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“Read the River”. Discipline in the Classroom Good planning Effective delivery Critical reflection Be present in the moment.

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Presentation on theme: "“Read the River”. Discipline in the Classroom Good planning Effective delivery Critical reflection Be present in the moment."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Read the River”

2 Discipline in the Classroom Good planning Effective delivery Critical reflection Be present in the moment

3 Discipline Systems Extrinsic –motivation to comply is based on external rewards Intrinsic –motivation to comply is based on internal values and affective gains

4 Discipline Systems Making it work –Protocols set high standards for learning behaviors –Clear protocols communicated to students –Protocols practiced and modeled with logical consequences –Teacher is consistent in adhering to protocols –Support from administration, colleagues and parents

5 Discipline Techniques Back to the wall Proximity control Selective ignoring Use student names Individualization Positive pinpointing Eye contact Voice (volume and tone) Body language Do

6 Discipline Techniques Ridicule Punish group for misbehavior of one student Exercise as a form of punishment Force an apology Threaten Preach or moralize Use physical control Don’t

7 Teacher Language Make it clear, simple and direct Be genuine and respectful Focus on action or behavior Show faith in student’s ability to follow rules Reinforcing language, reminding language, redirecting language

8 Consequences What systems and techniques have you observed?

9 Consequences Consequences can be constructed to give the student an opportunity to learn from a mistake versus being punished for it –Consequences are reasonable and relevant –Help student gain self-control –Help student reflect on mistakes and make amends

10 Consequences What to do when discipline systems and techniques do not work –warnings/check system –time out, take a break or vacation –student behavior contracts –send to administration –contact with parent

11 Class Management Articles Everyday Rules that Work! –( ary/everyday_rules.html) ary/everyday_rules.html Article library –( ary/index.asp) ary/index.asp

12 Issues Debate Begin preparations for issues debate. ( 06/issuesdebate.html) 06/issuesdebate.html

13 Bulletin Board project Note your bulletinboard assigned date. ( 06/bulletinboard.html) 06/bulletinboard.html

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