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.NET Framework Tools Albrecht Wöß Institute for System Software Johannes Kepler University Linz © University of Linz, Institute for System Software, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: ".NET Framework Tools Albrecht Wöß Institute for System Software Johannes Kepler University Linz © University of Linz, Institute for System Software, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 .NET Framework Tools Albrecht Wöß Institute for System Software Johannes Kepler University Linz © University of Linz, Institute for System Software, 2004 published under the Microsoft Curriculum License

2 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools2 Overview csc.exeC# compiler  csc.exe vbc.exeVisual Basic.NET compiler  vbc.exe ildasm.exeIL disassembler  ildasm.exe dbgclr.exeGUI debugger  dbgclr.exe mscorcfg.msc.NET Framework Configuration Tool  mscorcfg.msc sfushion.dllAssembly Cache Viewer  sfushion.dll ngen.exeNative Image Generator  ngen.exe gacutil.exeGlobal Assembly Cache Utility  gacutil.exe sn.exeStrong Name Tool  sn.exe caspol.exeCode Access Security Policy Tool  caspol.exe wsdl.exeWeb Service Description Language Tool  wsdl.exe (... siehe "Die.NET-Architektur")

3 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools3 Assembly Cache Viewer (sfushion.dll) Windows Explorer Add-In that visualizes the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) like an ordinary directory actual paths: e.g. GAC –assembly mscorlib: GAC* \NativeImages1_v1.0.3705\mscorlib\ 1.0.3300.0__b77a5c561934e089_be4960bd\mscorlib.dll GAC –assembly System: GAC* \GAC\System\1.0.3300.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.dll *) see ".NET Architecture", Appendix A: important directories

4 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools4 Native Image Generator (ngen.exe) generates a native image (= a tranlation to machine code) of an assembly thus the assembly is compiled only once on the target computer at install time (= install-time compilation); no need for new compilations on every program run (= just-in-time (JIT) compilation) core assemblies of the.NET Framework are installed as native images per default: mscorlib, System, System.Drawing, System.Windows.Forms,... file size comparison: PE file  native image: e.g. System.dll 1.216.512 Bytes as IL assembly 1.929.216 Bytes as native image

5 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools5 Global Assembly Cache Utility (gacutil.exe) Command line tool for installing assemblies in the GAC > gacutil -i GlobalLib.dll removing assemblies from the GAC > gacutil -u GlobalLib displaying the contents of the GAC > gacutil -l supports counting the references to global assemblies > gacutil -ir GlobalLib.dll FILEPATH c:\Apps\MyApp.exe > gacutil -ur GlobalLib FILEPATH c:\Apps\MyApp.exe > gacutil -lr –the assembly cannot be removed from the GAC, while at least one reference to it still exists

6 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools6 Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) Command line tool for generating pairs of private & public keys > sn -k mykeys.snk extracting the public key from a key pair > sn -p mykeys.snk mypubkey.snk delayed signing of assemblies > sn -R MyLib.dll mykeys.snk

7 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools7 Strong Name for Assemblies "strong" assembly name consists of: –name –version number ( ) –culture attribute (usually neutral ) –hash value of the public key z.B. MyLib, Version=1.2.745.18000, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=13a3f300fff94cef Why sign an assembly? –only names of signed assembly are considered "strong" –only signed assemblies can be installed into the GAC

8 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools8 Delay-Signing sn -k mykeys.snk [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("mykeys.snk")] MyLib.cs csc /t:library MyLib.cs sn -p mykeys.snk mypubkeys.snk csc /t:library MyLib.cs sn -R MyLib.dll mykeys.snk [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("mypubkeys.snk")] [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(true)] MyLib.cs MyLib.dll (signed) sign directlyDelay-Signing

9 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools9 Code Access Security Policy Tool (caspol.exe) Command line tool for turning security checks on and off > caspol -security ( on | off ) adding/removing/changing/listing code groups > caspol -addgroup > caspol -remgroup > caspol -chggroup > caspol -listgroups adding/removing/changing/listing permission sets > caspol -addpset > caspol -rempset > caspol -chgpset > caspol -listpset... commands target enterprise/machine/user security policy level > caspol -enterprise / -machine / -user / -all......

10 A. Woess.NET Framework Tools10 Web Service Description Language Tool (wsdl.exe) Command line tool for generating web service proxies from WSDL files > wsdl -language:VB > wsdl -namespace:TimeClient > wsdl -out:TimeServiceProxy.cs > wsdl public class TimeService : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol { public TimeService() { this.Url = ""; } public string GetTime() { object[] results = this.Invoke("GetTime", new object[0]); return ((string)(results[0])); } TimeService.cs

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