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The Great Depression. 1920’s Automobile Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Depression. 1920’s Automobile Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Depression

2 1920’s Automobile Industry

3 1920’s Stock Market


5 Stock Market Crashing Sales down- Rumors of major Investors Withdrawing Money Optimism of Stock Holders Decreases Stock Prices Drop Stockholders Panic

6 Stock Market Crash 10/18/1929= 10/24/1929= 10/25/1929= 10/27/1929= 10/28/1929=

7 Stock Market Crash

8 Fractional Reserve System Person deposits $1000 into a Bank The Bank Loans out $900 dollars to People loaning money People who loaned money pay bank back plus interest ($900 X 5% = $945) Depositor takes $1000 out of Bank

9 Effects on Banks Wall Street Crashes- Banks Lose Investments Depositors lose savings on Wall Street- Go to Withdraw Money Bank fails because it doesn’t have all of the depositors money Depositors lose savings

10 Fractional Reserve System Bank Run

11 Automobile Industry during the Great Depression


13 Farm Failures Need to make up for losses Plant More Wheat To much wheat has been harvested Farmers income goes down

14 Dust Bowl Increase Wheat for WWIBad Farming PracticesDroughtTop Soil ErodesDust Bowl


16 Hopelessness of the Individual More Competition For Jobs More Need For Social Programs Local Programs couldn’t help everyone Beg or Steal to Survive Unemployment is up

17 Herbert Hoover

18 Hoover’s Economic Philosophy Bull Market Classical Economics Associative State




22 Franklin D. Roosevelt

23 The New Deal Stop The Banking Crisis Help Farmers Increase Aid To The Needy Reduce Unemployment Help Wall Street

24 Effects on Banks Wall Street Crashes- Banks Lose Investments Depositors lose savings on Wall Street- Go to Withdraw Money Bank fails because it doesn’t have all of the depositors money Depositors lose savings

25 The New Deal on Banking Bank Holiday Government Oversight on Banks Government Insured Peoples Deposits $1 Billion New Deposits in a Month

26 Stock Market Crashing Sales down- Rumors of major Investors Withdrawing Money Optimism of Stock Holders Decreases Stock Prices Drop Stockholders Panic

27 New Deal on the Stock Market Federal Securities Act Securities and Exchange Commission

28 Farm Failures Need to make up for losses Plant More Wheat To much wheat has been harvested Farmers income goes down

29 New Deal on Farming Give farmers a subsidy to plant less Better Farming Practices Increase Access to Electricity


31 New Deal on Unemployment Civilian Conservation Corps Tennessee Valley Authority National Industrial Recovery Act

32 The Second New Deal Works Progress Administration Social Security National Relations Labor Act

33 Supreme Court on “The New Deal” Parts of NIRA= Unconstitutional Tax to Support Farmer Subsidy’s= Unconstitutional

34 FDR on the Supreme Court 9 Judges Stop FDR Policy’s Appoint 6 More Judges To Tip Vote

35 Downward Cycle

36 Upward Cycle

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