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Corporate Culture and Leadership

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1 Corporate Culture and Leadership
Chapter 9 Corporate Culture and Leadership

2 “An organization’s capacity to execute its strategy depends on its “hard” infrastructure--its organization structure and systems--and on its “soft” infrastructure--its culture and norms.” Amar Bhide

3 Chapter Outline Building a Corporate Culture that Promotes Good Strategy Execution What to Look for in Identifying a Company’s Culture Culture: Ally or Obstacle to Strategy Execution? Types of Cultures Creating a Strong Fit Between Strategy and Culture Grounding the Culture in Core Values and Ethics Establishing a Strategy-Culture Fit in Multinational Companies Leading the Strategy Execution Process Staying on Top of How Well Things Are Going Pushing Company to Achieve Good Results Keeping Internal Organization Innovative Exercising Ethics Leadership Making Corrective Adjustments

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5 What Makes Up a Company’s Culture?
Core values and business principles of executives Ethical standards Patterns of “how we do things around here” Oft-told stories illustrating company’s values Approach to people management Internal politics Traditions

6 Features of the Corporate Culture at Wal-Mart
Dedication to customer satisfaction Zealous pursuit of low costs Frugal operating practices Strong work ethic Ritualistic Saturday morning meetings Executive commitment to Visit stores Listen to customers Solicit employees’ suggestions

7 Features of the Corporate Culture at Nordstrom’s
Deliver exceptional customer service to customers Company motto “Respond to Unreasonable Customer Requests” Out-of-the-ordinary customer requests viewed as opportunities for “heroic” acts Promotions based on outstanding service Salaries based entirely on commission

8 Features of the Corporate Culture at General Electric
Hard-driving, results-oriented atmosphere prevails All businesses are held to a standard of being #1 or #2 in their industries as well as achieving good business results Cross-business sharing of ideas, best practices, and learning Reliance on “workout sessions” to identify, debate, and resolve “burning issues” Commitment to Six Sigma Quality Globalization of the company

9 Features of the Corporate Culture at Microsoft
Long work hours of programmers Emotional peaks and valleys in encountering and overcoming coding problems Exhilaration of completing a complex program on schedule Satisfaction of working on cutting-edge projects Rewards of being part of a team responsible for a popular new software program Tradition of competing aggressively

10 Where Does Corporate Culture Come From?
Founder or early leader Influential individual or work group Policies, vision, or strategies Traditions, supervisory practices, employee attitudes Organizational politics Relationships with stakeholders Internal sociological forces

11 How Is a Company’s Culture Perpetuated?
Selecting new employees who will “fit” in Systematic indoctrination of new employees Senior employees’ reinforcement of core values Story-telling of company legends Ceremonies honoring employees who display cultural ideals Visibly rewarding those who follow cultural norms

12 Forces and Factors Causing Culture to Evolve
New challenges in marketplace Revolutionary technologies Shifting internal conditions Internal crisis Turnover of top executives Arrival of a new CEO Diversification into new businesses Expansion into foreign countries Rapid growth involving adding new employees Merger with or acquisition of another company

13 Culture: Ally or Obstacle to Strategy Execution?
Culture can contribute to -- or hinder -- successful strategy execution Requirements for successful strategy execution may -- or may not -- be compatible with culture A close match between culture and strategy promotes effective strategy execution

14 Why Culture Matters: Benefits of a Tight Culture-Strategy Fit
A culture that encourages actions supportive of good strategy execution Not only provides employees with clear guidance regarding what behaviors and results constitute good job performance But also produces significant peer pressure from coworkers to conform to culturally acceptable norms A culture imbedded with values and behaviors that facilitate strategy execution promotes strong employee commitment to the company’s Vision Performance targets Strategy

15 Optimal Outcome of a Tight Culture-Strategy Fit
A good job of culture-building by managers Promotes can-do attitudes Encourages acceptance of change Instills strong peer pressure for strategy-supportive behaviors Enlists enthusiasm and dedicated effort to achieve company objectives Closely aligning corporate culture with the requirements for proficient strategy execution merits the full attention of senior executives!

16 The Perils of Strategy-Culture Conflict
Conflicts between culturally-approved behaviors and behaviors needed for good strategy execution send mixed signals Should employees by loyal to the culture and company traditions and resist actions and behaviors promoting better strategy execution? Or should they support the strategy by engaging in behaviors that run counter to the culture? When a company’s culture is out of sync with what is needed for strategic success, the culture has to be changed as rapidly as can be managed!

17 Types of Corporate Cultures
Strong vs. Weak Cultures Unhealthy Cultures Adaptive Cultures

18 Characteristics of Strong Culture Companies
Conduct business according to a clear, widely-understood philosophy Considerable time spent by management communicating and reinforcing values Values are widely shared and deeply rooted Have a well-defined corporate character, reinforced by a creed or values statement Careful screening/selection of new employees to be sure they will “fit in”

19 How Does a Culture Come to Be Strong?
Leader who establishes values consistent with Customer needs Competitive conditions Strategic requirements A deep, abiding commitment to espoused values and business philosophy Practicing what is preached! Genuine concern for well-being of Customers Employees Shareholders Values Customers Employees Shareholders

20 Characteristics of Weak Culture Companies
Lack of a widely-shared core set of values Few behavioral norms evident in operating practices Few strong traditions No strong sense of company identity Little cohesion among departments Weak employee allegiance to company’s vision and strategy

21 Characteristics of Unhealthy Cultures
Highly politicized internal environment Issues resolved on basis of political clout Hostility to change Avoid risks and don’t screw up Experimentation and efforts to alter status quo discouraged “Not-invented-here” mindset -- employees discount need to look outside company for Best practices New managerial approaches Innovative ideas

22 Hallmarks of Adaptive Cultures
Willingness to accept change and embrace challenge of introducing new strategies Risk-taking, experimentation, and innovation to satisfy stakeholders Entrepreneurship is encouraged and rewarded Funds provided for new products New ideas openly evaluated Genuine interest in well-being of all key constituencies Proactive approaches to implement workable solutions

23 Dominant Traits of Adaptive Cultures
Any changes in operating practices and behaviors Must not compromise core values and long-standing business principles Must satisfy legitimate interests of key stakeholders Customers Employees Shareholders Suppliers Communities

24 Creating a Strong Fit Between Strategy and Culture
Responsibility of Strategy Maker -- Select a strategy compatible with the sacred or unchangeable parts of organization’s prevailing corporate culture Responsibility of Strategy Implementer -- Once strategy is chosen, change whatever facets of the corporate culture hinder effective execution

25 Changing a Problem Culture
Step 1 Identify facets of present culture that are strategy-supportive and those that are not Step 2 Clearly define desired new behaviors and specify key features of “new” culture Step 3 Talk openly about problems of present culture and how new behaviors will improve performance Step 4 Follow with visible, aggressive actions to modify culture—includes substantive and symbolic actions

26 Menu of Culture-Changing Actions
Make a compelling case why a new cultural atmosphere is in best interests of both company and employees Challenge status quo Create events where employees must listen to angry key stakeholders Continuously repeat messages of why cultural change is good for stakeholders Visibly praise and reward people who display new cultural norms

27 Menu of Culture-Changing Actions (continued)
Alter incentive compensation to reward desired cultural behavior Hire new managers and employees who have desired cultural traits and can serve as role models Replace key executives strongly associated with old culture Revise policies and procedures to help drive cultural change

28 Symbolic Culture-Changing Actions
Emphasize frugality Eliminate executive perks Require executives to spend time talking with customers Ceremonial events to praise people and teams who “get with the program” Alter practices identified as cultural hindrances Visible awards to honor heroes

29 Substantive Culture-Changing Actions
Engineer quick successes to highlight benefits of proposed cultural changes Bring in new blood, replacing traditional managers Change dysfunctional policies Change reward structure Reallocate budget, downsizing and upsizing Reinforce culture through both word and deed Enlist support of cultural norms from frontline supervisors and employee opinion leaders

30 Grounding the Culture in Core Values and Ethics
A culture based on ethical principles is vital to long-term strategic success Ethics programs help make ethical conduct a way of life Executives must provide genuine support of personnel displaying ethical standards in conducting the company’s business Value statements serve as a cornerstone for culture-building Our ethics program consists of . . .


32 Fig. 9.1: The Two Culture-Building Roles of a Company’s Core Values and Ethical Standards

33 Fig. 9.2: How the Practice of Stated Core Values and Ethical Principles Positively Impact the Corporate Culture

34 Approaches to Establishing Ethical Standards
Word-of-mouth indoctrination and tradition Annual reports and Websites Orientation courses for new employees Training courses for managers and employees Making stakeholders aware of a commitment to ethical business conduct is attributable to Greater management understanding of role these statements play in culture building Renewed focus on ethical standards stemming from recent corporate scandals Growing numbers of consumers who prefer to patronize ethical companies

35 Instilling Values and Ethics in the Culture
Incorporate values statement and ethics code in employee training programs Screen out applicants who do not exhibit compatible character traits Frequent communications of the values and ethics code to all employees Management involvement and oversight Strong endorsement by CEO Ceremonies and awards for individuals and groups who display the values Institute ethics enforcement procedures

36 Key Approaches to Enforcing Ethical Behavior
Conduct an annual audit to assess Each manager’s efforts to uphold ethical standards Actions taken by managers to remedy deficient conduct Require all employees to sign a statement annually certifying they have complied with company’s code of ethics

37 Establishing a Strategy-Culture Fit in Multinational and Global Companies
Institute training programs to Communicate the meaning of core values and Explain the case for common operating principles and practices Draw on full range of motivational and compensation incentives to induce personnel to adopt and practice desired behaviors Allow some leeway for certain core values and principles to be interpreted and applied somewhat differently, if necessary, to accommodate local customs and traditions

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39 Numerous Roles of Strategic Leaders
Visionary Chief Entrepreneur & Strategist Capabilities Builder Resource Acquirer & Allocator Culture Builder Chief Administrator & Strategy Implementer Process Integrator Coach Crisis Solver Taskmaster Spokesperson Negotiator Motivator Arbitrator Consensus Builder Policymaker Policy Enforcer Mentor Head Cheerleader

40 Leadership Activities of the Strategy Implementer
1. Stay on top of what’s happening 2. Put constructive pressure on company to achieve good results 3. Keep company focused on operating excellence 4. Lead development of stronger core competencies and competitive capabilities 5. Exercise ethics leadership 6. Take corrective actions to improve overall strategic performance Carly Fiorina Hewlett-Packard

41 Role #1: Stay on Top of What’s Happening
Develop a broad network of formal and informal sources of information Talk with many people at all levels Be an avid practitioner of MBWA Observe situation firsthand Monitor operating results regularly Get feedback from customers Watch competitive reactions of rivals Michael Dell Dell Computer

42 Role #2: Put Constructive Pressure on Company to Achieve Good Results
Successful leaders spend time Mobilizing organizational energy behind Good strategy execution and Operating excellence Nurturing a results-oriented work climate Promoting certain enabling cultural drivers Strong sense of involvement on part of company personnel Emphasis on individual initiative and creativity Respect for contributions of individuals and groups Pride in doing things right

43 Approaches to Instilling a Spirit of High Performance
Treat employees with dignity and respect Make champions out of people who excel Encourage employees to use initiative Set stretch objectives and expectations that employees are to give their best Grant employees autonomy to contribute Use full range of motivational techniques and compensation incentives to Inspire employees Nurture a results-oriented climate Enforce high-performance standards Celebrate individual, group, company successes

44 Role #3: Keep Organization Focused on Operating Excellence
Promote openness to improving how things are done Support mavericks with creative ideas to improve ways of operating Ensure rewards for successful champions are large and visible Use all kinds of ad hoc organizational forms to support experimentation Use tools of benchmarking, best practices, reengineering, TQM, and six sigma to focus attention on continuous improvement

45 Role #4: Develop Stronger Core Competencies and Capabilities
Top management intervention is required to establish new Organizational capabilities Resource strengths and competencies Senior managers must lead the effort because Competencies reside in combined efforts, requiring integration Stronger competencies and capabilities can lead to a competitive edge over rivals

46 Role #5: Exercise Ethics Leadership
Display unequivocal commitment to ethical and moral conduct Insist upon ethical behavior Encourage compliance and establish tough consequences for unethical behavior Make it a duty for employees to Observe ethical codes Report ethical violations Our ethics code is . . .

47 Roles of a Manager in Enforcing Ethical Behavior
Set an excellent ethical example Provide training to employees about what is ethical and what isn’t Declare unequivocal support of ethics code Act as final arbiter on hard calls Remove people from key positions if found guilty of a violation Reprimand people lax in monitoring ethical compliance

48 Actions Demonstrating Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Having “family friendly” employment practices Operating a safe workplace Taking special pains to protect environment Taking an active role in community affairs Interacting with community officials to minimize impact of Layoffs or Hiring large numbers of new employees Being a generous supporter of charitable causes and projects benefiting society

49 Role #6: Lead the Process of Making Corrective Adjustments
Requires deciding When adjustments are needed What adjustments to make Involves Adjusting long-term direction, objectives, and strategy on an as-needed basis in response to unfolding events and changing circumstances Promoting fresh initiatives to bring internal activities and behavior into better alignment with strategy Making changes to pick up the pace when results fall short of performance targets

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