112 Character Map Character Name____________ How the character looks ____________ How the character thinks or acts ____________ Most important thing to know about the character ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

113 Character Map Character Name____________
What the character says or does ____________ What the character really MEANS to say or do ____________ What the character would mostly like us to know about him or her _____________________________________________________________________________________

114 Character Map Character Name____________
Clues the author gives us about the character ____________ Why the author gives THESE clues ____________ The author’s bottom line about this character ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

115 Scholastic Teaching Reading – through differentiated instruction using leveled graphic organizers. Teaching Writing – through differentiated instruction using leveled graphic organizers. Teaching Vocabulary– through differentiated instruction using leveled graphic organizers.

116 Experimental Design: Tiered Assignment
Cubes or Think Dots TARGET: I can explain the various stages in the experimental design process.

117 1. Name and define the 6 steps in the experimental design process.
6. Create a data chart for an experiment that has an independent and dependent variable. Graph this data and label the graph properly. 5. Suppose an experimental design process with several trials showed that chickens lay more eggs when listening to music. What additional questions would a scientist ask about this experiment? 2. Design a question that would have an independent and a dependent variable. Label each variable. 3. Change a question into a hypothesis. 4. Change a hypothesis into a prediction statement using IF…, And…, Then...

118 .What are the 6 steps of the experimental design process?
Basic Basic .What are the 6 steps of the experimental design process? .Explain the difference between an independent and dependent variable. 3. Write a hypothesis from this question: Does listening to music cause chickens to lay more eggs? .Using If…, And… Then…, write a prediction statement for the following hypothesis: Listening to music causes chickens to lay more eggs 5. Make a double T chart that would compare an experiment where music is played for one group of chickens and not for another to see if music affects the number of eggs they lay. Label each variable. 6. Make a graph using the following information. Label which axis is the independent and dependent variable. Not playing music—5 chickens lay 17 eggs. Playing music—5 chickens lay 25 eggs. .What are the 6 steps of the experimental design process? .Explain the difference between an independent and dependent variable. 3. Write a hypothesis from this question: Does listening to music cause chickens to lay more eggs? .Using If…, And… Then…, write a prediction statement for the following hypothesis: Listening to music causes chickens to lay more eggs 5. Make a double T chart that would compare an experiment where music is played for one group of chickens and not for another to see if music affects the number of eggs they lay. Label each variable. 6. Make a graph using the following information. Label which axis is the independent and dependent variable. Not playing music—5 chickens lay 17 eggs. Playing music—5 chickens lay 25 eggs.

119 Basic Cube Record Sheet
.STEPS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Independent Variable - Dependent Variable - .MUSICAL EGGS Question: Does listening to music cause chickens to lay more eggs? Hypothesis: .PREDICTING EGGS Hypothesis: Listening to music causes chickens to lay more eggs. Prediction: If… And… Then… 5. DOUBLE “T” GRAPH IT

120 Story Elements: Tiered Assignment
Cubes or Think Dots TARGET: I can describe the story elements of a particular story or novel.

121 Basic

122 Abstract

123 Grade 1 – Story Elements (Basic)
Name the characters in the story. ●● What would you do if you were the main character? ●●● What was the problem in the story? ●● ●● What is the setting of the story? ●● ● What was your favorite part of the story? ●●● ●●● How did they solve the problem in the story?

124 Grade 1 – Story Elements (Abstract)
Describe a character in the story. ●● How would you solve the problem in the story? ●●● What caused the problem in the story? ●● ●● Make up a new setting for the story. ●● ● What was your favorite part of the story and why? ●●● ●●● Make up a different ending to the story.




128 Review the strategies for READINESS
Task cards Graphic organizers Think dots With a partner: Describe your upcoming unit and a TARGET or 2 that you will be addressing Choose one of the above strategies and describe how you will use it in your classroom. How will you connect this learning activity to the TARGET(s)

129 Choices involving Learning Profile
The “Profiler”

130 What is your preferred Learning Profile?
Write Draw Act Sing Build






136 Differentiation “Profiler”
You have just attended a stimulating workshop on differentiated instruction and you feel motivated to let the world know more about differentiated instruction. Your “world” might be a group of students, parents, fellow teachers, and/or the general public. You will join a group of workshop participants who are as motivated as you are and share your excitement about differentiate instruction to spread the news about this teaching and learning philosophy! TARGET: I can explain key elements of differentiated instruction. Differentiation “Profiler”

137 Differentiation “Musician”
Your mission is to write and perform a song (any style of music) about the experience of observing in a classroom which is focused on developing units and using strategies that help to differentiated instruction. You can make up a new tune or write new lyrics that fit with an existing melody. You should have at least one verse about each of the FOUR elements that should be the focus of a differentiated classroom. Include a chorus about the goal of differentiated instruction. Make it personal and fun.

138 Differentiation “Writers”
Your task is to write an article for USA Today telling the public how differentiated instruction helps teacher to meet the needs of diverse learners in their classrooms. You should minimally include the following information: How students differ as learners. How student learning differences affect how students learn. Evidence you have that explains that students work harder when what they are asked to do connect to something they are interested in doing and/or connects to their learning profile. Identify classroom techniques/strategies that support the achievement of students who have different readiness levels, different interests and/or different learning profiles.

139 Differentiation “Builders”
Your group has been commissioned to build a model of a differentiated classroom for a local museum featuring best practices in education. Your model must accurately reflect the FOUR elements of differentiated instruction in a classroom where these elements are being practiced. You must be able to explain your model to museum officials.

140 Differentiation “Actors”
Your job is to create and perform an episode of a children's or teenager’s television program. This episode should be all about differentiated instruction. Be sure to include the following information: What is differentiated instruction. What it is like being in a classroom where differentiated instruction is practiced. How you (the student) will benefit from being in a classroom where differentiated instruction is practiced.

141 Differentiation “Artists”
Create a poster – or series of posters – that clearly illustrates the key points of what it means to differentiate instruction. Your poster(s) will be designed for those who are unable to read, so it/they must communicate clearly through pictures and graphics, and should not rely heavily on captions. Your posters should depict the three sets of FOUR elements of differentiated instruction. Poster paper, markers and other materials are available; let your instructor know what else you need.


143 Review the strategies for LEARNING PROFILE
The “Profiler” With a partner: Describe your upcoming unit and a TARGET or 2 that you will be addressing Describe how you will use this strategy in your classroom. How will you connect this learning activity to the TARGET(s)

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