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ECE 2011 Resistance and Ohm’s Law. ECE 2012 Resistance and Ohm’s Law The ability of materials to oppose the flow of electric charges is known as resistance.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 2011 Resistance and Ohm’s Law. ECE 2012 Resistance and Ohm’s Law The ability of materials to oppose the flow of electric charges is known as resistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 2011 Resistance and Ohm’s Law

2 ECE 2012 Resistance and Ohm’s Law The ability of materials to oppose the flow of electric charges is known as resistance. The circuit component that models this property is a resistor, as shown below. The value of the resistor is R. The Unit of R is Ohms (Ω).

3 ECE 2013 Ohm’s Law Georg Simon Ohm experimentally observed that there is a direct relationship between the current flowing through a material and the voltage difference across it’s terminals. This is expressed as Ohm’s Law, the most common form of which is v = iR.

4 ECE 2014 Reference choices for v, i

5 ECE 2015 Alternate forms of Ohm’s Law

6 ECE 2016 Conductance, G Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance Symbol is G Unit is S (siemens) Alternate unit is mho (ohm spelled backwards) Used to simplify calculations

7 ECE 2017 Power in a resistor

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