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Module 4 Topics: Creating case study decision tree

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1 Module 4 Topics: Creating case study decision tree
Solving a decision tree Risk profiles Dominance of alternatives Attributes and scales Using multiple objectives Module 4 Modeling Decisions: MAKING CHOICES

2 Introduction Module 3: Module 4: Module 4 software tutorial
Structure values and objectives Identify performance measures Structure decision tree and influence diagram models Module 4: Solve decision trees Approach for multiple objectives Module 4 software tutorial

3 Making Choices Learning Objectives
Create decision tree from case study Solve a decision tree Expected value preference criterion Create and interpret Risk profiles Cumulative risk profiles Concept of dominance Definition and identification Decision problem simplification

4 Making Choices Learning Objectives
Develop Constructed attributes Constructed scales Formulate multiple objectives problems Common scales Trade–off weights Composite consequences

5 Making Choices Analysis of structured problems graphing calculating
examining results

6 “Texaco versus Pennzoil”
Pennzoil and Getty Oil agreed to a merger Texaco made better offer to Getty Getty reneged on Pennzoil and sold to Texaco Pennzoil sued Texaco for interference Pennzoil won and was awarded the $11.1 billion

7 “Texaco versus Pennzoil”
Texaco appealed; award reduced to $10.3 billion Texaco threatened bankruptcy if Pennzoil filed liens Texaco also threatened to take case to Supreme Court

8 “Texaco versus Pennzoil”
Texaco offered to settle out of court by paying Pennzoil $2 billion Pennzoil believed fair settlement between $3 and $5 billion

9 “Texaco versus Pennzoil”
What should Pennzoil do? Accept $2 billion settlement Make counteroffer Assume objective is to maximize settlement

10 Decision Trees and Expected Monetary Value
Expected Monetary Value (EMV); i.e., select alternative with highest expected value “Folding back the tree” or “rolling back” procedure

11 Decision Trees and Expected Monetary Value
Folding Back: Start at the endpoints of the branches on the far right-hand-side and move to the left Calculate expected values at a chance node Choose the branch with the highest value or expected value at a decision node.

12 Expected Monetary Value
Weighted average of outcomes at chance node Sum of the product of each outcome and its probability

13 Pennzoil’s Decision Tree
Pennzoil’s final decision tree figure 4.7 What has been decided? Pennzoil should reject Texaco’s offer and make a $5 billion counteroffer If Texaco then makes a $3 billion counteroffer, Pennzoil should take its chances in court

14 Solving Influence Diagrams
More cumbersome than decision trees Conversion to symmetric decision tree Software packages used

15 Risk Profiles Graph illustrating chances of possible payoffs or consequences One profile for each strategy graph 4.18

16 Risk Profiles Creation is straightforward process, but tedious
Can create for strategies and specific sequences Only strategies for first one or two decisions examined

17 Risk Profiles Three steps to follow: Determine probabilities of paths
Determine probabilities of payoffs Create charts for strategies

18 Dominance Dominating alternative always preferred over another alternative Dominating alternative always has higher EV than other alternative

19 Dominance May enable elimination of alternatives early in the process
Elimination simplifies and reduces cost of the process

20 Dominance Approaches: Inspection Cumulative distribution function
Cumulative risk profile Sensitivity analysis Tornado diagram

21 Attributes and Scales Measurement of fundamental objectives
Measurement crucial to evaluation of consequences Methods must be consistent with objectives Attributes and attribute scales define measurement Different types of attributes

22 Attributes and Scales Purpose: Explore attributes and scales
that measure achievement of objectives Major field of study and in-depth exploration beyond scope of cource

23 Attributes and Scales Attribute: measure of performance or merit
Scale: defined graduated series or specified scheme Scale frequently implicit in attribute definition

24 Types of Attributes Keeney identifies three types of attributes:
Natural attributes generally known and have common meaning for example, centimeters Constructed attributes created when no natural attributes exists for example, qualitative ratings Proxy attributes indirect measures (either natural or constructed) when no direct measures exist for example, use “sulphur dioxide concentration” for “acid rain damage to sculptures”

25 Constructed Attributes
Intellectually challenging and demanding Requires depth of knowledge and understanding of decision situation and objectives Three properties measurable: define objective in detail operational: describe possible consequences understandable: no ambiguity

26 Constructed Attributes
Frequently needed and most challenging A constructed attribute of site biological impact

27 Constructed Attributes
Implied scale may not reflect measures needed Nominal values in rank order may not correspond to rational scale For example (level 2 – level 1) ?≠? (level 4 – level 3) Use subjective judgment to rate nominal values on rational scale

28 Constructed Attributes
Define constructed attributes from natural attributes Need to compare or combine constructed and natural attributes Convert natural attributes to constructed scale using proportions

29 Multiple Objectives Problems require:
Common scale for measurement of consequences Trade–off weights for objectives Single composite consequence

30 Multiple Objectives Common scale for consequences: Select common scale
May be one used for an objective May be one not already used May be natural or constructed Tendency toward constructed with utility values Convert consequence measures for each objective to common scale

31 Multiple Objectives Trade–offs weights: Value between zero and one
Sum to unity Consider consequence range Reflect relative importance of objectives Consistent with objectives hierarchy

32 Multiple Objectives Composite consequence for final outcomes:
Linear combination of individual consequences Trade–off weights are coefficients

33 Summary Creation of decision tree from case study
Solution of case study decision tree Construction and use of risk profiles Definition and use of dominance Attributes and attribute scales, particularly constructed attributes Formulation and solution of a multiple objectives problem

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