11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Controlled Vocabularies: Name Authority Control University of California, Berkeley School of Information.

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Presentation on theme: "11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Controlled Vocabularies: Name Authority Control University of California, Berkeley School of Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Controlled Vocabularies: Name Authority Control University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems SIMS 202: Information Organization and Retrieval

2 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Review Dublin Core Other Metadata Systems Cognitive basis of categorization and subject classification

3 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Dublin Core Elements Title Creator Subject Description Publisher Other Contributors Date Resource Type Format Resource Identifier Source Language Relation Coverage Rights Management

4 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Issues in Dublin Core Lack of guidance on what to put into each element How to structure or organize at the element level? How ensure consistency across descriptions for the same persons, places, things, etc.

5 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval More Metadata Systems The following are a sample of metadata systems for a variety of special types of data/documents/objects.

6 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Type of Metadata systems and standards Naming and ID systems – URLs, ISBNs Bibliographic description – MARC, Dublin Core, TEI, etc. Music -- SMDL Images and objects – CIMI, VRA Core Categories Numeric Data – DDI, SDSM Geospatial Data – FGDC Collections – EAD

7 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Metadata Resources Check the Links section from the class home page Best site is the “Digital Library: Metadata Resources” page from IFLA at http://www.ifla.org/ifla/II/metadata.htmBest site is the “Digital Library: Metadata Resources” page from IFLA at http://www.ifla.org/ifla/II/metadata.htm

8 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Hierarchical vs. Faceted (Subject Heading vs. Descriptor) Category Systems

9 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Controlled Vocabulary (The following slides follow Bates 88) Start with the text of the document Attempt to “control” or regularize: –The concepts expressed within mutually exclusive exhaustive –The language used to express those concepts limit the normal linguistic variations regulate word order and structure of phrases reduce the number of synonyms or near-synonyms Also, provide cross-references between concepts and their expression.

10 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Classification Schemes Classify possible concepts. Goals: –Completely distinct conceptual categories (mutually exclusive) –Complete coverage of conceptual categories (exhaustive)

11 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Assigning Headings vs. Descriptors Subject headings –assign one (or a few) complex heading(s) to the document Descriptors –Mix and match How would we describe recipes using each technique?

12 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Subject Heading vs. Descriptor WILSONLINE –Athletes –Athletes--Heath&Hygiene –Athletes--Nutrition –Athletes--Physical Exams –… –Athletics –Athletics -- Administration –Athletics -- Equipment -- Catalogs –… –Sports -- Accidents and injuries –Sports -- Accidents and injuries -- prevention ERIC –Athletes –Athletic Coaches –Athletic Equipment –Athletic Fields –Athletics –… –Sports psychology –Sportsmanship

13 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Subject Headings vs. Descriptors Describe the contents of an entire document Designed to be looked up in an alphabetical index –Look up document under its heading Few (1-5) headings per document Describe one concept within a document Designed to be used in Boolean searching –Combine to describe the desired document Many (5-25) descriptors per document

14 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Hierarchical Classification –Each category is successively broken down into smaller and smaller subdivisions –No item occurs in more than one subdivision –Each level divided out by a “character of division”. Also known as a feature. Example: distinguish Literature based on: –Language –Genre –Time Period

15 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Hierarchical Classification Literature SpanishFrenchEnglish DramaPoetryProse 18th17th16th DramaPoetryProse 19th18th17th16th19th...

16 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Labeled Categories for Hierarchical Classification LITERATURE –100 English Literature 110 English Prose –English Prose 16th Century –English Prose 17th Century –English Prose 18th Century –... 111 English Poetry –121 English Poetry 16th Century –122 English Poetry 17th Century –... 112 English Drama –130 English Drama 16th Century –… –200 French Literature

17 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Faceted Classification Create a separate, free-standing list for each characteristic of division (feature). Combine features to create a classification.

18 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Faceted Classification along with Labeled Categories A Language –a English –b French –c Spanish B Genre –a Prose –b Poetry –c Drama C Period –a 16th Century –b 17th Century –c 18th Century –d 19th Century Aa English Literature AaBa English Prose AaBaCa English Prose 16th Century AbBbCd French Poetry 19th Century BbCd Drama 19th Century

19 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Important Question: How to use both types of classification structures? How to look through them? How to use them in search?

20 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Today More on Controlled vocabularies Choice of names Form of names Name Authority files Types of Controlled Vocabularies

21 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Controlled Vocabularies Vocabulary control is the attempt to provide a standardized and consistent set of terms (such as subject headings, names, classifications, etc.) with the intent of aiding the searcher in finding information.

22 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Controlled Vocabularies Names and name authorities & Other Types of Controlled Vocabulary (Today) Design of controlled vocabularies for subject access -- Thesaurus design (Thursday)

23 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Names Cutter’s objectives of bibliographic description: –To enable a person to find a document of which the author is known –To show what the library has by a given author First serves access Second serves collocation

24 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Problems with Names How many names should be associated with a document? Which of these should be the “main entry”? What form should each of the names take? What references should be made from other possible forms of names that haven’t been used?

25 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval The problem Proliferation of the forms of names –Different names for the same person –Different people with the same names Examples –from Books in Print (semi-controlled but not consistent) –ERIC author index (not controlled)

26 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Rules for description AACR II and other sets of descriptive cataloging rules provide guidelines for: –Determining the number of name entries –Choosing a main entry –Deciding on the form of name to be used –Deciding when to make references

27 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Authority control Authority control is concerned with creation and maintenance of a set of terms that have been chosen as the standard representatives (also know as established) based on some set of rules. If you have rules, why do you need to keep track of all of the headings? Can’t you just infer the headings from the rules?

28 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Conditions of Authorship? Single person or single corporate entity Unknown or anonymous authors –Fictitiously ascribed works Shared responsibility Collections or editorially assembled works Works of mixed responsibility (e.g. translations) Related Works

29 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Added Entries Personal names –Collaborators –Editors, compilers, writers –Translators (in some cases) –Illustrators (in some cases) –Other persons associated with the work (such as the honoree in a Festschrift). Corporate Names –Any prominently named corporate body that has involvement in the work beyond publication, distribution, etc.

30 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Choice of Name AACR II says that the predominant form of the name used in a particular author’s writings should be chosen as the form of name. References should be made from the other forms of the name.

31 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Form of the Name When names appear in multiple forms, one form needs to be chosen. Criteria for choice are –Fullness (e.g. Full names vs. initials only) –Language of the name. –Spelling (choose predominant form) Entry element: –John Smith or Smith, John? –Mao Zedong or Zedong, Mao? (Mao Tse Tung?)

32 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Name Authority Files ID:NAFL8057230 ST:p EL:n STH:a MS:c UIP:a TD:19910821174242 KRC:a NMU:a CRC:c UPN:a SBU:a SBC:a DID:n DF:05-14-80 RFE:a CSC: SRU:b SRT:n SRN:n TSS: TGA:? ROM:? MOD: VST:d 08-21-91 Other Versions: earlier 040 DLC$cDLC$dDLC$dOCoLC 053 PR6005.R517 100 10 Creasey, John 400 10 Cooke, M. E. 400 10 Cooke, Margaret,$d1908-1973 400 10 Cooper, Henry St. John,$d1908-1973 400 00 Credo,$d1908-1973 400 10 Fecamps, Elise 400 10 Gill, Patrick,$d1908-1973 400 10 Hope, Brian,$d1908-1973 400 10 Hughes, Colin,$d1908-1973 400 10 Marsden, James 400 10 Matheson, Rodney 400 10 Ranger, Ken 400 20 St. John, Henry,$d1908-1973 400 10 Wilde, Jimmy 500 10 $wnnnc$aAshe, Gordon,$d1908-1973 Different names for the same person

33 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Name Authority Files ID:NAFO9114111 ST:p EL:n STH:a MS:n UIP:a TD:19910817053048 KRC:a NMU:a CRC:c UPN:a SBU:a SBC:a DID:n DF:06-03-91 RFE:a CSC:c SRU:b SRT:n SRN:n TSS: TGA:? ROM:? MOD: VST:d 08-19-91 040 OCoLC$cOCoLC 100 10 Marric, J. J.,$d1908-1973 500 10 $wnnnc$aCreasey, John 663 Works by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under$bCrease y, John 670 OCLC 13441825: His Gideon's day, 1955$b(hdg.: Creasey, John; usage: J.J. Marric) 670 LC data base, 6/10/91$b(hdg.: Creasey, John; usage: J.J. Marric) 670 Pseuds. and nicknames dict., c1987$b(Creasey, John, 1908-1973; Britis h author; pseud.: Marric, J. J.)

34 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Name authority files ID:NAFL8166762 ST:p EL:n STH:a MS:c UIP:a TD:19910604053124 KRC:a NMU:a CRC:c UPN:a SBU:a SBC:a DID:n DF:08-20-81 RFE:a CSC: SRU:b SRT:n SRN:n TSS: TGA:? ROM:? MOD: VST:d 06-06-91 Other Versions: earlier 040 DLC$cDLC$dDLC$dOCoLC 100 10 Butler, William Vivian,$d1927- 400 10 Butler, W. V.$q(William Vivian),$d1927- 400 10 Marric, J. J.,$d1927- 670 His The durable desperadoes, 1973. 670 His The young detective's handbook, c1981:$bt.p. (W.V. Butler) 670 His Gideon's way, 1986:$bCIP t.p. (William Vivian Butler writing as J.J. Marric) Different people writing with the same name

35 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Other Types of Controlled Vocabularies Gazetteers (Geographic Names) Code lists (e.g. LC Language Codes) Subject Heading Lists Classification Schemes Thesaurii

36 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Structure of an IR System Search Line Interest profiles & Queries Documents & data Rules of the game = Rules for subject indexing + Thesaurus (which consists of Lead-In Vocabulary and Indexing Language Storage Line Potentially Relevant Documents Comparison/ Matching Store1: Profiles/ Search requests Store2: Document representations Indexing (Descriptive and Subject) Formulating query in terms of descriptors Storage of profiles Storage of Documents Information Storage and Retrieval System Adapted from Soergel, p. 19

37 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Uses of Controlled Vocabularies Library Subject Headings, Classification and Authority Files. Commercial Journal Indexing Services and databases Yahoo, and other Web classification schemes Online and Manual Systems within organizations –SunSolve –MacArthur

38 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Types of Indexing Languages Uncontrolled Keyword Indexing Indexing Languages –Controlled, but not structured Thesauri –Controlled and Structured Classification Systems –Controlled, Structured, and Coded Faceted Classification Systems

39 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Indexing Languages An index is a systematic guide designed to indicate topics or features of documents in order to facilitate retrieval of documents or parts of documents. An Indexing language is the set of terms used in an index to represent topics or features of documents, and the rules for combining or using those terms.

40 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Indexing Languages Library of Congress Subject Headings Yellow Pages Topics Wilson Indexes (“Reader’s Guide”)

41 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Thesauri A Thesaurus is a collection of selected vocabulary (preferred terms or descriptors) with links among Synonymous, Equivalent, Broader, Narrower and other Related Terms

42 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Thesauri (cont.) National and International Standards for Thesauri –ANSI/NISO z39.19--1994 -- American National Standard Guidelines for the Construction, Format and Management of Monolingual Thesauri –ANSI/NISO Draft Standard Z39.4-199x -- American National Standard Guidelines for Indexes in Information Retrieval –ISO 2788 -- Documentation -- Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri –ISO 5964-- Documentation -- Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri

43 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Thesauri (cont.) Examples: –The ERIC Thesaurus of Descriptors –The Art and Architecture Thesaurus –The Medical Subject Headings (MESH) of the National Library of Medicine

44 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Classification Systems A classification system is an indexing language often based on a broad ordering of topical areas. Thesauri and classification systems both use this broad ordering and maintain a structure of broader, narrower, and related topics. Classification schemes commonly use a coded notation for representing a topic and it’s place in relation to other terms.

45 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Classification Systems (cont.) Examples: –The Library of Congress Classification System –The Dewey Decimal Classification System –The ACM Computing Reviews Categories –The American Mathematical Society Classification System

46 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Automatic Indexing and Classification Automatic indexing is typically the simple deriving of keywords from a document and providing access to all of those words. More complex Automatic Indexing Systems attempt to select controlled vocabulary terms based on terms in the document. Automatic classification attempts to automatically group similar documents using either: –A fully automatic clustering method. –An established classification scheme and set of documents already indexed by that scheme.

47 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Clustering Agglomerative methods: Polythetic, Exclusive or Overlapping, Unordered clusters are order-dependent. Doc 1. Select initial centers (I.e. seed the space) 2. Assign docs to highest matching centers and compute centroids 3. Reassign all documents to centroid(s) Rocchio’s method

48 11/7/2000Information Organization and Retrieval Automatic Class Assignment Doc Search Engine 1. Create pseudo-documents representing intellectually derived classes. 2. Search using document contents 3. Obtain ranked list 4. Assign document to N categories ranked over threshold. OR assign to top-ranked category Automatic Class Assignment: Polythetic, Exclusive or Overlapping, usually ordered clusters are order-independent, usually based on an intellectually derived scheme

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