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CVD Risk Reduction Group Retention Draft Guidelines May 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "CVD Risk Reduction Group Retention Draft Guidelines May 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 CVD Risk Reduction Group Retention Draft Guidelines May 2005

2 Retention of Participants DPP Presentation Begins at first contact Create Belonging Group Events Community events, group walks/hikes, community attractions, learning a new skill, family activities Contracts Incentives Connection with staff Mailings – newsletters, health information, birthday cards Plan early

3 Retention Challenges with the CGP Demonstration Project participation Recruitment Process Frequent visits, assessments Involves behavior changes, which is difficult Compliance issues Motivation to continue, persist Competing Demands Personal Family Work Community

4 Retention of Participants Critical to the Success of the CGP Demonstrate that these activities can be implemented in Indian communities Demonstrate that there can be successes Gain valuable lessons learned for other programs Learn about how to best translate these activities into diverse communities Gain confidence of community Have enough participants to adequately evaluate program activities Greater numbers = better evaluation data

5 Retention of Participants Likely to be difficult Participants are by definition asymptomatic They likely do not have symptoms of what they are trying to prevent Participants face challenges to participation that are difficult to address Transportation, child care, time available Participant motivation may fall over time Especially if they don’t see obvious changes initially

6 Retention of Participants Additional Information from the DPP Social Support Staff must help participants “bond” with the program Activities that promote social connection with the program, its staff and fellow participants Regular newsletters Items for participants with program identification Locally purchased items Group social gatherings, outings Birthday cards, Anniversary cards

7 Retention of Participants Additional Information from the DPP Removal of Barriers to Participation Child Care Elder Care Transportation Parking Expenses Timing of Activities/Schedules Motivational Interviewing Identification and Intervention if Participation Decreases Monitoring of participation in visits, required activities Assessment of household, family demands, life events

8 Retention – Draft Guidelines Retention Strategies – Grant Program Input Breakout Session Most effective retention strategies Planning Year Activities Develop a Retention Plan (how your program will work to promote retention of participants and remove barriers to their participation) Gather input from community on retention strategies that will work locally

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