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Inclass Test Revision Database Technology Level I Lecture and Seminar Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclass Test Revision Database Technology Level I Lecture and Seminar Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclass Test Revision Database Technology Level I Lecture and Seminar Revision

2 Aims  To Demonstrate –Retrieving attributes from more than one table –Writing pure SQL in DDL and DML –Writing SQL to populate forms –Evaluating the user interface using usability principles

3 SQL Section A Tables here have names Student, ModuleRegistration and Module

4 Firstly determine how the tables link.

5 SQL statements  Use of CREATE statement  Use of SELECT statement  Use of aggregate functions (SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, etc)  Use of UPDATE columns  Use of DELETE rows of the database

6 Solutions to Revision SQL  Create these tables in Seminars and work out solutions with your tutors  Study data types and how they are used in MS Access  Use appropriate SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE etc commands to answer the queries  Similar SQL will be asked in the test

7 Types of Questions 1. Produce a list of all modules which have students registered for them. 2. Produce a list of all students. 3. Produce a list of all students studying M18013A 4. Find student ID of students registered on September 4 5. How many courses does the university have 6. Find any subject attended by a student with a J in their forename 7. Remove any student who does the History subject

8 Types of Questions 8. Change the name a student called Emma Lucy to Emma Champion. 9. What is the average number of attempted registrations 10. What different types of subjects are available to be studied grouped by “Other Subject” 11. Find Fornames of students registered on September 5 12. Which students have attempted module with code M1803A more than once? 13. Find any subject attended by a student with a J in their forename 14. Create a new Table called “Tutor” that relates to module table with tutor ID, Sname, Fname and module they teach.

9 Types of Questions  Create the SQL to populate the following form.

10  Read Constatines Usability principles  Nielsen’s Usability rules  User Interface Design principles Usability Section B – sections to read and other relevant ones

11 Usability Section B  A screen will be given and the students will write a descriptive analysis of usability principles and color theory needed to redesign and make the GUI a better design. They will point out good and bad designs and should quote or be familiar with Lecture Notes theory provided on principles and practices of usability design

12 Next Week  In-class Test in seminar session after next week.  Bring your Books and or Notes.

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