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1 Welcome to CMPE 12C An Introduction to Computer Organization (Or, what is inside my case and how does it work) Fall 2003 Cyrus Bazeghi.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to CMPE 12C An Introduction to Computer Organization (Or, what is inside my case and how does it work) Fall 2003 Cyrus Bazeghi."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to CMPE 12C An Introduction to Computer Organization (Or, what is inside my case and how does it work) Fall 2003 Cyrus Bazeghi

2 2 What we will cover in this class oComputer abstraction oMIPS Assembly Language Programming oNumber Systems (ex: Binary, HEX, OCT) oData Representation (ex: unsigned, signed, ones/twos comp.)

3 3 oALU operations (ex: addition, subtraction, multiplication) oFloating point numbers and arithmetic oArrays, stacks, queues, procedures oMicrocontrollers and Embedded systems What we will cover in this class

4 4 oHC11 Assembly and the assembly process oI/O and Interrupts oPipelining and Memory Architectures What we will cover in this class

5 5 Check out the Extended Course Description on the SOE classes website (Soon to be a link off our website)

6 6 Course Work (CMPE12C) o20% Homework – usually weekly o40% 2 Midterms – Based on homework and lecture material o40% Final – Comprehensive oPop quizzes

7 7 Lab Work (CMPE12L) o Programming assignments – usually weekly o MIPS and HC11 assembly o MIPS is a 32-bit RISC architecture o HC11 is a 8-bit CISC microcontroller based on the Motorola 6800 architecture (think old Apple IIs)

8 8 Extreme Programming oNew trend in the industry oProgram as a team, together at one terminal oReduces typos and bugs oImproves moral and effectiveness oCheck website for papers

9 9 Cheating o What is it? o What happens if I get caught? o Why even do it?

10 10 Questions? See you Monday. Enjoy your weekend.

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