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Chair of Software Engineering 1 Introduction to Programming Exercise Session Week 9 M. Piccioni 17/18 November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Chair of Software Engineering 1 Introduction to Programming Exercise Session Week 9 M. Piccioni 17/18 November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chair of Software Engineering 1 Introduction to Programming Exercise Session Week 9 M. Piccioni 17/18 November 2008

2 Chair of Software Engineering 2 Der Plan  Contracts how-to  Inheritance  Polymorphism/Dynamic Binding  Inheritance and contracts

3 Chair of Software Engineering 3 The mock exam showed that...  It is reasonably easy to write “basic” contracts  Non void, non empty, correct assignment  Writing meaningful contracts may be challenging reset -- Remove all path segments except for the first... ensure only_one_seg: count=1 --easy exactly_the_same_seg: first = old first --not so easy

4 Chair of Software Engineering 4 Contracts are for semantics  Questions that you may want to ask yourself  What does a feature need to execute correctly?  Does the set of the arguments’ possible values need to be restricted?  What is a feature supposed to guarantee?  Who is a feature supposed to guarantee it to?  If command, what are the effects on the class?  Is there a property that holds for all objects of a class after creation and pre/after each routine execution?

5 Chair of Software Engineering 5 Stacks A possible definition: A stack is a data structure based on the principle of Last In First Out (LIFO) ‏ [Wikipedia]  Very often used in CS  Often implemented as array top push pop put remove item

6 Chair of Software Engineering 6 Class MY_STACK (overview) ‏ class MY_STACK [G] create make make (n: INTEGER)‏ -- Allocate stack for a maximum of n elements... capacity: INTEGER -- Maximum number of stack elements count: INTEGER -- Number of stack elements item: G is -- Top element... is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is stack empty?... is_full: BOOLEAN -- Is stack full?... put (x: G)‏ -- Add x on top... remove -- Remove top element....

7 Chair of Software Engineering 7 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ class MY_STACK [G] create make invariant … count_non_negative: 0 <= count Hands-On count_bounded: count <= capacity fullness: (count = capacity) = is_full emptiness: (count = 0) = is_empty capacity_non_negative: capacity >= 0

8 Chair of Software Engineering 8 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ make (n: INTEGER) ‏ -- Allocate stack for a maximum of n elements require do... ensure end non_negative_capacity: n >= 0 capacity_set: capacity = n Hands-On empty_stack: is_empty

9 Chair of Software Engineering 9 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ item: G -- Top element require do... ensure end not_empty: not is_empty Hands-On result_exists: Result /= Void

10 Chair of Software Engineering 10 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is stack empty? require do... ensure end True Hands-On True‏ They are part of the invariant. Default is True, thus they are not needed

11 Chair of Software Engineering 11 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ is_full: BOOLEAN -- Is stack full? require do... ensure end True Hands-On True They are part of the invariant. Default is True, thus they are not needed

12 Chair of Software Engineering 12 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ put (x: G) ‏ -- Add `x' on top require do... ensure end x_exists: x /= Void not_full: not is_full one_more_item: count = old count + 1 added_to_top: item = x Hands-On

13 Chair of Software Engineering 13 Class MY_STACK (detail) ‏ remove ‏ -- Remove top element require do... ensure end not_empty: not is_empty one_less_item: count = old count - 1 Hands-On

14 Chair of Software Engineering Inheritance There are two aspects:  Reuse  Existing code processing the same task doesn't have to be rewritten.  Subtyping  Allows to write code that can process different types of objects (polymorphism)

15 Chair of Software Engineering Example: Pets Dogs and cats are animals (IS-A relation) Types/Subtypes are used for classification ANIMAL DOG CAT

16 Chair of Software Engineering Dynamic Binding class ZOO feature -- action generate_animal (flag: BOOLEAN) ‏ do create c; create d if flag then x := c else x := d end print (x.genus)-- ? end feature -- Attributes x: ANIMAL c: CAT d: DOG end class CAT inherit ANIMAL redefine genus end feature -- Status genus: STRING do Result := “Felis” end class DOG inherit ANIMAL redefine genus end feature -- Status genus: STRING do Result := “Canis” end class ANIMAL feature -- status genus: STRING do Result := “Animal” end

17 Chair of Software Engineering 17 Class ANIMAL class ANIMAL create make feature -- Initialization make (a_name: STRING) ‏ do name := a_name end feature -- Status name: STRING feature –– Basic operations set_name (a_name: STRING) ‏ do name := a_name end eat do print (“Animal eating”) ‏ end

18 Chair of Software Engineering 18 Creation status is not inherited! Feature make is inherited, but in PANTHER it’s not known as a creation procedure, so you need to list it in the create clause Feature redefinition class PANTHER inherit ANIMAL redefine eat end create make feature eat is do print (“Panther devouring”) ‏ end roar is do print (“ROOOAAAAAARRR R”) ‏ end Class PANTHER

19 Chair of Software Engineering 19 Quiz 1: Animals and Panthers r local a: ANIMAL p: PANTHER do create a.make (“Small Animal”) ‏ create p.make (“Black Panther”) ‏ a.set_name (“Creature”) ‏ p.set_name (“Bagheera”) ‏ end => “Animal eating” => “Panther devouring” Hands-On

20 Chair of Software Engineering 20 Quiz 2: Animals and Panthers r local a: ANIMAL p: PANTHER do create p.make (“Black Panther”) ‏ a := p print ( ‏ a.roar end => “Black Panther” => “Panther devouring” Hands-On

21 Chair of Software Engineering 21 Quiz 3: Animals and Panthers r local a: ANIMAL p: PANTHER do create a.make (“Creature”) ‏ p := a end Hands-On

22 Chair of Software Engineering 22 Quiz 4: Animals and Panthers r local a: ANIMAL p: PANTHER do create {PANTHER} a.make (“Bagheera”) ‏ a.roar end Hands-On

23 Chair of Software Engineering 23 Forcing a type - the problem animal_list: LINKED_LIST [ANIMAL]... animal_list.put_front(a_panther) ‏ ("filename") ‏ -- Two years later: animal_list := retrieved ("filename") x := animal_list.i_th (1) -- [1] x.roar -- [2] But: If x: PANTHER, [1] is invalid If x: ANIMAL, [2] is invalid.

24 Chair of Software Engineering 24 The old solution: Assignment attempt x ?= y with x: A If y is attached to an object whose type conforms to A, perform normal reference assignment. Otherwise, make x void.

25 Chair of Software Engineering 25 Quiz 5: Animals and Panthers r local a: ANIMAL p: PANTHER do create {PANTHER} a.make (“Bagheera”) ‏ p := a p ?= a if p /= Void then print ( ‏ p.roar end => “Bagheera” Hands-On

26 Chair of Software Engineering 26 The new solution: the Object Test if {x: MY_TYPE} object_to_be_tested then -- use x, guaranteed to be non void -- and of dynamic type MY_TYPE else -- Here code that applies if x is not -- of dynamic type MY_TYPE end

27 Chair of Software Engineering 27 Quiz 5: Alternative solution r local a: ANIMAL do create {PANTHER} a.make (“Bagheera”) ‏ if {p: PANTHER} a then print ( ‏ p.roar end => “Bagheera”

28 Chair of Software Engineering 28 Inheritance and assertions Correct call: if a1. then a1.r (...) ‏ else... end r is require  ensure  r is require  ensure  CA B a1: A a1. r (…)‏ …

29 Chair of Software Engineering Assertion redeclaration rule Redefined version may not have require or ensure. May have nothing (assertions kept by default), or require else new_pre ensure then new_post Resulting assertions are: ● original_precondition or new_pre ● original_postcondition and new_post ● original_invariant and new_invariant 29

30 Chair of Software Engineering Weaker or stronger? A formula F is stronger than another formula G if: F implies G (or: F ⇒ G) In other words, formula G is weaker than F. Precondition (weakened): original_pre implies original_pre or new_pre Postcondition (strengthened): original_post and new_post implies original_post Invariant (strengthened): original_inv and new_inv implies original_inv 30

31 Chair of Software Engineering Exercise Create 3 examples (one for preconditions, one for postconditions, the other for invariants) which demonstrate that these rules have to be obeyed, otherwise programs may crash. Hints:  you need two classes, one descendant of the other  descendant need to redefine a feature  descendant’s contract violates inheritance rules  you need a feature with a polymorphic argument  you need a call to the polymorphic feature 31 Hands-On

32 Chair of Software Engineering Rules for Subtyping: Preconditions class PARENT feature make_of_size ( n: INTEGER ) require n >=3 do -- create array of size n print (i_th (3)) end crash( s: PARENT) do s.make_of_size( 4 ) end temp: CHILD... create temp crash ( temp ) class CHILD inherit PARENT redefine make_of_size end feature make_of_size ( n: INTEGER ) require n >= 5 do -- create array of size n print (i_th (5)) end Examples based on KOOP - With kind permission of Peter Müller 32

33 Chair of Software Engineering Rules for Subtyping: Postconditions class PARENT feature foo: INTEGER do Result := 1 ensure Result > 0 end crash( s: PARENT) do att := 5 // end temp: CHILD... create temp crash ( temp ) class CHILD inherit PARENT redefine foo end feature foo: INTEGER do Result := 0 ensure Result >= 0 end 33

34 Chair of Software Engineering Rules for Subtyping: Invariants class PARENT create make feature n: INTEGER make do n := 5 end crash: INTEGER do Result := 5 // n end invariant n > 0 end temp: CHILD; i: INTEGER... create temp i := temp.crash class CHILD inherit PARENT redefine make end create make feature make do n := 0 end invariant n >= 0 end 34

35 Chair of Software Engineering 35 Questions?

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