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Presentation Title Font: Helvetica Regular Size:44 Title may be centered or flush left.

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1 Presentation Title Font: Helvetica Regular Size:44 Title may be centered or flush left

2 Subhead Font: Helvetica Regular Size: 32 Bullet point text Font: Helvetica Regular Size: 24 No more than 8 lines total One block of no more than 7 lines or 2 bullet points of 3 lines each or 3 bullet points of 2 lines each or 6 bullet points of 1 line each Slide Headline Font: Helvetica Regular Size: 40

3 Can be one block of no more than 6 lines, or 2 bullet points of 3 lines each, or 3 bullet points with no more than two lines each. Slides With Photos

4 To highlight a word or phrase, change the font color to red. Do not underline, bold, or italicize the font.

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