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1 Basing Aviation Software Certification On Assurance Cases John Knight Patrick Graydon Elisabeth Strunk.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Basing Aviation Software Certification On Assurance Cases John Knight Patrick Graydon Elisabeth Strunk."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Basing Aviation Software Certification On Assurance Cases John Knight Patrick Graydon Elisabeth Strunk

2 2 The Argument Prescribed software development processes do not ensure software quality Assurance cases (e.g., safety cases) provide a mechanism for documenting an assurance argument Read position paper Listen to Robin Bloomfield

3 3 Certification and Education John Knight

4 4 Civil Engineering Large structures very rarely fail Why?

5 5 Them vs Us Civil Engineering: Extensive science supporting analysis Rigorous education Mentored, prescribed experience path Community of trust PE signature Learning from failure Computer Engineering: Some science supporting analysis Education

6 6 So? Certification is not just a technical issue Why? Sometimes engineers are not aware of: –Their own limitations –The limitations of their technologies –New technology—things are moving very fast F 22 anyone? We have to fix this Good technology applied incorrectly is useless

7 7 What To Do? Demand better from high education

8 8 What To Do? Demand better from high education

9 9 What To Do? Demand better from high education

10 10 What To Do? Demand better from high education Develop a comprehensive approach to the social side of this Integrate the industry hiring and preparation process with higher education Set standards for people and processes at all levels

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