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Tutorial Excel and Equation Editor Given the following measurements of mass flow rate in a water pipe and the following properties and relationships: K=

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial Excel and Equation Editor Given the following measurements of mass flow rate in a water pipe and the following properties and relationships: K="— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial Excel and Equation Editor Given the following measurements of mass flow rate in a water pipe and the following properties and relationships: K= 25 Friction Loss Coefficient of Pipe ρ = 1000 Kg/m 3 Density of Water g = 9.81 m/s 2 A = 0.0005 m 2 Cross Sectional Area of Pipe 50100150200250300

2 Using Excel Construct the following table: -Column A: mass flow rate (given) -Column B: volume flow rate (m 3 /s) -Column C: mean velocity (m/s) -Column D: head loss (m) -Make sure to include column labels -Scale table appropriately Using XY (scatter) plot type, plot head loss (y) vs. mass flow rate (x), label and scale axes appropriately

3 Open a new file using Microsoft Word, using Equation Editor, type the following: Import and Paste the table and graph from Excel Turn in all documents to TA (make sure to include your name)

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